
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Flüssige Lotion
BASF's new biosurfactant is suitable for numerous products - including washing lotions.

Chemistry Plants Chemistry

BASF: New biosurfactant for natural cosmetics

BASF's Care Chemicals is expanding its portfolio of sustainable cosmetic products with a bio-based surfactant made from soy protein.

Früchte der allergikerfreundlichen Apfelsorte 'ZIN 168'.
The allergy-friendly apple variety ZIN 168.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Plant breeding research

New apple varieties for allergy sufferers

Researchers from Osnabrück, Munich and Berlin have developed ZIN 168 and ZIN 186, the first apple varieties in Europe to be officially certified as allergy-friendly.  

Zwei Forscher in einem Miscanthus-Feld
Bioethanol from the Giant Miscanthus combined with carbon storage in depleted petroleum reservoirs can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Plants Agriculture sciences

Chinese reed as a climate-friendly bioethanol source

The Giant Miscanthus is intended to become a feedstock for sustainable fuel alternatives on marginal lands.

Windräder auf dem Feld
The majority of the approximately 30,000 wind turbines are located on land.

Machine and plant engineering unspecific Plant and process engineering

Better recycling of rotor blades

Researchers want to optimize existing recycling concepts for the efficient reuse of raw materials from rotor blades of old wind turbines.

Cookie in Folie von traceless materials

Consumables Waste

Packaging film

Instead of producing polymers synthetically, take what nature has already produced: A special technology can be used to extract biopolymers from agricultural residues - making them not only naturally degradable, but even edible.

Flyer für Nachwuchswettbewerb Green Talents Award 2022
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is once again looking for the best "green talents".

unspecific unspecific unspecific

Green Talents competition: Call for innovative ideas

This year, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is once again calling on young researchers from all over the world to apply for the Green Talents Award with innovative ideas for a sustainable future.

Alpine forests are also suffering from the climate crisis, which is why they need new forms of management.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Forestry

Climate-smart management of European forests

An international research project is developing sustainable forestry concepts for Mediterranean, continental, alpine and boreal forests.

Wheat served as a raw material for phytic acid in the NPBioPhos project.

Chemistry Waste Chemistry

Phytic acid is biobased and surprisingly versatile

Originally, a research team was looking for a bio-based flame retardant - but they found much more.

Thorsten Glaser im Chemielabor
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Glaser from Bielefeld University heads the new research group "Bioinspired oxidation catalysis with iron complexes".

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Catalysts modeled on nature

A research alliance is developing iron-containing molecules that will save energy and raw materials in important chemical processes.

Kultiviertes Fleisch aus Muskelzellen in der Petrischale

Food unspecific Nutritional sciences

Osnabrück University (2022): Acceptance of cultured meat in Germany

According to a study by the University of Osnabrück on the acceptance of in vitro meat, 47% of consumers surveyed said they would eat a lab-grown burger more often instead of conventional meat.

Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, - muss der hohe Fleischkonsum vor allem in den Industrieländern reduziert werden. Dagegen ist im Globalen Süden (hier in Äthiopien) für viele Menschen der Besitz von Vieh existenzsichernd.
In order to achieve the climate targets, the high meat consumption, especially in the industrialized countries, must be reduced. In the global south (here in Ethiopia), by contrast, the ownership of farm animals provides a livelihood for many people.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

How sustainable meat consumption can succeed

To secure the world's food supply, industrialised countries would not have to give up meat completely, but drastically reduce their consumption - according to an overview study by researchers at the University of Bonn.  

The rice terraces of the Philippines owe their existence to a continuous supply of water from the forests above.

unspecific unspecific Biodiversity

Protecting species often equals protecting the climate

Two-thirds of the biodiversity targets the United Nations plans to adopt this fall also slow global warming.

Nadin Mengis

unspecific unspecific Environmental technology

"The ecological footprint must incorporate all climate factors"

In the FOOTPRINTS project, a team led by researcher Nadine Mengis is investigating how CO2 emissions must develop in order to stabilize global temperatures and thus achieve the Paris climate goals.

KI-basierter Roboter unterstützt beim Zuckerrübenanbau – Erster Testlauf auf der Lehr- und Forschungsstation Gut Wilmersdorf (Brandenburg)
An AI-based robot assists in sugar beet cultivation - first test run at the Gut Wilmersdorf teaching and research station (Brandenburg)

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Remove weeds from sugar beets

A field robot that independently detects and removes weeds has successfully passed an initial test run in the Uckermark region.

Ein Taucher vor einer Seegraswiese
Measuring metabolites, such as sucrose and phenols, in seawater is difficult. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen had to develop a special method.

unspecific Plants Biodiversity

Seagrass meadows store more CO2 than thought

The plants secrete large amounts of sugar into their root zone, but only a few species of bacteria feed on it.

Pappelblatt mit Flecken durch Pilzbefall
This black poplar is affected by rust fungus.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Forestry

Poplars show more effective defence than expected

Two important plant hormones intensify each other's effect. The opposite is the case with annual plant species.

The PlanB start-up competition has been held every two years since 2014.

unspecific unspecific unspecific

Looking for startups with green business ideas

The start-up competition "PlanB - Biobased.Business.Bayern" is entering its fifth round. As of now, start-ups with their innovative bioeconomy business ideas can again apply for funding.

Bog in Arkhangelsk region

unspecific Plants unspecific

Wetland ecosystems are important carbon stores

A new study underscores the importance of protecting peatlands and similar areas for climate protection.

Produktionsanlage der Südzucker AG in Offstein
Produktionsanlage der Südzucker AG in Offstein

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Südzucker subsidiary plans new protein factory

To expand its portfolio of vegetable proteins, Südzucker subsidiary Beneo plans to build a production facility for protein concentrate from field beans.

Junge Rinder auf einer Weide
Cattle farming is a major contributor to global deforestation and the greenhouse effect.

Food Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Microbial protein as a beef alternative

If meat consumption were reduced by one-fifth, deforestation would be cut in half and fewer greenhouse gases would be produced.