Bacterial bioplastics factories "tamed"

Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts or molds are masters of material conversion and have always been an important tool in biotechnology. With their help, materials can be produced that are naturally biobased and biodegradable - bioplastics, for example. But not all bacteria of interest to biotechnology work as desired, because they are difficult to "tame." Researchers at the Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Biology at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) have now found a way to achieve this by controlling their gene expression.

Drought alters photosynthetic behavior of plants

Photosynthesis is by far the most important metabolic process on earth. Without it, there would be no life. With the help of sunlight, plants, algae and also some bacteria can convert water and carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar and oxygen. Plants need CO2 to generate the necessary energy and thus biomass for their growth. As a result of increasingly frequent droughts, however, the photosynthetic behavior of plants has changed within the day, as an international study by researchers from South Korea, the USA and Germany shows.

New type of fungus against fruit pests discovered

Leaf fleas are a horror for fruit growers. The so-called psyllids sting the plant with their sucking mouthparts and suck out the plant sap. In this way, the parasitic leaf fleas sometimes cause high crop losses. Until now, fruit growers have tried to control the pest with the help of synthetic chemical pesticides. An international team of researchers with the participation of the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) has now, by chance, found a suitable antagonist in a parasitic fungus to eliminate the leaf flea in fruit growing in a natural way.

Mineral plastics now also biodegradable

It has been seven years since chemists at the University of Konstanz presented a completely new class of plastics that resemble biomaterials in structure. The so-called mineral plastic was a hydrogel consisting of nanoparticles of calcium carbonate (lime) crosslinked with polyacrylic acid in water. Hardly any energy is consumed in its production, as room temperature is sufficient. It also has self-healing properties and is easily recyclable. But the mineral plastic had a crucial flaw: due to its chemical components, it was not biodegradable.

How powdery mildew outwits the defenses of plants

Every year, fungal diseases cause major yield losses in cereals worldwide. At the molecular biological level, there is a constant arms race between plants and their pathogens. Fungi use certain molecules, known as effectors, to trick the plant's immune system. The plant, in turn, learns to recognize these effectors and still activate its defenses. The fungi then change their effectors, and the plant must again develop immune receptors to recognize them. And so the game goes on and on.

ICBM (2023): Oceans emit microplastics into the atmosphere

Air samples were collected during an expedition of the research vessel Heincke in 2021. The data reveals the amount of different types of plastic in the ocean air. Analyses showed that microplastic particles from polyester and other plastics such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate and polystyrene were present in all samples. The most common sources of these particles include textile fibres and tyre wear from cars. The concentration of microplastics in the air reached up to 37.5 nanograms per cubic metre.

Use enzymes as foams

Enzymes are at the core of biotechnology. As biocatalysts, they are supposed to help the chemical industry to move away from environmentally harmful processes and to enable particularly sustainable processes. Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have now transformed the enzymes into a new form: As foams, the biocatalysts prove to be extremely stable and active.