Funding initiatives at a glance
For research funding, the National Bioeconomy Strategy of 2020 defines six modular building blocks that cover the various aspects of the bioeconomy.
The building blocks are: Biological knowledge as the key to the bioeconomy, converging technologies and cross-disciplinary cooperation, boundaries and potentials, transfer to application, bioeconomy and society, and global research cooperation.
In this overview you will find more information on the relevant funding measures of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in each module.
- Epigenetics - Opportunities for plant research
- Future technologies of indutrial bioeconomy
- Ideas contest "New products for the bioeconomy"
- KMU-innovativ: Bioeconomy
- Model region "BioökonomieREVIER Rheinland"
- Bioeconomy and societal change
- Monitoring of the bioeconomy
- Bioeconomy international
- European research collaborations (ERA-Nets etc.)