
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Der Feldroboter "ETAROB" erkennt Pflanzen an ihrer Struktur.
The field robot "ETAROB" recognizes plants by their structure.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Field robot helps with weed control

Researchers from Aachen and their partners have developed a field robot that detects weeds and removes them with electric shocks.

Bienen können in ihrem Bienenstock durch verschiedene Methoden gegen Parasiten kämpfen.
Bees can fight against parasites in their hive with various methods.

Agriculture and forestry Animals Agriculture sciences

Heat sensors for beehives

Max Planck researchers from Mainz want to use mini-sensors to ensure even temperature in beehives, thus better protecting honey bees from parasites.

Nanokapseln könnten bald schon Rebstöcke vor der gefährlichen Pilzkrankheit Esca schützen.
Nanocapsules could soon protect vines from the dangerous fungal disease Esca.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Healing plants with nanocapsules

The nano-active substance transporters known from medicine were successfully used for the first time for the treatment of dreaded plant diseases. And on top of it all, they are also made of waste. 

Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze eröffnet die Konferenz ICCA 2019.
Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze opens the ICCA 2019 conference.

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

Fighting the climate crisis at all levels

At the ICCA climate conference in Heidelberg, political and economic actors stressed the need for cooperation between government decision-makers.

CRISPR-Cas9 hat die Genom-Editierung revolutioniert. Ein RNA-Molekül leitet dabei das Enzym Cas9 zur Schnittstelle auf dem DNA-Doppelstrang und ermöglicht so das An- und Abschalten von Genen.
CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized genome editing. An RNA molecule directs the enzyme Cas9 to the interface on the DNA double strand, thus enabling genes to be switched on and off.

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Using genome editing for plant breeding

In a statement on genome editing, the Max Planck Society argues for the targeted use of CRISPR-Cas9 in plant breeding and urges legislative changes.

Der genetische Unterschied zwischen Kartoffelsorten kann größer sein als der zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse. Das spiegelt sich in der hohen Variabilität verschiedener Kartoffelsorten wider.
The genetic difference between potato varieties can be greater than that between humans and chimpanzees. This is reflected in the high variability of different potato varieties.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Plant breeding research

Tool set for potato growers

Researchers at the University of Düsseldorf are developing genetic approaches to accelerate the path to new varieties.

Aphid infestation on a field bean.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Making agricultural systems more ecological

A Franco-German research project is investigating how efficient agriculture could largely do without chemical-synthetic crop protection.

Brasilien gehört zu den führenden Sojaproduzenten der Welt. (im Bild: Sojabohnenfeld in Rio Grande do Sul/Brasilien)
Brazil is one of the world's leading soy producers. (Photo: Soybean field in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Agricultural research: New alliance with Brazil

The sustainable production of crops is the focus of a cooperation between agricultural research institutions in Germany and Brazil.

The six leading European universities in the field of the bioeconomy are planning to join forces and establish a pan-European university for the bioeconomy.

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A pan-European university for the bioeconomy

Following the inititative of the German University of Hohenheim, the six leading European universities regarding bioeconomy will join forces and establish a pan-European university.

Junge Ackerbrache mit Korn- und Mohnblumen, Kornrade, Acker-Fuchsschwanzgras und Gerste. Für viele Menschen zeigt sich in solchen Bildern ein ästhetischer Eigenwert der vielfältigen Natur.
A diverse nature: Young fallow fields with cornflowers and poppies, corn wheel, field foxtail grass and barley.

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World Summit for the Protection of Biodiversity

The 2018 UN Biodiversity Conference, held until the end of November in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, focusses on the implementation of global goals for the protection of biodiversity.

The carbon fiber reinforcement gives the granite plate an extremely high strength, enabling completely new, efficient constructions.

Chemistry Microorganisms Chemistry

Fibers from greenhouse gas

An algal technology developed by Munich scientists could help mitigate global warming. It converts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into valuable carbon fibers.

Verschiedene Reissorten
The number of different rice varieties is enormous. There are 120,000 varieties of the cultivated rice variant Oryza sativa alone.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

AI identifies new rice variants

The International Rice Research Institute IRRI and the Tübingen-based biotech company Computomics aim to identify new resistant rice varieties using artificial intelligence.

More vegetables and fruit instead of animal products: according to a new report by the InterAcademy Partnership, producing fewer animal-based products would significantly improve the agricultural CO2 balance and thus limit climate change.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Rethinking sustainable agriculture

In a new report, the international InterAcademy Partnership states that food production and consumption must change drastically to limit climate change.

Even five years after its inception, the dif aims to find new and sustainable solutions to urgent global problems.

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Finding new sustainable solutions

During this years "disruptive innovation festival" numerous online sessions and podcasts explained the concept and opportunities of a circular economy and insects as food or feed.

The genome of the thale cress is also found in the Jülich primary database.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Plant genomes at a glance

A database of the RWTH Aachen simplifies the analysis of new molecular genetic information from plant research.

PVC is now the third most important plastic in the world and the so-called soft PVC is often used for hoses. However, the plasticizers used for them are increasingly being criticized as being hazardous to health.

unspecific unspecific Chemistry

Bio-based plasticizers for PVC

Many types of soft PVC are harmful to one's health. Thus, a consortium of the Hamburg and Bielefeld universities as well as BASF SE is looking for biobased alternatives.

Global warming has detrimental consequences for the survival of mankind. According to the European Commission, the only solution is a shift towards a sustainable and bio-based economy.

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Fighting climate change with bioeconomy

The European Commission calls for a pan-European long-term strategy for a prosperous and climate neutral economy and names the bioeconomy as key to achieving these goals.

Insect food has many benefits. But it seems marketing them as luxury food may entice more people to eat them than highlighting their ecological benefits.

Food Animals Bioökonomie mitgestalten

How to sell insects as food

According to Cologne-based researchers, praising insect food as a luxury object rather than advertising it as environmentally-sound motivates more people to actually eat it.

eine Flasche mit rotem Nagellack

Consumables Microorganisms

Nail polish

Decorating finger and toe nails is not a recent trend. The oldest proof for decorated nails is about 5000 years old and comes from China.

Karlsruhe scientists have modified enzymes in such a way that they automatically combine to form a stable biocatalyst, which can convert source materials into the desired end products without solvents or high temperatures.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

New biocatalyst for green chemistry

Materials researchers from Karlsruhe are using enzymes as a biobased, energy-saving and sustainable alternative to conventional catalysts.