Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 943
Plätzchen und Nüsse mit Tannenzweig
Many cookies contain exotic spices such as vanilla and pepper.

Christmas spices from the indoor farm

Exotic spices are key to baking cookies. But instead of coming from India, vanilla and pepper could soon come from domestic indoor farms.

Mann in Laborkittel vor einer Pflanze mit zwei Kohlweißlingen
Yu Okamura observes mating cabbage white butterflies.

How caterpillars deactivate the defense of cabbage plants

Researchers have discovered how the cabbage white butterfly detoxifies toxic mustard oils from its food source.

Sockenhaken aus neuartigen Biomaterial
The compostable sock hooks made from the traceless biomaterial could replace conventional plastic hooks in the future.

Traceless: Test run for plant-based sock hooks

Traceless has developed a pilot product from its innovative biomaterial, which is currently being used in a Hamburg store of the C&A fashion chain.

Fluss mit Algenblüte
Euglenoids are diverse unicellular organisms found primarily in freshwater and are visible in large quantities as algal blooms.

Tapping euglenoids as a new source of raw materials

A worldwide consortium with the participation of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg aims to advance the genome sequencing of eukaryotic unicellular organisms and make it available as a resource for the bioeconomy.

Ein Mann im Pkw und ein Mann vor dem Pkw auf einem Rollenprüfstand
At Coburg University of Applied Sciences, automotive technician Florian Knoch and automotive engineer Steffen Krajewski conduct tests on the chassis dynamometer.

Biodiesel from sewage sludge

A new reforming process generates another source of fuel from biogenic waste.

Eine Forscherin im Laborkittel vor einem Messgerät
First author Chengzhang Xu from the University of Bayreuth is studying the heat resistance of enzymes.

Precise measurement of heat resistance of enzymes

Heat-resistant enzymes could be incorporated into biodegradable plastics to accelerate their decomposition.

Vier Plasmaquellen wurden hintereinander geschaltet und das Schüttgut nimmt einen vorher eingestellten Weg über das Förderband.
Four plasma sources were connected in series and the bulk material takes a predetermined path along the conveyor belt.

Control grain weevil with plasma

With the help of an innovative plasma technology, researchers have paved the way to protect grain from pests and thus make it last longer.

Zwei Männer in Laborkittel und Laborumgebung
Gregor Hagelueken, group leader at the Institute of Structural Biology of the UK Bonn, and Niels Schneberger, PhD student at the Institute of Structural Biology of the UK Bonn, freeze protein crystals.

Better understanding of the natural function of CRISPR

Gene scissors are an important tool in genome editing, but they originated in the battle between bacteria and phages.

Keimlinge sprießen aus dem Boden.
Soil and plants depend on the interaction of and with microbes.

DFG funds microbial and plant research

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is funding 13 new collaborative research centers at universities with a total of 166 million euros - including two on the bioeconomy.

Kücken werden mit hochwertigen Proteinen gefüttert
The chickens seem to like it - the high-protein feed from grassland waste.

Protein feed from on-farm biorefinery

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to make proteins from plants from meadows and pastures usable for the bioeconomy. A protein extract for animal feed has already been obtained.

Die vertikalen Begrünungssysteme sind flexibel und modular einsetzbar.
The vertical greening systems are flexible and modular.

Vertical greening for climate-friendly cities

A flexible vertical greening system developed by Fraunhofer researchers has reached market maturity after years of research.

Modellform der Theaterdekoration aus dem mycelbasierten Verbundstoff
Model of the theater decoration made of the mycelium-based composite material

Premiere for stage design from mushroom mycelium

Researchers at TU Dresden work on sustainable stage design made of a composite material with fungal mycelium. The corresponding premiere is at the beginning of December in Munich.

Feuchte tropische Bergwälder wie hier auf La Réunion sind durch eine reiche Epiphytenflora gekennzeichnet.
Humid tropical montane forests, such as here in La Réunion, are characterized by a rich epiphyte flora.

Global plant diversity at a glance

Researchers reconstructed the distribution of global plant diversity and used it to create a world map showing where and how many plant species exist.

Rot melierte Fläche mit Vergrößerung von Salzkörnern in schwarzweiß
The sponge-like structure of the chip (in gray) was created with salt crystals. The red microorganisms colonize it in the laboratory within a few days.

Cultivate bacteria in their habitat

A silicone sponge can be used to detect bacteria that cannot be cultured in the laboratory and to analyze their DNA.

Innovationspreis Gregor Mendel Stiftung für IPK-Forscher Martin Mascher (links) und Nils Stein (mitte)
Awards ceremony for the Gregor Mendel Innovation Prize (from left): IPK researchers Martin Mascher and Nils Stein, Maria von Korff Schmising (Vice Chairwoman of the Gregor Mendel Foundation).

Leibniz scientists honored for cereal genome research

The Gregor Mendel Foundation has awarded the Innovation Prize to researchers Nils Stein and Martin Mascher from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben for their contributions to decoding the complex genomes of wheat, barley and rye.

Zu Rundballen zusammengepresstes Weizenstroh
The pulp yield from one kilogram of straw is about 40%.

From wheat straw to textile fiber

Researchers in Hamburg want to tap new sources of raw materials - straw, to be precise - in order to obtain cellulose fibers for the textile industry.

Bayer übernimmt Targenomix
Bayer's acquisition of Targenomix aims to accelerate the discovery and use of promising molecules for crop protection (center: Targenomix CEO Dr. Sebastian Klie).

Bayer acquires Max Planck spin-off Targenomix

The Potsdam-based start-up Targenomix uses systems biology and bioinformatics to develop new crop protection products.

Gewächshaus mit vielen jungen grünen Pflanzen
Plants were grown from seeds of Europe-wide populations of field penny-cress (Thlaspi arvense) in the greenhouse under standardized conditions.

Microclimate influences epigenetics of field penny-cress

Plant researchers from Tübingen have investigated epigenetic marks in a crop plant - the field penny-cress. These adapt to the climatic conditions of a site.

Many barley varieties are still resistant to barley mosaic virus. Thanks to a new discovery, that could remain the case.

Winter barley: Old landraces reveal path to virus resistance

Genetic analyses of old landraces of winter barley have led plant researchers from Gatersleben to discover a molecular mechanism that can be used to produce virus-resistant barley varieties.

Rest- und Abfallstoffe aus der Verarbeitung von Hanffasern
Residual and waste materials from the processing of hemp fibers

Improve cascade use of the hemp plant

A new research project aims to tap the potential of residual and waste materials from hemp processing - especially their use for energy.