Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 963
Ölpumpe im Gegenlicht der Morgendämmerung
The enzyme that produces formic acid from carbon dioxide comes from a microbe that lives in oil fields.

Enzyme for improved CO2 utilisation discovered

A Max Planck team from Bremen has studied a methane microbe living in oil fields that can elegantly convert CO2 into formic acid.

ausgetrockneter Boden
Heat and drought periods also cause dry soils in Germany.

Climate change intensifies heat extremes in the soil

Temperatures in the ground are rising faster than in the air. This is the conclusion of a study in which researchers also call for a reassessment of the effects of heat extremes in the ground.

Frau im Laborkittel untersucht eine rötliche Flüssigkeitsprobe vor einer Laborbank.
Professorin Ruth Schmitz-Streit und Forschende aus ihrer Arbeitsgruppe an der Uni Kiel waren an der neuen Studie über das erstmalig beschriebene PET-abbauende Enzym PET46 aus einem nicht-kultivierten Tiefsee-Mikroorganismus beteiligt.

Deep-sea enzyme masters PET degradation

The enzyme PET46, which originates from archaea, decomposes medium- and long-chain plastic molecules, as a research team from Germany has discovered.

Ein Mann steht in einem Getreidefeld und beugt sich hinab.
Dr. Götz Hensel in a barley field. In the European BEST-CROP project, novel plants of this cereal are to be developed so that both grains and straw can be optimally utilized.

Improved photosynthesis leads to better performing barley

A European research network aims to optimize ozone tolerance, photosynthetic performance and stem quality in barley.

Biogasanlage auf Rügen
Increasing the efficiency of biogas plants offers the opportunity to become independent of fossil fuels.

Microbial key players in biogas production discovered

With Darwinibacteriales, researchers in the EU Micro4Biogas project have identified a new group of anaerobic bacteria that could be the key to optimized biogas production.

Agriphotovoltaik-Anlage - nachhaltige Innovationen

BMBF publishes its first own sustainability strategy

Just in time for the UN Summit on Agenda 2030 in New York, the German Federal Ministry of Research has published its own sustainability strategy - and the bioeconomy plays an important role in it.

Both visually and in terms of taste, the hot dogs from the lab are supposed to be very close to the original.

First approval of laboratory-grown meat applied for in the EU

Heidelberg-based Cultivated B is the first company in the world to submit an application to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for approval of a cell-based sausage product.

Researchers at the IPK Leibniz Institute have studied how the behavior of a single wheat plant under limiting light conditions affects community performance.

Selfish plant traits harm field yields

Artificial shading could help breed better, higher-yielding varieties.

Biosensoren können Produktmoleküle detektieren und dabei leicht auszulesende, fluoreszente Signale in verschiedenen Farben ausgeben
Biosensors can detect product molecules while emitting easy-to-read fluorescent signals in different colors.

ERC funding for the development of novel biosensors

Markus Jeschek, Professor of Synthetic Microbiology at the University of Regensburg, has received the European Research Council's 1.5 million euro ERC Starting Grant for the development of novel biosensors based on proteins and RNA.

Einweihung der Pilotanlage zur Herstellung von Buchenzellstoff in Göppingen
In the presence of Peter Hauk, MdL, Minister for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg, the pilot plant was opened at the Technikum Laubholz.

New perspectives for the textile industry

A pilot plant for the production of high-performance fibers from beech pulp went into operation at the Technikum Laubholz in Göppingen.

gelbes Fruchteis
Ice cream packaging is usually made of oil-based plastics.

Bio-based packaging for organic ice cream

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim develop a bio-based and recyclable plastic for food packaging from agricultural residues.

Die Erweiterung des Campus Monheim soll bis 2026 fertig sein.
The expansion of the Monheim campus is scheduled for completion by 2026.

Bayer expands plant research

Bayer AG invests 220 million euros in a new research and development center at the Monheim site.

Graue runde Lagergebäude
In biogas plants, a high-load digester could increase profitability.

High-load digester makes biogas plants more profitable

The fermentation of liquid fractions from residual materials such as liquid manure taps unused biomass potential.

Dem Schimmelpilz Aspergillus beim Wachsen zugeschaut
Development of individual filamentous mold pellets over time in a bioprocess.

Watching mold cultures grow

Using micro-computed tomography, a research team has succeeded in observing the growth of mold cultures in the bioreactor in 3D.

Blick in einen Industriepark
At the Fraunhofer IWES Hydrogen Lab in Leuna, the plant for the production of green methanol is to be built.

Green methanol on its way to mass production

In the Leuna100 project, the partners involved want to combine technological innovations into a process suitable for industrial use.

Freshwater ecosystems are facing increasing pressures that threaten aquatic biodiversity.

Species diversity in rivers stagnates

Until 2010, biodiversity in European rivers was still recovering - since then, this development has stagnated. An international study shows that biodiversity is under pressure, especially downstream from urban areas and agricultural land.

Bei den Landpflanzen findet Photosynthese in den Chloroplasten statt, hier in der Blattspreite des Laubmooses Plagiomnium affine.
Microorganisms such as cyanobacteria serve biotechnologists as model organisms.

Bacterial bioplastics factories "tamed"

Giessen researchers have developed a new system for the tailored control of gene expression in bacteria. Bioplastics production would also benefit from this.

Meer mit hoher Wellen und Gischt
During stormy weather, microplastic particles can enter the air from the sea via the sea spray.

Microplastics also in marine air

According to a recent study, microplastic particles are not only blown by the wind, but also enter the atmosphere directly from seawater.

Forests provide shade and coolness in hot weather. But periods of drought affect the photosynthetic behavior of plants and thus also the evaporation effect.

Drought alters photosynthetic behavior of plants

The cooling evaporation effect is reduced when plants shift their photosynthesis activity to the morning hours during a heat wave. The researchers have now been able to demonstrate this using satellite data.

Pandora-Pilz hat einen Birnenblattsauger infiziert und getötet.
The Pandora fungus infected and killed a pearleaf sucker.

New type of fungus against fruit pests discovered

The fungus Pandora cacopsyllae, which attacks the leaf fleas feared in orchards, could serve as a biological control agent in the future, according to a study.