Success Stories

Number of search results: 86

On the trail of the wheat of the future

Feeding the growing world population is one of the greatest tasks of our time. To meet this challenge, the crop yields of wheat must be increased and the most suitable varieties for changing environmental conditions must be found. This is the goal of the BRIWECS project.

Fishermen in the North Sea

How climate change impacts fish species

Partners from research and industry are working together to develop a warning system to prepare European fisheries and aquaculture for the consequences of climate change. It is intended to identify changes in endangered species at an early stage.

In diesem Bioreaktor wird die Umsetzung von Abfallplastik zu Wertstoffen erprobt.
This bioreactor is used to test the conversion of plastic waste into valuable materials.

Biotechnological upcycling for plastic waste

Simply recycling plastic? European researchers believe they can do better. By breaking it down and making its building blocks exploitable for bacteria to create valuable resources, a research consortium plans to upcycle plastics. 

Xenoglue - Superkleber nach Muschelart

Mussel style superglue

Scientists in Berlin have developed an adhesive protein inspired from mussels and are able to produce the substance from reprogrammed microbes. The adhesive can be used as superglue to treat wounds and bone fractures.

Peanuts can trigger severe allergic reactions due to allergenic storage proteins.

Reducing allergens in food

Hanover researchers and their partners hope to develop peanuts with reduced allergenic potential in order to reduce the risk of an immune reaction. 

Palmöl ist eines der vielseitigsten Pflanzenöle weltweit. Einer der größten Palmölproduzenten ist Malaysia.
Palm oil is one of the most versatile vegetable oils in the world. One of the largest palm oil producers is Malaysia.

Social inequalities in the bioeconomy

Using the bioenergy sector as an example, Jena researchers are investigating the extent to which the transition process towards a bioeconomy is affecting the existing global social inequalities.

So sieht die textile 3D-Bioanode aus dem Projekt TexKoMBZ aus.
This is the 3D textile bioanode from the TexKoMBZ project.

Power generation with microbes

A fuel cell with a textile anode could make various sewage treatment plants almost energy neutral and also make other biotechnological processes more economical.

Platte aus jutefaserbasiertem Verbundwerkstoff
Jute fiber based composite panel

Composite material made of jute fibers

Jute bags are a common sight. However, the plant's fibers are also suitable for composite materials, as researchers in the Jute Bio-Comp project are demonstrating.

More and more textiles consist of a mix of fibers. Conventional detergents are reaching their limits when it comes to synthetic fibres in particular.

Processing synthetic fibers with enzymes

A research consortium has successfully developed enzymes that allow better dyeing of synthetic fibers and prevent pilling during washing.

The processing of sugar cane results in bagasse, a residual material with great bio-economic potential.

Fertilizer from bagasse ash

A German-Brazilian research association has succeeded in producing fertilizers and biopolymers from residual materials from sugar cane processing.

Kollagenhüllen für Wurst könnten mittels Enzymen dünner und günstiger hergestellt werden.
Enzymes could be used to produce thinner and cheaper collagen casings for sausages.

Better sausage skins with enzymes

Enzymes are designed to modernize processes. A German team of researchers has now succeeded in doing the same in the production of sausage skins.

The genome of the thale cress is also found in the Jülich primary database.

Plant genomes at a glance

A database of the RWTH Aachen simplifies the analysis of new molecular genetic information from plant research.

ct-energiepark: In dieser Elektrolyseanlage wird Wasserstoff erzeugt, damit dieser mit Kohlendioxid als Substrat für die Mikroorganismen genutzt werden kann.
ct-energiepark: Hydrogen is produced in this electrolysis plant so that it can be used with carbon dioxide as a substrate for the microorganisms.

Chemical feedstock from exhaust gases

Partners from research and industry are in the process of biotechnologically producing the basic chemical 3-hydroxypropanoic acid from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Conventional carbon sources, however, still appear to be more economical.

Under what circumstances are customers willing to invest in dairy products? These and other questions were examined by the competence network "FoCus - Food Chain Plus" led by Kiel University.

Milk money - what is it worth?

Researchers from Kiel have put the product milk under the proverbial microscope and examined the entire value chain from the producer to the consumer.

Fraktionierung von Spinat und Paprikaextrakten
Fractionation of spinach and paprika extracts

In pursuit of naturally healthy flavour

The strategic alliance "NatLifE 2020" investigates the natural world for plant extracts that enhance the flavour of sugar and salt in food - in order to be able to reduce these components in food without affecting the taste.

Project partners from all over Germany have developed new, more efficient rapeseed lines.

More variety for rapeseed fields

Rapeseed is an important oilseed, however, it is genetically impoverished. Thus, 14 project partners from industry and science have developed rapeseed lines with additional features.

In order to efficiently cultivate microorganisms in bioreactors, optimal cultivating conditions are required. Ralf Pörtner and his team of bioprocess engineers calculate the best conditions in complex computer models.

Calculating the best conditions for cell factories

Microbes require optimised conditions in order to grow efficiently. To this end, Hamburg-based bioprocess engineers are developing smart computer models.

Membranadsorber von Sartorius
Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH is specialised in the production of membrane adsorbers.

The gentle purification of valuable proteins

Membrane adsorbers can assist in the gentle and loss-free purification of proteins. Now, biotechnologists have optimised the technology in order to obtain cytokines for use in biomedicine.

Patrick Hirsch and his colleagues are creating new composite materials made of wood and plastics. The researchers use beech wood as a raw material for their product, which can be used for car interiors or children’s toys, among others.

Bioplastics made with wood fibres

Researchers in Halle and Potsdam are experimenting with compsite-materials made of beech fibres and bioplastics.

Wasserassel ist unliebsamer Bewohner des Trinkwassers

Tracking water lice with a DNA check

In your drinking water, water lice are likely to count as unwanted guests. Ecologists in Landau, Germany, are using a rapid DNA test to find out more about the origins and distribution of crustaceans in wells, waterworks and pipelines.