Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
The mouth and nose protection masks made of bacterial cellulose can be disposed of in orga

Face mask made of bacterial cellulose

Two designers from the USA have used bacteria to produce a mouth and nose protection mask that filters air particles and is also biodegradable.

Können artenreiche Wiesen zugleich Weidegründe sein? Auch das soll die Forschungsinitiative klären.
Can species-rich meadows also be grazing grounds? The research initiative aims to clarify this too.

More research to protect biodiversity

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is providing 25 million euros to advance projects for the conservation of biodiversity.

An der Modellpflanze Ackerschmalwand haben Forscher mithilfe des Enzyms Cas9 erstmals Chromosomen neu zusammengesetzt.
in the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis, researchers have exchanged chromosomal fragments for the first time using the scissor enzyme Cas9.

Genetic scissors convert chromosomes

Genome editing at a higher level: Plant researchers from Karlsruhe and Gatersleben have used the molecular scissors CRISPR-Cas9 for the first time to exchange chromosome arms.

Rose root contains the important natural substance ferulic acid.

Natural plant substance from microbes

Ferulic acid is a promising natural substance. Researchers have now found a way to produce this active ingredient using bacteria.

Mit diesem Scale-Down-Miniplant wird am Fraunhofer ISE die Methanolsynthese erforscht.
This scale-down mini-plant is used to research methanol synthesis at Fraunhofer ISE.

Advancing green methanol synthesis

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a miniaturized plant to study the processes involved in the production of methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

Genome Editing-Verfahren wurden vom EuGH als Gentechnik eingestuft
Only about 15 percent of Germans are in favor of green genetic engineering in agriculture - according to the TechnikRadar 2020.

What Germans think about bioeconomy

The majority of Germans are in favor of sustainable economic activity, but still have difficulty making sacrifices. This is shown by the latest TechnikRadar conducted by acatech and the Körber Stiftung.

Plants draw water from the roots. But their suction power is limited.

Lipids limit the plants' suction power

A team of researchers is the first to provide an explanation why plants cannot absorb an unlimited amount of water through their roots.

Zuse-Cluster Bioökonomie
With the establishment of the Bioeconomy Cluster, the Zuse Community wants to better network 15 of its research institutions and create biobased solutions for many areas.

Zuse-Institutes establish Bioeconomy Cluster

In a new bioeconomy cluster, 15 institutes of the Zuse-Gemeinschaft are combining their activities in order to promote industrial research for a biobased economy.

Grass clippings could become an important biomass source for the chemical industry.
Grass clippings could become an important biomass source for the chemical industry.

Establishing grass as a raw material source

Partners from research and industry hope to use green waste as a source of raw materials for biorefineries in order to produce basic chemicals as well as electrodes.

Topics such as sustainability and climate protection are becoming increasingly important in Corona times.
Topics such as sustainability and climate protection are becoming increasingly important in Corona times.

The pandemic as an opportunity for the bioeconomy

More than a quarter of all German citizens are convinced that the corona pandemic can lead to a change in people's thinking towards more sustainability and climate protection.

Waste from sawmills is suitable for the production of biofuels - if you know the right enzymes and their requirements.
Waste from sawmills is suitable for the production of biofuels - if you know the right enzymes and their requirements.

Omnivores for plant residues

Researchers are developing an enzymatic process to make fivefold sugar available to produce biofuels.

The HypoWave process is particularly suitable for growing vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce.

Growing vegetables with recycled wastewater

A new irrigation concept for vegetable cultivation could set a precedent: In the Hypowave project, treated water from a sewage treatment plant was used for growing lettuce in the greenhouse.

The soft valve of the bicycle bottle "Bike Bottle Organic" was realized with a bio-based thermoplastic elastomer from Hexpol TPE.
The soft valve of the bicycle bottle "Bike Bottle Organic" was realized with a bio-based thermoplastic elastomer from Hexpol TPE.

Drinking valve made of bioplastics

The custom-made product for a bicycle drinking bottle combines functional properties and enables use in a bio-based recycling economy.

Three-spined sticklebacks

Eyes on epigenetic inheritance

Epigenetic processes have less influence on the rapid adaptation of organisms to environmental changes than previously assumed. This is the result of a study led by researchers from Kiel.

D-Phenylglycin ist ein wichtiger Baustein für eine große Gruppe von Antibiotika.
D-phenylglycine is an important building block for a large group of antibiotics.

Amino acid produced biotechnologically

Leibniz researchers have developed a sustainable alternative to the petrochemical process to produce an important basic drug substance.

Sentinel-3A satellite in orbit

Satellites track algal blooms

A new algorithm allows the identification of phytoplankton species in the ocean based on satellite data and predicts the growth of toxic algal blooms.

Am Unternehmenssitz in Zörbig stellt die Verbio AG Bioethanol zur Beimischung in Benzin her. Nun wird auch Desinfektionsmittel produziert.
Verbio AG produces bioethanol for blending into petrol at its headquarters in Zörbig. Now the company also produces disinfectants.

Corona: Bioethanol for disinfectants

In the corona crisis, disinfectants are a scarce commodity. German bioethanol producers are changing their policy and now produce alcohol for hygiene products rather than petrol.

DNA, gna, laser, Polymerasekettenreaktion, PCR
This is one of the laser PCR systems from GNA Biosolutions. Mobile test devices are produced for the rapid test for SARS-CoV-2.

How the rapid Corona PCR Test works

The Martinsried-based company GNA Biosolutions plans to launch an ultra-fast corona test based on its laser PCR. The BMBF has funded the development of the method.

Selbst an raue oder stark strukturierte Oberflächen legt sich seine flexible Hülle so passgenau an, dass sich das Silikonkissen auch bei starkem Druck nicht verschieben lässt.
The flexible cover conforms to even rough surfaces so that the silicone pad cannot be moved, even under heavy pressure.

Firm grip, grasshopper style

Following the example of grasshopper feet, bionics researchers from Kiel have created an adaptive frictional system that adheres even to rough and uneven surfaces.

Forscher untersuchen, unter welchen Bedingungen Erbsen Soja als Futtermittel ersetzen können.
Researchers are investigating the conditions under which peas can replace soya as animal feed.

Replacing soya with toasted peas

Animal feed must be high in protein, which is why soya is very well suited for this purpose. For ecological reasons, researchers are looking for domestic alternatives.