Investment in innovative cell culture systems

Investment in innovative cell culture systems

Innovative cell culture systems that are set to revolutionise production processes in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry – the start-up Green Elephant Biotech is now receiving support from Bürkert Fluid Control Systems for this vision.

Die innovative innere Struktur der CellScrew® bietet für Zellkulturen eine große Wachstumsfläche auf kleinstem Raum und ermöglicht optimale Wachstumsbedingungen mit geringen Scherkräften und hervorragendem Gasaustausch.
The innovative internal structure of the CellScrew offers cell cultures a large growth surface in a very small space.

The manufacture of pharmaceutical and biotech products is usually associated with high material consumption. For this reason, the Giessen-based start-up Green Elephant Biotech has developed recyclable cell culture vessels. These not only reduce the carbon footprint by up to 90% compared to conventional disposable items, but also improve the growth conditions of the cells. This solution is now being further developed in a strategic partnership with the family-owned company Bürkert Fluid Control Systems.

Single-Use vs. CellScrew

‘Traditional single-use cell culture vessels are significantly larger, are disposed of after the first use and are often incinerated for regulatory reasons - this generates a lot of CO2,’ explains Felix Wollenhaupt, co-founder of Green Elephant Biotech. The new CellScrew cell culture system, on the other hand, requires less raw material and therefore reduces waste. It also consists of polylactic acid (PLA), a bio-based plastic that is obtained from plants and is suitable for 3D printing. ‘This reduces the carbon footprint by around 90% compared to conventional systems,’ Wollenhaupt continues.

More cost-effective production of life-saving therapeutics

In addition to the significant CO2 savings, CellScrew offers further advantages: Compared to conventional cell culture vessels, it provides a larger growth surface for cell cultures with the same volume. This should make manufacturing processes more efficient and flexible overall. ‘Together, we want to develop a process-reliable and more sustainable production platform for the pharmaceutical industry - especially for personalised medicine,’ says Green Elephant Biotech co-founder Joel Eichmann. This could help to produce life-saving therapeutics more cost-effectively.

Vision for the future: CellScrew as a fully-fledged bioreactor

The long-term goal of the new partnership is to further develop CellScrew into a fully-fledged bioreactor. Bürkert Fluid Control Systems will contribute essential technical components and its expertise. At the same time, Bürkert will gain access to current biopharmaceutical trends.
