"Environmental stress causes plants to lose the ability to defend themselves"
Nicole van DamProfession:
Biologist and PhD chemical ecologist
Scientific director of the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) in Großbeeren and head of the research group "Plants and their biotic interactions"

Biologist and PhD chemical ecologist
Scientific director of the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) in Großbeeren and head of the research group "Plants and their biotic interactions"

Nicole van Dam is an expert in chemical plant ecology and researches how plants use natural chemistry to communicate with friend and foe.
In the course of evolution, plants have learned to communicate with their environment and protect themselves from threats. Their ability to adapt and thus survive fascinates Nicole van Dam. The biologist dedicates her research to plant biocommunication in order to make vegetable cultivation more sustainable. As an expert in chemical plant ecology, she is particularly interested in the chemical composition of natural compounds and genes that determine the plant's "natural self-defense process." With her research, van Dam has been able to demonstrate how the chemical composition of plants, and thus their communication, changes under environmental stresses such as heat and drought or in combination with soil fungi.
How do plants communicate with their environment and what is the significance for agriculture and horticulture?
Plants communicate via chemistry. They produce natural substances such as toxic and bitter alkaloids to defend themselves against pests. Likewise, plants produce scents. They use these to attract bees and other pollinators or predatory insects that rid plants of voracious caterpillars. Unlike synthetic pesticides, natural compounds have little or no negative impact on overall biodiversity. If we better understand this natural "self-defense" of plants, we can produce our vegetables more sustainably.
Is the ability to biocommunicate present in all plants - including new cultivars?
Technically, yes, but research by colleagues on how corn roots communicate with beetle larval enemies has shown that certain corn varieties no longer produce the scents that attract these underground enemies. In current breeding, these traits were neglected because we had synthetic pesticides. We now need to re-incorporate the ability of plants to defend themselves chemically into new breeding programs. To do this, we must first understand which chemicals are important and which genes in plants are responsible for them.
How do environmental factors such as heat or drought affect plant biocommunication? What has your research revealed about this?
When it is too hot or too dry, plants have to adapt in order to survive. This consumes energy and resources, for example nitrogen. Plants may then no longer have the strength to defend themselves against pests. However, it is also possible that adaptations to drought stress make the plant more resilient. Such adaptations are evident, for example, in plants developing smaller but thicker leaves to reduce evaporation of water through the leaves. Since pests and heat stress occur simultaneously under current climate conditions, we at the IGZ are also researching such issues in a direct context.
To what extent can knowledge of the chemical ecology of plant interactions provide answers to vital questions such as climate change, food security, and biodiversity?
Plants have survived millions of years on our planet, much longer than we humans have. There have been times when our planet may have been much warmer, and there have also been larger predators like the dinosaurs. Plants survived all of this with the help of the chemistry of their natural products and their adaptability. As a chemical ecologist, I try to understand how they did that. With this knowledge, we can ensure that we can continue to produce vegetables and other plant foods safely and sustainably in sufficient quantities to reliably supply the world's population with high-quality, healthy food.
What is the current focus of your research and what goal do you pursue with it?
My research focuses on the chemical and molecular ecology of plant-insect interactions. That involves how plants optimize their response to simultaneous attacks, especially between above-ground and below-ground herbivores. We also explore whether certain fungi and mycorrhizae stimulate plants to defend themselves better. I also seek to understand how plants have come to produce thousands of natural products over the course of evolution. We investigate the ecological role of this chemical diversity in plants - in other words, which plant natural substance has which effect. With this, my research provides basic knowledge that is incorporated into breeding programs for plants so that they can better defend themselves. Together with breeding companies, we translate this knowledge into practice.
Interview: Beatrix Boldt