Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 943
Frau mit Outdoor-Kleidung und Rucksack beim Wandern in den Bergen
Outdoor textiles are usually impregnated with chemicals containing fluorine to be water and dirt repellent.

Impregnating outdoor textiles sustainably

The textile chemicals company Rudolf GmbH receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment for the construction of a manufacturing plant for an impregnating agent based on renewable raw materials.

Hanfpflanze für die industrielle Nutzung
Industrial hemp is cultivated specifically for the production of hemp fiber.

Creating new food additives from hemp

The start-up Becanex wants to extract cannabidiol from industrial hemp. The Berlin-based company has now successfully acquired funding from the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, ZIM).

Salat mit Quinoa (Halopyhte) und Ulva (Meersalat, Makroalge)
Alternative food: Salad with quinoa (halopyhte) and Ulva (sea lettuce, macroalgae).

Literature as inspiration for nutrition concepts

In search of new concepts for tomorrow's nutrition, the joint project Food4Future wants to analyze science fiction novels together with students from the University of Potsdam.

ERC-Preisträger: Philip Wigge/Gert Bange
ERC Awardees: Philip Wigge / Gert Bange

ERC funding for pioneering plant research

Molecular biologist Philip Wigge and biochemist Gert Bange have been awarded the highly endowed ERC Advanced Grants by the European Research Council for their innovative projects in plant research.

Umsatzentwicklung Biotechnologie-Branche in Deutschland

Biotechnology industry registers record growth

In 2020, the German biotechnology sector grew faster than it has in years. According to the sector association of the biotechnology industry BIO Deutschland, the 710 local companies generated sales of almost 6.5 billion euros. The industry stars BioNTech and CureVac were the main contributors.

Kleidung rot gefärbt mit Pflanzen
The workshop 'Dyeing with Plants' will show how to dye clothes with food scraps.

Hackathon: Bio-based fibers for sustainable fashion

Bio-based materials for sustainable textiles are the focus of the third online hackathon of the Science Year project “Hack Your Fashion”: Free workshops give insights into new developments and invite participants to experiment together.

Deckblatt der Studie: Green Startup Monitor 2021
The Green Startup Monitor has been published for the third time. One of main findings is that the proportion of green startups has risen to almost 30 percent.

Startup scene is becoming greener and greener

The third edition of the Green Startup Monitor shows: The proportion of green startups in Germany continues to increase. 30% of young companies are now attributed to the Green Economy.

gebratene Mehlwürmer und Heuschrecken als Snack
Insects such as mealworms and grasshoppers are rich in protein and could replace other animal sources of protein such as meat.

Discovering new sources of protein

Six Fraunhofer institutes want to use insects, algae, fungi and plants as protein sources for new foods.

Eine Rolle mit durchsichtigen Ob-und Gemüsebeutel aus kompostierbarem Material
The organic bag is made of renewable raw materials and is biodegradable.

Field test for organic bags launched

Compostable fruit and vegetable bags have been tested for customer acceptance since mid-March in some supermarkets in Straubing, Bavaria.

DBFZ Open Data
All research data on the bioeconomy flow together on the DBFZ's Open Data platform.

Research platform on biomass as a raw material

The German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ) has expanded its online database on the potentials and benefits of various biogenic raw materials in agriculture, forestry and waste management.

verschiedenfarbige Erdbeeren auf Stroh
This is how diverse it can look: the variety of colors and shapes of ripe strawberries in the genebank collection of the JKI Dresden-Pillnitz.

More robust berries

The EU research project BreedingValue aims to expand the genetic base of cultivars of strawberry, raspberry and blueberry.

Das chinesische Start-up Bota Biosciences hat eine Biotechnologie-Plattform zur  Identifizierung, Optimierung und Produktion geeigneter Mikroorganismen entwickelt.
The Chinese start-up Bota Biosciences uses synthetic biology to develop production organisms and biotechnological processes.

BASF invests in Chinese synbio start-up

BASF Venture Capital GmbH expands its commitment in the field of synthetic biotechnology and invests in the Chinese start-up Bota Biosciences.

Blüte mit Samen vom Afrikanischen Teakbaum Pterocarpus angolensis
Flower with seeds of the African teak tree

Biofertilizer for teak trees

Researchers in Bremen have discovered bacteria that can be used to fertilize teak trees naturally and thus grow them sustainably.

Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie
The new German Sustainability Strategy 2021 places the UN's global sustainability goals at the center of action.

Update on the German Sustainability Strategy

The German government has decided on the further development of the German Sustainability Strategy to address new developments such as the European Green Deal and the Corona pandemic, and repeatedly emphasizes the contribution of the bioeconomy.

Der Selstar wir im Alten Land angebaut
Selstar is grown in the traditional fruit-growing region, the Alte Land.

Selenium-rich apple from Altes Land

With "Selstar," researchers at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences have developed an apple with a high selenium content. The fruit could possibly replace food supplements.

Absetzer im Tagebau Hambach im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier
Model regions of the bioeconomy are to be created where lignite was once mined. (in picture: Hambach open pit mine)

Developing the bioeconomy model region

The further development of the "Bioeconomy Model Region in the Rhineland" is to be supported by comprehensive accompanying research. The experience is also intended to benefit other regions.

Dose mit ligninbasierter Creme
With LignoBase, LignoPure offers a lignin-based powder that can replace fossil ingredients in cosmetics.

LignoPure plans first large-scale lignin production

The Hamburg-based start-up LignoPure was able to secure 2.2 million euros from investors in a first round of financing. With this, the team now wants to start the large-scale production of lignin for cosmetics.

Betonblock, der mithilfe von Bakterien verfestigt worden ist
With the help of bacteria, this concrete has been consolidated and is ready for compressive strength testing.

Concrete care with microorganisms

A research team is optimizing the cultivation of bacteria that secrete lime and can thus patch cracks in structures.

Birch trees have a particularly high content of the sugar xylose, which is the main component of hemicellulose.

New plastic is bio-based and recyclable

A research group has developed a new class of sustainable and functionalizable polymers.

Zwei petrischalen mit verschiedenen Cyanobakterien: Neue Bakterienvarianten (rechts im Bild) produzieren deutlich mehr PHB.
The new variants of cyanobacteria produce significantly more PHB.

Bacteria as bioplastic factories

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have modified the metabolic pathway of special cyanobacteria so that they produce large quantities of the natural bioplastic polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB).