Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 985
Soil erosion is a major problem for viticulture.

Protecting vineyards from soil erosion with an app

As part of an EU project, researchers at Trier University are developing digital solutions to advise winegrowers on soil protection.

In den Wurzeln des japanischen Hornklees (Lotus japonicus) ließ sich die Ansammlung des Steuerungsproteins SMAX1, hier gelb eingefärbt, nach Zugabe von Ethylen beobachten.
In the roots of the Japanese hornwort (Lotus japonicus), the accumulation of the regulatory protein SMAX1, colored yellow here, was observed after the addition of ethylene.

Hormones control interaction between plant and root fungus

A team led by Max Planck researcher Caroline Gutjahr from Potsdam has been able to clarify how plants control the symbiosis with fungi under stress conditions.

Biogene Rohstoffe wie Holz spielen eine zentrale Rolle für eine fossilfreie Zukunft.
Biogenic resources such as wood play a key role in a fossil-free future.

Ideas sought for the use of biogenic resources

The Joachim Herz Stiftung is supporting three research teams with its new innovate! Fund with up to 1 million euros each. They are looking for innovative approaches that make biogenic resources usable.

Bioreaktor mit dem Bakterium Cupriavidus necator, das einen synthetischen Stoffwechselweg zur Umsetzung von Ameisensäure nutzt.
Bioreactor with the bacterium Cupriavidus necator, which uses a synthetic metabolic pathway to convert formic acid.

Artificial metabolic pathway sets new standards

For the first time, an international research team has been able to optimize synthetic carbon fixation to such an extent that it works more efficiently than natural metabolic pathways.

Ein Forschungsteam der Humboldt-Universität hat Fäkalkompost und Urin als Düngemittel an Maispflanzen getestet.
A research team at Humboldt University has tested faecal compost and urine as fertilizers for plants.

Faecal matter as fertilizer in agriculture

Berlin researchers provide the data basis for including human excreta in the list of permitted source materials in the Fertilizer Ordinance.

Die Wissenschaftler entwickelten ein KI-Modell, das auf Drohnenbildern Beikräuter von Sorghum unterscheiden kann. Als Datengrundlage dienten Drohnenaufnahmen der TFZ-Versuchsflächen in Straubing
The scientists developed an AI model that can distinguish weeds from sorghum in drone images. Drone images of the TFZ trial areas in Straubing served as the data basis.

Automated and selective plant protection

A Bavarian scientific team has researched how plant protection products can be applied selectively and automatically using drones and artificial intelligence. The challenges and results have now been published.

Sensible Lebensmittel werden häufig unter Schutzgasatmosphäre verpackt, um sie vor Keimen zu schützen und die Haltbarkeit zu verlängern.
Sensitive foods are often packaged in a modified atmosphere to protect them from germs and extend their shelf life.

Optimising bio-based food packaging

The Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging has developed and trialled a new bio-based, recyclable packaging film for food in collaboration with the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences.

Ein gentechnisch verändertes Pseudomonas putida-Bakterium, das Nylon abbauen und in wertvolle Stoffe umwandeln kann.
A genetically modified Pseudomonas putida bacterium that can break down nylon and convert it into valuable substances.

Bacteria for recycling nylon waste

As part of a Europe-wide project, a research team from Jülich has developed a bacterium that can convert various nylon building blocks into valuable substances – a new approach to combating plastic pollution.

Myzel, das wurzelartige Geflecht von Pilzen, wird mittlerweile in vielen Bereichen als vielseitiges, biobasiertes Material eingesetzt.
Fungi form an extensive underground network called mycelium.

Financing capital for fungal protein start-up Kynda

The start-up Kynda is working on the development of meat substitutes made from mushroom mycelium. It has now received funding totalling 3 million euros. The investors are EnjoyVenture, the PHW Group and Clima Now.

Die innovative innere Struktur der CellScrew® bietet für Zellkulturen eine große Wachstumsfläche auf kleinstem Raum und ermöglicht optimale Wachstumsbedingungen mit geringen Scherkräften und hervorragendem Gasaustausch.
The innovative internal structure of the CellScrew offers cell cultures a large growth surface in a very small space.

Investment in innovative cell culture systems

Innovative cell culture systems that are set to revolutionise production processes in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry – the start-up Green Elephant Biotech is now receiving support from Bürkert Fluid Control Systems for this vision.

Tiefseeschwämme und ihre symbiotischen Bakterien sind ein Forschungsschwerpunkt am GEOMAR. Im Projekt XTREAM werden sich die beteiligten Wissenschaftler:innen besonders auf die Suche nach neuen Biokatalysatoren fokussieren.
Deep-sea sponges and their symbiotic bacteria are a research focus at GEOMAR.

Tracking down biocatalysts in the deep sea

An international research team with the participation of GEOMAR researchers from Kiel is searching for robust microorganisms in extreme habitats on Earth in order to accelerate biotechnological applications.

Flaggen der EU
Clusters from eleven European countries have joined the new bioeconomy alliance EBCA.

New EU alliance for a circular bioeconomy

A total of 14 clusters from various European countries, including Germany, have joined forces to promote a circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

Tampon aus Meeresalgen
Tampon made from seaweed

Vyld algae tampon in use

The world's first tampon made from seaweed from Berlin start-up Vyld has passed the certification hurdle and has recently started to make its way into the country's first sanitary facilities.

Only 5 % of the moors in Germany are still considered near-natural and intact.

Major project launched to restore the moors

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, large areas of moorland are to be rewetted by 2027 and new options for utilising paludiculture tested.

At the networking meeting to mark the establishment of Endosolutions, mealworms were served as a taster.

Upswing for insect breeding in Giessen

Insect biotechnology in Giessen is getting a boost: the Fraunhofer IME has announced that the start-up Endosolutions is to set up at the research centre and breed insects on a large scale.

Mustergewebe aus Lignin-Zellulose-Mischung
Sample fabric made from a lignin-cellulose blend

Textile coatings made from lignin

In the EU project BioFibreLoop, researchers are developing textile patterns and coatings made from renewable and recyclable materials - also for outdoor clothing.

Interaktive Karte zum globalen Patentdatensatz für bioökonomiebezogene Erfindungen
Interactive map of the global patent dataset for bioeconomy-related inventions

AI generates world map of bioeconomy patents

The BMBF-funded junior research group TRABBI has used artificial intelligence (AI) to create a global overview of over 5.6 million bioeconomy-related patents for bio-based products, services and processes.

Das adaptive, selbstanpassende Verschattungssystem „Solar Gate“ unterstützt die Klimaregulierung von Gebäuden.
The adaptive, self-adjusting Solar Gate shading system supports the climate regulation of buildings.

Bio-based sun protection for building facades

Pine cones served researchers from Stuttgart and Freiburg as a model for a new bio-based shading system for building facades that adapts itself to the weather and is energy self-sufficient.

Das biologisch abbaubare Geotextil ist aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und dient als temporärer Filter für die Ufersicherung.
The biodegradable geotextile is made from renewable raw materials and serves as a temporary filter for bank stabilisation.

Biodegradable filter for bank protection

In the joint research project ‘Bioshoreline’, researchers have developed filters made of biodegradable geotextiles to protect river banks without negatively impacting ecosystems in the future.

Formo Käsegratain
The start-up Formo specialises in producing fermentation-based cheese alternatives.

FORMO: EIB loan for the expansion of alternative cheese production

The Berlin-based food tech start-up Formo is receiving 35 million euros from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the further development of its technology for the microbial production of animal-free dairy products.