
Number of search results: 66
Omar Khalaf, Gründer und Geschäftsführer des Berliner Start-ups Alganize

„We force microalgae to excrete valuable signaling substances"

Soil regeneration with the help of microalgae is the focus of the Berlin start-up Alganize, which develops solutions to improve soil health.

Luisa Gronenberg, : VP Technology Integration & Strain Development bei der Insempra GmbH in Martinsried

"Our robust yeast can process a wide range of waste streams"

Luisa Gronenberg and her team from the Munich start-up Insempra are developing an innovative bioprocess to produce polyester and polyamides from residual and waste materials. The team is receiving millions in funding from SPRIND.

Lena Hochrein

Yeasts: developing cell factory alternatives

The Potsdam junior research group TAILOR, led by Lena Hochrein, aims to optimize baker's yeast and other yeasts so that they can be used in a variety of ways as a cell factory for the bioeconomy.

Biophysikerin Prof. Dr. Christine Ziegler

"Uncovering the key signals of plants under water stress"

Christine Ziegler is researching how plants perceive water stress and the underlying mechanisms. The biophysicist was awarded the Synergy Grant by the European Research Council in 2023.

Anja Wagemanns, Professorin (W3) am Lehrstuhl für Lebensmitteltechnik der Technischen Universität Dresden

"Animal protein is difficult to replace with alternative protein"

Anja Wagemans wants to give meat substitute products more "bite". To this end, the food technologist is working on the structure formation of alternative plant-based and microbiological biopolymers.

Biochemikerin Birte Höcker

"Our generative AI speaks the language of proteins"

Biochemist Birte Höcker from the University of Bayreuth uses artificial intelligence to create customized proteins. In this interview, she talks about the potential of language models, which work much like ChatGPT, for the development of completely new biomolecules.

Dr. Agnieszka Golicz

"Bioinformatics can make agriculture more sustainable"

Agnieszka Golicz uses "big data" for the genome-based improvement of crops.

Jonathan Roberz;  COO & Managing Director MicroHarvest

"We want to revolutionize the protein supply chain"

Hamburg-based startup MicroHarvest uses microorganisms to produce healthy and tasty proteins.

Prof Ian O'Hara

„Queensland pushes its Biofutures industry“

Ian O`Hara is a biotechnology professor in Brisbane and a leading expert on the Australian and international bioeconomy scene. He recently visited Germany.

Nicole van Damm, Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Leibniz-Instituts für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) in Großbeeren

"Environmental stress causes plants to lose the ability to defend themselves"

Nicole van Dam is an expert in chemical plant ecology and researches how plants use natural chemistry to communicate with friend and foe.

Prof. Dr. Silvia-Vignolini

„Nature has always been an impetus for technical developments“

As director of the newly established Department of „Sustainable and Bio-inspired Materials“ at the MPIKG, Silvia Vignolini aims to research and develop materials with predominantly optical functions, following Nature`s example.

Bodenbearbeitung mit Ackerfräse

„Carbon management measures must have a long-term impact“

Carsten Paul has investigated how effective carbon farming measures are and what role so-called humus certificates play in this.

Agrarwissenschaftler Prof. Hans W. Griepentrog,

"Digital systems will optimize agricultural production"

Agricultural scientist Hans W. Griepentrog wants to replace synthetic chemical pesticides with the help of state-of-the-art technology.

Almuth Arneth

"Climate change and land use are closely linked"

Leibniz Prize winner Almut Arneth researches the interactions and feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change.

Prateek Mahalwar, Gründer und geschäftsführer von BIOWEG

"Cellulose capsules are a direct replacement for petroleum-based microbeads"

Prateek Mahalwar of start-up BIOWEG on microspheres made of bacterial cellulose that are biodegradable and can replace microplastics in many products.

Martin Wild

"All modules of the farm benefit each other"

With his food tech start-up Organic Garden, Martin Wild wants to rethink nutrition and soon produce organic food circularly in a high-tech farm.

Nadin Mengis

"The ecological footprint must incorporate all climate factors"

In the FOOTPRINTS project, a team led by researcher Nadine Mengis is investigating how CO2 emissions must develop in order to stabilize global temperatures and thus achieve the Paris climate goals.

Johanna Pausch

"Fungal networks influence soil carbon storage"

Bayreuth geoecologist Johanna Pausch is researching how root fungi in symbiosis with plants control carbon turnover in soils.

Carsten Schulz, Direktor, Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Individualisierte und Zellbasierte Medizintechnik IMTE, Außenstelle Aquakulturforschung Büsum

"Aquatic technologies are key to a healthy diet"

Under the umbrella of Fraunhofer IMTE, the team led by Carsten Schulz from the Society for Marine Aquaculture (GMA) will further develop the potential of the Blue Bioeconomy in the future.

Anne Lamp Gründerin von Traceless Materials

"Our biomaterial can replace hard-to-recycle plastic"

With her Hamburg-based start-up Traceless Materials, Anne Lamp wants to launch an innovative biomaterial that is fully compostable.