Success Stories

Number of search results: 86
Mikroskopaufnahme von methanogenen Archaeen, unserem Biokatalysator
Microscope image of the biocatalyst: methanogenic archaea

Primordial microbes hold the key to sustainable energy storage

The Munich-based power-to-gas company Electrochaea has developed an innovative process in which microorganisms convert surplus electricity into climate-neutral methane.

Photovoltaikanlagen im Vordergrund, rechts die Äste eines Baumes. Im Hintergrund ein gelbes Rapsfeld und eine Industrie mit qualmenden Schornsteinen.
Agri-PV research facility in Morschenich-Alt in the Rhenish mining district

Rhenish mining district as a bioeconomy region: at the heart of structural change

In the collaborative project "Bioeconomy – Understanding. Connecting. Supporting," a team led by RWTH Aachen is investigating the conditions under which the structural change in the Rhenish mining district can succeed in transforming it into a model bioeconomy region.

vier rote Tomaten an einer grünen Pflanze
The Tomaitech project is developing a way to achieve new tomato varieties more quickly.

Faster development of new tomato varieties

Plant biotechnologists in Freiburg, in collaboration with Chinese partners, have chemically reprogrammed the microspores of tomato plants. This innovation can significantly accelerate the breeding of new varieties.

Eine Biene sitzt an einer weißen Blüte mit gelben Staubblättern
Beneficial insects on the potato blossom would not notice the RNA active ingredient.

RNA-based insecticides become competitive

In an SME innovation project, the SenseUp team has found a method to reduce the production costs of RNA molecules for crop protection by more than a factor of 1000.

Trauben an einem Rebstock, mit Schäden an Blättern und Früchten
Damage caused by downy mildew on Sauvignon blanc

Twice as effective towards more resistant grape varieties

In the SelWineQ project, viticulture researchers are looking for genetic markers in grape varieties in order to predict the quality of future wine by analysing leaves and to speed up breeding.

Feldversuche in Thailand

Weatherproof protein-based insecticides

A German-Thai team is developing a biological pesticide that can withstand rain and heat. This means that certain insect larvae such as armyworms can be combated more effectively.

Blume mit violetten Blüten
Die Bartblume produziert von Natur aus Menthadienol.

A more sustainable painkiller

In the BigPharm project, researchers from Munich and Constance want to biotechnologically produce the cannabinoid delta-9-THC. In their search for enzymes for biosynthesis, they found what they were looking for in beard flowers and lichens.

Rinder auf der Wiese
When digesting their feed, cows emit methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Methane-reducing feed additives for livestock

As part of the ClimateCow project, researchers in Munich are developing a new type of feed additive for cattle in order to reduce the animals' methane emissions.

Biogasanlage in Wredenhagen (Mecklenburg-Vortpommern)
The conversion of biogas into synthesis gas would offer biogas operators new sales opportunities.

Sustainable production of synthesis gas from biogas

As part of the Biogasohol project, researchers from Rostock are working with Vietnamese partners to develop new catalysts and processes to convert carbon dioxide and methane from biogas into synthesis gas and make it usable for the chemical industry.

Die Sonnenblume ist äußerst anfällig gegen Krankheiten. Forscher wollen das ändern.
A special sunflower oil is used by researchers as a raw material to produce bio-based high-performance composites.

Bio-based plastic building blocks from domestic vegetable oil

Researchers in Bielefeld have developed an environmentally friendly process to produce bio-based polyurethanes for high-performance composites.

Feld mit unterschiedlichen Getreidepflanzen mit ähnlicher Wuchshöhe
Rye with genetic stalk shortening: The prototypes reach a growth height of normal-straw triticale (in the foreground left and right) and are significantly shorter than conventional rye (in the background).

Rye - the cereal of the future?

Breakthroughs in breeding could lead to a comeback for this overlooked crop - especially during the climate crisis.

Für Burger-Patties gibt es inzwischen einige pflanzliche Alternativen.

Where do meat alternatives stand in Germany?

A study has analyzed the innovation systems of insect, plant and cultured meat products.

Vier Männer und eine Frau stehen in Laborkitteln im Labor
Das Linopol-Projektteam erreichte alle Projektziele.

Polyamides and fragrances from thistle oil

The Linopol project has developed a process to produce polymer intermediates from biological sources.

Grünland in den Alpen
Grassland ecosystems are widespread in the Southern German Alps and in the Alpine foothills with a total area of more than one million hectares.

Sustainable management of grassland in the Alps

The BonaRes project SUSALPSII investigates how climate change in the Alps affects the productivity of grassland soils and how management can be changed in the future.

Häufchen aus dunkelgrünem Pulver
Dried chrysolaminarin was obtained from processed algal biomass.

Algae biotechnology: creating profitable processes

Fraunhofer researchers from Stuttgart and Leuna have investigated how valuable ingredients can be obtained in high yield from diatoms.

roh (rechts) und torrefizierte Hackschnitzel
Beechwood chips torrefied by superheated steam (left) have an increased calorific value compared to untreated chips (right) and are also water-repellent.

Producing basic chemicals with wood and hot steam

Researchers have further developed the process of torrefaction to improve the material and energy recovery of plant biomass.

Chromatographische Systeme zur Analyse und Aufreinigung  enzymatisch produzierter Präbiotika.
Chromatographic systems for the analysis and purification of enzymatically produced prebiotics

Towards microbial prebiotic production

Researchers have developed a novel microbiological manufacturing process that can produce prebiotics and sweeteners sustainably and efficiently.

Rare earths are found in almost all electronic devices.

Recycling rare earths with peptides

In the PepTight project, researchers want to identify peptides that are able to filter special rare earths, known as lanthanides, from industrial water.

Papierschale gefüllt mit unterschiedlichem Obst
The project participants in the 3D-Thermocell project want to produce a shell like the one in this rendered image from cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol.

Thermoformable paper as a plastic substitute

Paper has a better recycling cycle than plastics. Researchers therefore want to develop a new paper-based packaging material.

Hügellandschaft mit Olivenanbau
Olive cultivation in Spain is one of the case studies in the Flumen research project.

Not everyone wants the bioeconomic transformation

A research project examines mentalities, their backgrounds and consequences regarding the ecological-social transformation.