Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 921
Maispflanzen auf einer Anbaufläche
Maize plants on a cultivated area

How the root zone can secure crop yields

The RhizoTraits joint project aims to investigate the extent to which different mixtures of maize varieties can guarantee higher yields despite climate change. The focus is on the plant's root zone – the rhizosphere.

Das Team von Climate Food
The Cultimate Foods team has already carried out several commercial pilot projects with leading food companies.

Millions for cell-based fat ingredient

The Berlin-based biotech start-up Cultimate Foods has raised €2.3 million from investors for the development of cultured fat ingredients to give plant-based meat substitutes an authentic flavour.

Makroalgen im Glas
The green algae Ulva spp. and the red algae Furcellaria lumbricalis are soon to be cultivated in the Baltic Sea.

Establishing algae cultivation in the Baltic Sea

Under the leadership of the Rostock-based Alles Alge association, researchers and companies want to jointly develop a system for cultivating macroalgae in the Baltic Sea.

Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie (INP)
The INP is the largest non-university research centre for low-temperature plasmas in Europe.

Greifswald: Plasma technology for the bioeconomy

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald is receiving millions in funding from the federal and state governments to expand research in the fields of agriculture, bioeconomy and the environment.

In der neuen Bio-LNG-Anlage können jährlich rund 100.000 Tonnen des CO2-ärmeren Kraftstoffes hergestellt werden.
The new bio-LNG plant can produce around 100,000 tonnes of the less CO2-intensive fuel every year.

Shell starts bio-LNG production on the Rhine

Shell Deutschland recently commissioned Germany's largest bio-LNG plant at the Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland in Cologne. A liquefied fuel mixture of biomethane and fossil natural gas is produced here for heavy goods transport.

Insempra's Technologie ermöglicht die Produktion qualitativ hochwertiger, nachhaltiger Materialien auf biologischer Basis.
Insempra uses its technology platform to produce functional ingredients such as flavours and fragrances for the cosmetics industry.

Biotech start-up Insempra secures millions in financing

The start-up Insempra has raised 20 million US dollars in a financing round. The Munich-based company specialises in the biotechnological production of natural ingredients for the food, cosmetics and textile industries.

Mykorrhiza-Netzwerk am Beispiel von Monotropa uniflora, hier verbunden mit Baumwurzen übergemeinsame Pilze. Originalabbildung aus der Publikation verändert und ergänzt.
Mycorrhizal network using the example of Monotropa uniflora, here connected with tree roots via common fungi. Original illustration from the publication modified and supplemented.

Fungal networks in the forest: evidence for Wood Wide Web

An international research team with the participation of the University of Bayreuth sees mycoheterotrophic plants as the key to the previously controversial existence of the underground mycorrhizal network in forests.

Testfeld zur regenarativen Landwirtschaft
Researchers are investigating how measures in regenerative agriculture can protect against climate impacts.

Adapting soils to climate change with regenerative arable farming

Can soils be protected from heat, drought and heavy rainfall through reduced cultivation and permanent planting? A research team from Hesse has produced some promising initial results.

biologischer Anbau von Erdbeeren in Kalifornien mit Blühstreifen aus Wildblumen|
organic cultivation of strawberries in California with wildflower strips

Major agricultural study: diversity in agriculture pays off

A global study led by the Universities of Hohenheim and Copenhagen shows that diversified agriculture not only benefits biodiversity, but also contributes to food security.

Im Spritzgussverfahren hergestellte Dämpfungswanne
Injection-moulded damping tray made from the front vehicle underbody from natural fibres and post-consumer recyclate (polypropylene)

Vehicle underbody made from new biocomposite material

Together with industrial partners, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new biocomposite material for the production of vehicle underbodies, thereby significantly improving the carbon footprint of the entire production cycle.

Schaufenster Bioökonomie auf der Hannover Messe 24

Hannover Messe 2024: Sustainable industry with bioeconomy

The Bioeconomy Showcase is presenting bio-based innovations in high density in Hall 2 of the Hannover Messe: 18 federally funded projects are providing information about their research and development.

Halophytes such as the European samphire grow on salt marshes or in mudflats and are extremely salt-tolerant.

Tapping into the potential of salt-tolerant plants

As part of the European research project Aquacombine, partners from six countries are demonstrating the potential that halophytes such as samphire have for the bioeconomy.

Steinfrüchte von Arabica-Kaffee (Coffea arabica)
Coffee plants are extremely sensitive and require special growing conditions.

Reference genome for Arabica coffee available online

An international research team involving the University of Leipzig and the food company Nestlé has developed a database to better identify and breed climate-resistant coffee plants.

Plenum des BioProScale Symposiums 2024

Thinking big with smart bioprocess technology

Smart models, sophisticated measurement technology and automated workflows: At the BioProScale conference in Berlin, stakeholders from science and industry exchanged views on the most important trends in industrial biotech production.

Flaggen hannover Messe
Artificial intelligence and hydrogen technologies are focal points of Hannover Messe 2024.

Bioeconomy at the Hannover Messe

The world's largest industrial trade fair starts in Hanover on 22 April. The focus will be on technologies for sustainable production. The "Bioeconomy Showcase" in the Future Hub in Hall 2 offers a platform for bio-based innovations.

Eine KI-basierte Karte der Bioökonomie-Aktivitäten in Deutschland

AI language model generates map of bioeconomy companies

A BMBF-funded research team has trained a language model with web texts from 680,000 German companies and has identified and localised those with bioeconomy activities.

Prof. Dr. Maria Mittag von der Universität Jena mit Kulturen der Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Prof Dr Maria Mittag from the University of Jena with cultures of the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Alliance of microalgae and bacteria

Researchers from Jena have investigated a community of bacteria and microalgae and discovered how they jointly contribute to climate protection.

Robert Hoffie untersucht Gerste

Key gene for toxic alkaloid discovered in barley

Many varieties of barley produce a substance called gramine, which is toxic to livestock. Researchers from Hanover and Gatersleben have discovered how the alkaloid is produced in the plant.

Aufbau des Wandelements
Structure of the wall element

New composite material made from plant-based carbon fibres and biochar

As an alternative to reinforced concrete, researchers at the German Institute of Textile and Fibre Research have developed a combined building material made of natural stone, carbon fibres and biochar that has a particularly good carbon footprint.

Maispflanzen im Labor
The root microbiome of maize plants from different regions of the world was analysed.

Genetic material of maize plants influences the root microbiome

Not only the properties of the soil, but also the genetic make-up of a plant influence which microbes colonise its roots. This is shown by an international study in which researchers from Bonn and Gatersleben were involved.