Success Stories

Number of search results: 86
 Fluoreszenzbild von PLGA Nanopartikel Ansammlungen in Einzelzellschicht a: Aufsicht; b: Querschnitt; rot: Nanopartikel; blau: Zellkerne; grün Zellmembran
Fluorescence image of PLGA nanoparticles. Red: nanoparticles; blue: cell nuclei; green: cell membrane.

Observing the cell-biological effects of nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are playing an increasingly important role in medicine. In order to more quickly assess the possible health risks of these nanoparticles, researchers are carrying out in-depth investigations of the interactions of the tiny molecules within the cells of the body. 

Dunkle Wolken überm Weizenfeld
Researchers have been simulating the effects of climate change on agriculture.

The Future of European agriculture

What will be the consequences of climate change on agriculture and nutrition in Europe? Simulation models created by climate researchers in Potsdam are looking to the future.

Tomaten gibt es in beeindruckender Vielfalt. Viele der erhältlichen Sorten entstanden durch Smart Breeding.
Tomatoes come in an impressive variety of forms and flavours. Many of today’s varieties are the result of ‘smart’ breeding.

Genetic markers for new tomato strain

Different shapes, colours, and aromas - the tomato is a truly diverse plant. The Gatersleben-based company TraitGenetics deciphers new molecular markers within the genetic material of plants – including tomatoes – with the aim of speeding up the breeding of new varieties.


In Bioreaktoren schwimmen lebende Zellen in Nährmedien, die chemisch genau definiert sein müssen.
In a bioreactor, a sea of living cells floats in a culture media that must be precisely chemically defined in order for the cells to function as required.

Innovative culture media for cell factories

Xell AG in Bielefeld develops specific culture media for use in cell cultures. Because inside a bioreactor, each cell type requires a distinct working environment, necessitating the use of carefully designed media.

Gerste, Genomsequenzierung
Malting barley at the time of grain filling

The barley genome in HD quality

Aided by new sequencing technologies, Nils Stein and his team of plant geneticists have succeeded in decoding all seven chromosomes of the barley genome far quicker than was originally planned. In the process, they have greatly added to the genome map of this important agricultural crop.

Sugar beets on a field, ready for harvest. The large, sugar-storing beets are clearly visible.

More sugar in the beet

Where does the sugar in the sugar beet actually come from? Scientists from research and industry looked into this question in order to increase yields from sugar beet.

3D-Drucker für Bioplastik
More and more biobased materials have become available for 3D printing over the last few years.

Testing bioplastics for 3D printing

The BioFabNet focussed on developing communication strategies for 3D printing in order to generate public awareness for biobased materials and the possibilities of bioeconomy.

Schwarze Soldatenfliege als Chitinquelle
Researcher use the black soldier fly as a sustainable source for chitin.

Using chitin to strengthen textiles

The research cooperation “ChitoTex” is developing a procedure to utilize the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens as a sustainable source for chitin, which can be used to coat textile fibers.

Organobalance Mikroorganismen-Stammbank
A secret treasure trove of different bacterial strains and yeasts: the master-strain-collection of Organobalance

Gentle germ removal

The biotech company Organobalance found lactic acid bacteria in its archive that are able to gently disinfect hands and other surfaces. The microbes are now being refined for use in cleaning and care cosmetics.

Bio-Schmieröl aus Frittenfett
The lubricant made of old frying oil is kind to the skin and biodegradable.

Bio-lubricants from chip frying oil

Material researchers in Berlin have developed an enzymatic process for making lubricants out of used oil. The new bio-lubricant is based on oil that has been used for deep frying and it is biodegradable.

Eine neuartige Prozesskette soll die Synthese der Basis-Chemikalie Methanol aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen oder Nebenproduktströmen ermöglichen.
A new type of process chain is to allow the synthesis of the base chemical methanol from renewable raw materials or by-products.

Making methanol from biomass

Researchers from Karlsruhe are fermenting biomass under high pressure to produce the base chemical methanol. The OptiMeOH project is being funded by the German Research Ministry with 1.4 million euros.

Flachs bei der Röste auf dem Feld
The retting process on the field has a decisive effect on the quality of flax fibres.

Optimizing flax for biomaterials

How can flax be used for composite materials? Researchers from Bremen have developed a toolbox for plant breeders.

Rapeseed for food or for biodiesel? The dispute continues.

Bioenergy: Looking at the downsides

The bioeconomy has a few drawbacks, too. Sociologists from Jena are investigating the bioenergy sector with regard to social inequality.

Die Mizellenproteine der blauen Süßlupine sind gesund und haben eine hohe Klebrigkeit.,
The proteins of the sweet blue lupin are also candidates for a new, natural packaging adhesive.

Film for foodstuffs made of plant residues

Most adhesives for films and packaging are based on mineral oil. Fraunhofer researchers are testing a plant-based alternative.

To render the photo data comparable, the rating takes place in the dark using artificial light.

A robot-assistant for vine-growers

With the “Phenobot” researchers have developed a measuring robot that can help vine-growers with their work.


Alginate isolated from soil bacteria and subsequently freeze-dried.

Tiny alginate "factories" create new wound dressing

Researchers at the joint AlBioTex project have found a way of using Azotobacter vinelandii bacteria to produce tailor-made alginates for use in wound dressings.

The biochar-inoculum - a special substrate from biochar with microscopic fungi - skewers into young plant roots.

Fungus biochar - nature's fertilizer

German fungus researchers from Tübingen have developed a special substrate of biochar that will help young plants to take root and to sustainably protect against diseases.

The GOBI partners will pool their knowledge and expertise in their search for good bacteria.

On the trail of good bacteria

As part of the GOBI strategic alliance, three companies are actively looking for new, beneficial bacteria for the manufacture of bioactive products in the animal feed, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. The main objective: to find a bio-based alternative to conventional antibiotics.

Breeding ground for yeast strains: this fermenter is yeasts always under the same temperature and pressure conditions.

Storing and protecting active compounds with yeasts

The Berlin-based company Organobalance has developed a process that protects compounds such as vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids with a natural casing.

Mikrosprosse der Indianerbanane: Vom Sämling bis zur Jungpflanze ist es ein langer Weg.
Microshoots of the pawpaw tree: from seedlings to young plants is a long process.

Helping the pawpaw breakthrough

The fruit tree Asimina triloba has been known for its nutritious fruit for a long time. German plant researchers are now working on propagating the pawpaw in the laboratory to make them fit for the fruit farm.