Millions in funding for peatland research
The Wetscapes 2.0 project is receiving 10 million euros from the German Research Foundation to research complex processes in the rewetting of fenland landscapes.
The Wetscapes 2.0 project is receiving 10 million euros from the German Research Foundation to research complex processes in the rewetting of fenland landscapes.
Under the leadership of the Technical University of Munich, an international research team has developed a method with which proteins can be designed even better on a computer and produced with the desired properties.
The Bavarian company Electrochaea has concluded a licence agreement and technology transfer for its patented power-to-gas technology with Japan's Hitachi Ltd.
Two innovative projects at the University of Koblenz show how technological innovations and fast 5G data transmission can make viticulture more climate-resilient and sustainable.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is participating as a sponsor in FutureFoodS, a European partnership on safe and sustainable food systems. A new call for proposals has now been launched.
Researchers at Munich University of Applied Sciences have developed an AI-based method that enables a precise inventory and development forecast of forests.
The start-up Phaeosynt from Hanover wants to develop a pregnancy test with antibodies from diatoms. The team is being funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation.
According to a ZALF study, a mix of economic incentives and adapted land use models could drive the rewetting of peatlands in Europe and make the cultivation of paludiculture more attractive for farmers.
Researchers at the University of Rostock were able to demonstrate the positive environmental changes following the rewetting of a coastal moor on the island of Rügen using the diatom.
As part of an international research project, researchers in Braunschweig are investigating how seaweed can be successfully cultivated in offshore facilities in order to relieve the pressure on coastal areas.
Researchers at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) in Halle (Saale) and the University of Cologne have discovered a new group of defence substances in barley that protects its roots against fungal attack.
After two years of research, the French company Carbios and the textile consortium Fibre-to-Fibre present the world's first garment made entirely from enzymatically recycled plastic and textile polymers.
A European research team with German participation wants to show that the cultivation of plants can make contaminated soil fit again and that their biomass is suitable for high-quality textiles.
How do plants control their guard cells and thus their water loss? Scientists at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg have made discoveries that could be of interest for future agriculture.
The Volkswagen Foundation is supporting six projects with around 7.8 million euros that are developing innovative approaches for the utilisation of biogenic and recyclable waste materials in the sense of a circular economy - including five projects on bioeconomy.
Researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock have developed a catalyst that can synthesise amines – which are important for the chemical industry – from used cooking oil in a single step.
Deposits of plastic particles in the soil can endanger the behaviour of bees and thus the function of agricultural landscapes and global food security. This is shown by an international study involving German researchers.
Max Planck researchers in Potsdam have worked with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to breed rice varieties with a high protein content. Among other things, the CRISPR-Cas gene scissors were used.
Researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock have joined forces with adhesives specialist Henkel to develop new bio-based adhesives that can be removed again.
Using Raman spectroscopy, researchers in Jena have succeeded in analysing the interaction between the green alga Ulva and its bacterial community in real time without disturbing the sensitive interaction.