
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1229
An verschiedenen Standorten in Europa mit unterschiedlichen klimatischen Bedingungen haben die Forscher im Team von Chris-Carolin Schön alte Maissorten angebaut, um deren genetisches Potenzial zu untersuchen.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Plant breeding research

Toward better hybrid varieties

Genetic information from seed banks can help better equip today's arable crops for climate change.

The rapid test to check the germination capacity shows the result as a color reaction.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Rapid test for the germination capacity of seeds

A new method provides seed banks and breeders with results after only hours, without having to waste the tested seed.


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Bioeconomy as a global trend

The digital Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 successfully started its two-day plenary program yesterday morning. More than 1,000 participants followed the livestream at times.

Silage films in agriculture

Chemistry Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Silage films made from biopolymers

A team of researchers at Hof University of Applied Sciences wants to banish conventional plastic silage films from the fields and develop a bio-based alternative with better properties.

"We want to seize the opportunity to become the technology leader and world export champion in energy system transformation, resource efficiency and climate protection," said Federal Minister Anja Karliczek

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

BMBF supports research on sustainability

The BMBF has published the new strategy "Research for Sustainability" (FONA) and doubled the funding to 4 billion euros. The bioeconomy also plays an important role.

With the ban on plastic bags, the Federal Government wants to tackle the plastic problem and save resources.

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Plastic bags will soon be history

By 2022, plastic bags are planned to disappear from the market for good. This has now been decided by the German Bundestag.

Kolorierte Darstellung des Bakteriums Shewanella oneidensis
Shewanella oneidensis is a widely distributed soil bacterium that will be used industrially as a microbial biofactory in the future.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

High performance without oxygen

Bioelectrochemistry enables economically attractive microbial biofactories. In the future, the proteobacterium Shewanella oneidensis could be used in this way for acetoin production.

This year, the German Sustainability Day took place online. Experts such as Maja Göpel were joined live for discussions.

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The pandemic as an opportunity for sustainability

The 13th German Sustainability Day was dominated by the corona crisis. In virtual forums, around 100 experts discussed the opportunities of the pandemic for a sustainable future.

Bioökonomierat erste sitzung
Erste Zusammenkunft des neuen Bioökonomierats: Bundesforschungsministerin Anja Karliczeck begrüßte das 20-köpfige Beratungsgremium per Videokonferenz.

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

The new Bioeconomy Council

The new Bioeconomy Council has met for the first time. For the next three years, the 20-member body will advise the German government on the implementation of the National Bioeconomy Strategy.

Almonds and nuts contaminated with salmonella can cause food infections.

Chemistry Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Making almonds and nuts germ-free

It is not only eggs that can contain salmonella – but also almonds. Researchers have now been able to use compressed carbon dioxide to make these pathogenic bacteria harmless.

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"Design-to-fade concept particularly promising for the future"

Sascha Peters is a materials expert and trend scout for new technologies. He is convinced: The recycling of resources must already be considered in product design.

Baumwollmasken am Wäscheständer

unspecific unspecific Biodiversity

Empa (2020): Life cycle assessment of corona masks

We wear masks to protect others and ourselves. Empa researchers asked themselves what the environmental balance of this mass-produced product looks like and examined the environmental impact using the example of cotton and disposable masks by means of life cycle assessment analyses.  

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The world's second largest country does not yet have a national bioeconomy strategy, but there are strategies with bioeconomy elements and provinces that have already developed their own vision of a bioeconomy. A comprehensive update of this country dossier.

Die Mizellenproteine der blauen Süßlupine sind gesund und haben eine hohe Klebrigkeit.,
The proteins of the sweet blue lupin are also candidates for a new, natural packaging adhesive.

Consumables Microorganisms Materials sciences

Film for foodstuffs made of plant residues

Most adhesives for films and packaging are based on mineral oil. Fraunhofer researchers are testing a plant-based alternative.

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Green chemistry and biofuels are important pillars of the biobased economy in Italy.

Nationale Bioökonomiestrategie
Quelle: pixelio/Rainer Sturm

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About the bioeconomy

Bioeconomy - this refers to a modern and sustainable form of economic activity based on the efficient use of biological resources such as plants, animals and microorganisms. All industries that produce, process or use biological resources in any form contribute to the biobased economy.

Project Map

The project map is a database that catalogues research and development projects in the bioeconomy field that are supported by public funding initiatives of the federal ministries in Germany.

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Japan is a highly industrialized country and, as a mountainous island nation, has special geographical conditions. These circumstances mean that Japan mostly has to import food, animal feed and biomass for industrial use, and bioenergy only plays a minor role. Biomass as a chemical raw material, on the other hand, has a long tradition in Japan. In a country with a strong research sector, the same applies to biotechnology. This is probably one reason why the bioeconomy strategy adopted in 2019 focuses strongly on the high-tech side of the bioeconomy.

Der Champagne-Pool auf Neuseeland gehört zu den natürlichen Lebensräumen des Archaeons Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
Der ChamThe Champagne pool on New Zealand belongs to the natural habitats of the archaeon Sulfolobus acidocalpagne-Pool auf Neuseeland gehört zu den natürlichen Lebensräumen des Archaeons Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, das hier ins Foto hineinmontiert wurde.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Cell factory for hot and acidic

The archaeon is to become a platform organism for biotechnology. The research project "HotAcidFACTORY" wants to create the basis for this.


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IÖW (2020): Consumer survey on packaging volume

Plastic waste in the environment is increasingly becoming a burden on ecosystems. The number of plastic packaging used to distribute food, clothing or cosmetics has doubled in two decades.