It is estimated that the country's energy needs will be fivefold within the next 25 years. By 2025, the government plans for biodiesel to cover 20% of the energy sector’s demand. It is to be obtained mainly from agricultural and forestry waste products. In its "National Biodiesel Mission", the country also identified the jatropha plant as a beacon of hope. However, the expectations that were given to this plant as a supplier of biodiesel have not yet been met. In addition to biofuels, there are many opportunities for innovation in the food sector.
India is a pioneer in the production of biopharmaceuticals, but has also been developing its bioeconomy since the revision of its "National Biotechnology Development Strategy". A growing economy and rising population lead, among other things, to a steady increase in energy demand. This is also to be increasingly covered by biofuels.
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