News from the economy

Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Research alliance with Queensland: first projects launched

The first projects with Queensland have been launched as part of the ‘Bioeconomy International’ research cooperation programme.

Das Bild zeigt ein BASF-Mitarbeiter auf einem Testfeld für Weizen in Rheinland-Pfalz.

Climate-friendly arable farming: BASF reports on worldwide field trials

BASF is testing solutions for ‘climate-optimised’ agricultural production with practitioners in field trials around the world. The goal of reducing the carbon footprint by 30% has been achieved in some cases, the company reports.

Bioreaktor von FORMO

Berlin-based foodtech Formo raises 61 million US dollars

Retailer REWE is one of the new investors in Berlin start-up Formo: the company, which specializes in animal-free cheese alternatives, has raised fresh capital as part of a Series B financing round.

Pilotanlage in Dänemark

Electrochaea: Important step towards industrial biomethane production

The Munich-based power-to-gas company Electrochaea has successfully brought its technology for microbial biomethane production to industrial scale with EU funding from the EIC Accelerator.

Hülsenfrüchte wie Erbsen, Bohne und Soja anbauen

Investments in the market for alternative proteins on the rise

German companies that produce meat and dairy alternatives based on plants, fermentation and cell cultures were able to raise a total of EUR 74 million in the first half of 2024, more than twice as much capital as in the whole of 2023.



The chemical industry today is still primarily based on petroleum, a fossil raw material. Existing fully integrated modes of production have until now countered comprehensive structural transformation. The topic of sustainability, however, has become increasingly important, as a number of initiatives toward green chemistry have shown. Companies apply bio-based approaches above all when they save costs or improve product quality.

Sector: Chemistry


For thousands of years, medicinal herbs have helped to relieve illnesses. Nature, in addition, offers a huge selection of therapeutic agents that serve as basis for advanced medications. Increasingly, biotechnological processes are employed in the production of medication. These biopharmaceuticals have become indispensable in the therapy of widespread diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Sector: Pharmacy

Mechanical engineering

Germany is one of the leading countries in mechanical engineering. Application of advanced machines, equipment and processes enables efficient and sustainable design of production processes – in all areas of industry and business. For further development of bioeconomy, innovations from mechanical engineering are key drivers.

Sector: Mechanical Engineering


For the textile industry, application of regenerative raw materials is a matter of daily routine. Plant fibres such as linen and cotton, as well as animal products such as wool, silk and leather – natural products are used in many textile areas. With regard to sustainability and resource efficiency, however, unconventional ideas are now being implemented. New high-tech fibres with previously unknown properties, for example, are now being produced from formerly discarded materials from the food and beverage industry.

Sector: textiles

Consumer goods

For cosmetics, washing agents and home appliances: bio-based processes find application in manufacture of a great number and variety of products used in everyday life. These processes make an important contribution to greater sustainability in industry and enable innovative products with novel properties for the consumer.


Food and beverage industry

The food and beverage industry plays a prominent role in bioeconomy. This industry processes raw agrarian materials to foods, beverages and animal fodder. Resource-conserving technologies help to manufacture healthy, high-value and safe products. For storage, preservation and transport of food and beverages, the bio-based economy also provides innovative processes.

Sector: Nutrition


In the form of firewood, fuel or biogas: a great diversity of energy media can be obtained from biomass. Bioenergy, as a regenerative energy form, is a key pillar in the energy mix of the future. Attention is now shifting to the efficient use of plant residue, in order to avoid competition with food production. Exploiting the potential of sustainably cultivated energy crops, and promoting innovative process technologies – these are important steps in the bioenergy sector.

Sector: Energy

Agriculture and forestry

Agriculture and forestry are two key pillars of bio-economy. Plant-based biomass, produced in meadows, fields and forests provides the foundation for a bio-based economy. Livestock, in turn, represent an essential resource for the supply of food. Recent research approaches and technologies will further advance sustainable developments in agriculture and forestry.

Sector: Agriculture and forestry


As raw materials for building, general construction materials, insulation and materials for interior finishing work: regenerative raw materials are appealing owing to their good material characteristics. They improve environmental balance sheets and are often more compatible with human health. Within this context, natural construction materials are increasingly interesting not only for new building, but also for restoration. In addition, there are now bio-based strategies for greater sustainability with conventional products in the construction sector as well – for example, concrete and asphalt. A constructive contribution to bioeconomy.

Sector: Construction

Automotive sector

The mobility of today would be hardly imaginable without the automobile. In view of climate change, sustainable mobility concepts are increasingly in demand. The automotive sector is one of the largest users of bioplastics and is otherwise also increasingly sympathetic for bio-based materials.

Branche: Automobil

Bioeconomy inside

Steckschaum für Blumenarrangements

Floral foam

Without it, many floral arrangements wouldn't make much of an impression. Floral foam is commonly used in floristry to stabilise cut flowers, grasses, and branches in bouquets, and to provide them with water and nutrients.

How much green waste was generated per capita in Germany in 2022?

That is wrong. This value is from the year 2021.


Probiotischer Allzweckreiniger

All-purpose cleaner

Many cleaning products are based on surfactants derived from crude oil. They have been proven to fulfil their main task of dissolving dirt and grease. Bio-based alternatives do this in a more environmentally friendly way using renewable resources.

For how many Germans does sustainability play an important role when buying cleaning products?

No, sustainability plays a greater role in this segment.

That's right, around a third of Germans pay attention to sustainability when it comes to cleaning products.

Rundes Waschbecken


Stable, heat-resistant, scratch-proof. These are the properties that a washbasin should have. Sanitary ceramics are ideal for manufacturing the basins - but so is a bio-based composite.

How many cubic metres of damaged timber had to be felled in 2022, mainly due to long periods of drought and the spread of the bark beetle?

That is wrong.

Correct. This corresponds to a 59.5% share of logging due to forest damage. In 2012, the figure was still 17.8%.

Verschiedene Gemüsesorten und Milchprodukte in einer Kiste mit Isoliermaterial

Food packaging

Maize is first and foremost a foodstuff. Many of its plant components that are not edible are also suitable for the production of environmentally friendly products. For example, for products that bring other foods fresh to the consumer. 

In 1960, maize was grown on 6,000 hectares in Germany. How big was the area in 2023?

That's wrong.

That's correct. In 2012, the figure was as high as 526 thousand hectares.


Phone case

Most users know that the production of smartphones places a heavy burden on the environment. But protective covers made of plastic can also be harmful to humans and nature. Manufacturers use plant-based plastic alternatives to develop more sustainable products.

How many smartphones are sold in Germany each year?

This is wrong, but roughly equivalent to the number of smartphone users in Germany.


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