Protecting vineyards from soil erosion with an app
As part of an EU project, researchers at Trier University are developing digital solutions to advise winegrowers on soil protection.
Hormones control interaction between plant and root fungus
A team led by Max Planck researcher Caroline Gutjahr from Potsdam has been able to clarify how plants control the symbiosis with fungi under stress conditions.
Ideas sought for the use of biogenic resources
The Joachim Herz Stiftung is supporting three research teams with its new innovate! Fund with up to 1 million euros each. They are looking for innovative approaches that make biogenic resources usable.
Artificial metabolic pathway sets new standards
For the first time, an international research team has been able to optimize synthetic carbon fixation to such an extent that it works more efficiently than natural metabolic pathways.
Faecal matter as fertilizer in agriculture
Berlin researchers provide the data basis for including human excreta in the list of permitted source materials in the Fertilizer Ordinance.