Success Stories

Number of search results: 86
Dieses Schoko-Eiskugel besteht nicht aus Milcheiweiß, sondern wurde aus Proteinen der Blauen Süßlupine hergestellt.
This chocolate ice cream is not made from cow's milk but produced using protein from the blue sweet lupin.

Lupin ice cream: a sustainable dessert

The answer for all vegan and lactose-intolerant ice cream fans: a special treat is now available in the freezer section in many supermarkets – lupin ice cream. The vegetable protein that the ice cream is based on is produced using a sophisticated technology, which recently won the German Future Prize.

Mainzer Forscher haben in Marinen Schwämme (im Bild: Baikalschwamm) ein Biosilikat gefunden, das sich zur Beschichtung von Zähnen und Knochenimplantaten eignet.
Researchers in Mainz have identified a bio-silicate in marine sponges that is suitable as a coating for dental and bone implants.

Biological protective sheathing for teeth

A team of researchers headed by Werner E.G. Müller at the University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, have made an interesting discovery in their search for biocompatible materials for use in medicine. The source: marine sponges.

abwasser, kläranlage, abwässer

Precious single cell oils born of waste water

Residential areas and industry produce significant quantities of sewage sludge, wastewater and waste materials – otherwise known as ‘waste streams’. Hidden inside these streams are substantial quantities of carbon that remain essentially unexploited. For the chemicals industry, this carbon could serve as a fundamental building block for other useful substances.

Wolfsmilchgewächses, Euphorbia lathyris, biosprit, bioenergie
The sap of the caper spurge plant (Euphorbia lathyris) could be an ingredient in future biofuels.

Biofuels: it’s all in the milk

Components from the sap of the caper spurge plant could be an ingredient in future biofuels. And because the plant grows well in poor soils, there would be no competition with food crops.

enzyme, waschmittel, microorganismus, textilwirtschaft
In future enzymes will also help to remove the knots that can build up on synthetic fibres.

Polishing up synthetic fibres with enzymes

In many industries, enzymes are the secret star of the show. For example, the tiny biocatalysts are a key component of modern detergents. Now, the Monheim-based biotech company Evocatal is coordinating the ‘Functionalisation of Polymers (FuPol)’ strategic alliance to further unlock the potential of enzymes.

Cells with built-in bitter receptors as taste testers: within the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020, biotechnologists are searching.

Natural substances to mask bitter tastes

Cough mixtures that taste sweet, but are still healthy - natural sweeteners suche as these are in the focus of the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020.The consortium of 22 partners from industry and academia have received millions of euros from the BMBF.