
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Baden-Württembergs Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann, Landwirt Hubert Bernhard und Prof. Andreas Bett, Leiter des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Solare Energiesysteme, weihten die Agri-Photovoltaikanlage in Kressbronn ein.
Baden-Wuerttemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, farmer Hubert Bernhard and Prof. Dr. Andreas Bett, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, inaugurated the agri-photovoltaic plant in Kressbronn.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

With agri-voltaics to sustainable fruit cultivation

The cultivation of pome and soft fruit under photovoltaic systems is being tested in a large-scale trial at five locations in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Die Innovationsräume Bioökonomie sind Netzwerke

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The Bioeconomy Innovation Spaces

On the way to a biobased and climate-neutral economy, new value chains are emerging. With the Bioeconomy Innovation Spaces ("Innovationsräume Bioökonomie"), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding four large networks that aim to bring innovative approaches for the biobased economy into application more quickly. A portrait of the four Bioeconomy Innovation Spaces.

Der Anteil von Biogas bei der Gasversorgung liegt bundesweit bei etwa 9%.
The share of biogas in gas supply nationwide is about 9%.

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Mobilize sustainable biomass for gas production

In a position paper, the German Biomass Research Center explains why Russian natural gas can only be replaced by biogas to a limited extent - and makes recommendations for future biogas policy.

Universalstreuer der Firma Bergmann, TSW 5210 W VSpread, im Einsatz bei SteenFOS.
Universal spreader of the company Bergmann in use for the project

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Recycled fertilizer from manure and leaves

Researchers want to establish environmentally friendly fertilizer for agriculture from manure and leaves, thus offering farmers and municipalities a new source of income.

bunte Zucchini
Eating more vegetables is not enough to make the food system sustainable.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Food system: Only growth is not enough

A combination of dietary change and emissions pricing would make the food system more sustainable, concludes a study by the Potsdam Institute.

Hauptgebäude der Universität Hannover
Leibniz University Hannover coordinates the DECADES research project.

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Solvents are to become greener

An international research project is seeking sustainable alternatives to petroleum-based products.

Gebäude der Universität Frankfurt
A research team at Goethe University Frankfurt has developed a bacterial hydrogen storage system.

Energy Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Biobattery as a green hydrogen storage system

Specially adapted bacteria enable the energy carrier to be bound and released again in a controlled manner.

Ein Forscher sichtet Grubenschlamm.
Martin Bertau of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg sighting the slurry at the Rote Graben.

Construction Waste Plant and process engineering

Climate-friendly cement from mining sludge

A new recycling process cleans mine water and sludge from toxins and recovers contained valuable materials.

Ausschnitt eines Photobioreaktors
Cyanobacteria that produce the enzyme furanolide synthase grow in this photobioreactor at the TU Dresden.

Agriculture and forestry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

New enzyme class for natural product synthesis discovered

A recently discovered enzyme from cyanobacteria opens up new options for biotechnology.

Bundesforschungsministerin unterzeichnet Vertrag zur Bioökonomie-Forschung
An agreement reached to strengthen bioeconomy research: Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Cameron Dick (Queensland State Minister).

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

Bioeconomy research alliance with Australia

Germany and the Australian state of Queensland want to cooperate more in the future on green hydrogen - and in bioeconomy research.

metallischer Kubus als Methanreaktor
This is what the reactor for catalytic methanation of CO2 looks like, which already has 50 kW of nominal power.

Energy Plants Chemistry

Biogas without carbon dioxide emissions

A new process will use green hydrogen to convert CO2 produced during biogas production into methane.

Biertreber, ein Nebenprodukt der Bierbrauerei, kann zum Brotbacken genutzt werden: in getrockneter, geschroteter Form oder als Mehl.
Brewer's grains, a by-product of brewing, can be used for baking bread: in dried, ground form or as flour.

Chemistry Waste Biotechnology/Systems biology

Brewer's grains as a flour substitute for bread and veggie burgers

Saarbrücken researchers show the potential that spent grain could have for healthy and sustainable food production in the sense of a circular economy.

Just one example of what would not be possible without plasticizers.

Chemistry Waste Chemistry

The search for the perfect plasticizer

Many plastic and rubber products cannot do without plasticizers, but a bio-based alternative is not easy to develop.

Die Gründer Jonas Heuer, Max Webers, Philipp Arbter und Tyll Utesch.
COLIPI founders Jonas Heuer, Max Webers, Philipp Arbter and Tyll Utesch.

Food Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Yeast replaces palm oil

Hamburg-based start-up COLIPI gets support from the EXIST funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protectionfor the development of a climate-friendly palm oil alternative.

Pilotanlage in Dänemark
The process for producing climate-neutral methane has already been tested at this pilot plant in Denmark.

Energy Microorganisms Energy technologies

Electrochaea raises 36 million euros

Using microbial electrochemical cells, the young company produces climate-neutral methane from CO2 and green hydrogen.

Katjes Werk in Potsdam
Confectionery manufacturer Katjes has been pursuing a "veggie strategy" for years.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Katjes invests in UNMILK

Through its investment platform Katjes Greenfood, the confectionery manufacturer will support the start-up UNMILK, which offers milk alternatives made from oat and pea proteins.

In der vorkommerziellen Produktionsanlage in Straubing hat Clariant Chinaschilf enzymatisch zu Bioethanol verarbeitet.
Clariant's pre-commercial production plant in Munich-Straubing already produces bioethanol from straw.

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

Industrial bioeconomy: Bavaria invests in scale-up plants

With a new funding program, Bavaria is supporting companies in setting up bioeconomy production plants on an industrial scale.

Die einzellige Amöbe Dictyostelium discoideum kann sich zu einem vielzelligen Verband zusammenschließen und Fruchtkörper ausbilden, die Sporen produzieren.
The unicellular amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum can form a multicellular association and produce fruiting bodies that produce spores.

Chemistry Animals Biotechnology/Systems biology

Amoebae as biofactories for natural substances

Leibniz researchers from Jena have succeeded in producing the natural substance olivetolic acid - a precursor of the cannabis active ingredient THC - in amoebae.

Aufwuchskörper in der Aquakultur - der Schlüssel zu einer biologischen Wasserreinigung.
Growing bodies in aquaculture - the key to biological water purification

Agriculture and forestry Animals Agriculture sciences

Ridding aquacultures of microplastics

A research team at Hof University of Applied Sciences is developing a fully biodegradable growth body for aquaponics to make water treatment more sustainable.

Die Libanonzeder gilt als Alternativbaumart für den Anbau im Klimawandel. Dr. Muhidin Šeho vom Bayerischen Amt für Waldgenetik, Koordinator im Forschungsprojekt „CorCed“, mit einer Baumscheibe der Libanonzeder.
The Lebanon cedar is considered an alternative tree species for climate-resistant cultivation. In the photo: Dr. Muhidin Šeho from the Bavarian State Office of Forest Genetics with a tree slice of Lebanon cedar.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Stronger forests through exotic trees

Researchers have identified drought-tolerant tree species that could better protect native forests from the effects of climate change.