Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
Pflastikflaschen mit blauem Schraubverschluss
Plasticizers are found in many plastics because they make them easier to shape.

Paving the way for bio-based plasticizers

Researchers have laid the foundation for the production of sustainable plasticizers: The molecules needed for plastic production can be obtained from waste streams from food production or wood processing.

Der rote Weihnachtsstern ist ein beliebteste Zierpflanze.
More and more nurseries cultivate poinsettias in the greenhouse.

20 million Christmas stars

This year, almost every fifth houseplant produced in Germany is a poinsettia. Most of the colorful spurge plants come from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Hülsenfrüchte, Leguminosen, Ackerbohnen, Protein, Pflanzen
Legumes such as beans or lentils are important sources of protein for a healthy diet.

Tapping alternative protein sources

The development of new technologies for the processing of alternative protein sources up to the end product is the focus of a new funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Eingang BayWa-Zentrale München
BayWa AG is strengthening its commitment in the field of sustainably produced dairy substitutes. (Image: BayWa HQ in Munich)

BayWa invests in plant-based dairy alternatives

BayWa further expands its activities in the field of alternative protein sources and invests in the Israeli food start-up YoFix Probiotics.

Kartierübung mit Studierenden bei Brackede and der Elbe (Niedersachsen /Deutschland). Diese Wiese wird einmal jährlich gemäht.
Mapping exercise with students near Brackede on the Elbe (Lower Saxony /Germany). This meadow is mowed once a year.

Ecologically valuable management of meadows and pastures

Saving species-rich grasslands is the focus of a new project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research with a total of 3 million euros over the next three years.

Omelett auf dem Teller
A plant-based herb omelet could soon replace the traditional dish.

Vegan egg alternative from the field bean

After plant-based substitutes for milk and meat, a vegan alternative for eggs is soon to conquer the market: the Berlin-based company Perfeggt has now been able to win investors for this.

Stephan Baz präentiert die umweltfreundliche Baumhülle.
Stephan Baz (Head of Staple Fiber Technologies) shows the environmentally friendly tree cover on a red maple. In the foreground: hybrid yarn variants made from flax or cotton.

Reforestation without plastic waste

Textile researchers have developed biodegradable tree covers from renewable raw materials.

Illustration zum neuen FoodCampus Berlin
View of the future Food Campus Berlin from the bank of the Teltow Canal

Think tank for sustainable food innovations

Artprojekt GmbH wants to establish a place of innovation for the future of European food production in Berlin: Construction of the Food Campus Berlin is scheduled to begin in spring 2022.

Martina Brockmeier (links); Barbara Sturm (rechts)
Martina Brockmeier and Barbara Sturm (l.t.r.)

Two agricultural experts elected to head the Leibniz Association

Two bioeconomy experts will head the Leibniz Association in the future: Martina Brockmeier, an agricultural economist from Hohenheim, was elected as the new president and Barbara Sturm, an agricultural engineer from Potsdam, was elected vice-president.

Vincenzo De Rocchis, Wilhelm Gossing und Martin Kern
The team of Kykeon Biotech with Vincenzo De Rocchis, Wilhelm Gossing and Martin Kern has won the audience award at the pitch of the start-up service of the Brandenburg TU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Cell-free protein production convinces at pitch

The Kykeon Biotech team wins the audience award of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Ein Taucher nimmt Proben aus einer Seegraswiese.
A researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology takes samples in seagrass beds in the Mediterranean Sea. The measuring device determines the oxygen content in the seafloor.

Symbiont supplies seagrass with nitrogen

Seagrass is an important store of carbon dioxide. A bacterium enables the plant to thrive.

Ein Forscher entnimmt einer Maschine ein Elastomer.
Elastomer production in the research laboratory: At Fraunhofer LBF, new formulations for sustainable, alternative materials are developed and tested for their suitability for use.

Sustainable raw materials for elastomers

From base monomers to additives, the important plastics group is to become more bio- and residue-based.

Entfrachtungsstrecke bei STENA Recycling in Baumholder
The problems involved in recycling today's refrigerators and freezers became apparent on the de-fibering line at STENA Recycling in Baumholder.

Optimizing cooling appliances for recycling

A large-scale trial identifies key design elements for successful recycling of refrigerators and freezers.

Ein Forscher bedient ein Sequenziergerät.
This sequencer at the DSMZ generates large amounts of microbiological data. In the future, this data management is to become more standardized nationwide.

Large-scale inventory of microbial knowledge launched

The National Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research has begun to create better data management nationwide.

Die Sonnenblume ist äußerst anfällig gegen Krankheiten. Forscher wollen das ändern.
The sunflower's appearance reveals nothing about its root system: the fine roots are more like those of pine trees, a study shows.

Role of fine roots in plant growth recognized

The plant's appearance reveals nothing about its roots, according to a study. More attention should be paid to the characteristics of fine roots in future development forecasts.

biologisch Abbaubare Kunststofffolie aus Agrarresten
The biofilm developed by traceless materials biodegrades within two to four weeks.

EU funding for traceless materials

The Hamburg-based start-up traceless materials was able to secure a multi-million euro grant from the European Innovation Council (EIC) for the further development of a process with which compostable biomaterials can be produced from agricultural residues.

Some fish have developed a unique filtering mechanism to screen out microplastics.

Fish gills as inspiration for microplastic filter

Inspired by fish gills, researchers want to develop a sustainable filter that screens microplastics from washing machines.

Chemresilienz Teamleitung Prof. Peter H. Seeberger und Dr. Matthew Plutschack (v.l.n.r.)
Chemresilienz Team Leader Prof. Peter H. Seeberger and Dr. Matthew Plutschack (l.t.r.)

Research factories for sustainable chemistry

A team led by Potsdam biochemist Peter Seeberger has succeeded in obtaining BMBF funding for the establishment of two large-scale research centers for the reorientation of chemical production in central Germany.

Blick von oben auf das neue Phytotechnikum auf dem campus der Uni Hohenheim
The first part of the new high-tech research greenhouse Phytotechnikum is located in the west of the University of Hohenheim campus.

Phytotechnikum: High-tech research in a glass greenhouse

The first high-tech greenhouse of the new Phytotechnikum was officially opened on the campus of the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart.

Teilweise abgebaute Folie im Ackerboden
These are the remnants of PBSA film degraded over 240 days under conventional agriculture and the climate of 2070.

Bioplastic remains readily degradable despite climate change

Microbial decomposition of biodegradable PBSA films works well under climate change conditions. However, the plastic can endanger field yields.