
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Felix Lenk (SmartLab Solutions)

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

‘With communication standards to a digital biotech lab’

With his company SmartLab Solutions, Felix Lenk is paving the way for the digital and automated laboratory of the future. One of his team's sensor developments, funded by the BMBF, has now made it onto the market.

Lichtmikroskopische Aufnahme von Glasschalen verschiedener, einzelliger Kieselalgen
Light microscope image of glass shells of various unicellular diatoms

Agriculture and forestry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Glass microalgae as a bioindicator for coastal marshes

Researchers at the University of Rostock were able to demonstrate the positive environmental changes following the rewetting of a coastal moor on the island of Rügen using the diatom.

Schilfrohr (Phragmites australis) ist eine Art, die in Paludikulturen auf wiedervernässten Moorflächen angebaut werden kann. Es ist ein guter Naturbaustoff, da es keine Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt und nur langsam verrottet.
Reed (Phragmites australis) is a species that can be grown in paludicultures on rewetted moorland. It is a good natural building material as it does not absorb moisture and only rots slowly.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Bioökonomie mitgestalten

How Europe's moors can be saved

According to a ZALF study, a mix of economic incentives and adapted land use models could drive the rewetting of peatlands in Europe and make the cultivation of paludiculture more attractive for farmers.

Chemistry unspecific Forestry


Sustainable biomass production is being promoted in the wooded kingdom.  

Chemistry unspecific unspecific


Finland’s dense pine forests are the central resource of its bioeconomy.

Amsilk and Ocean Pharma present a new nail polish conisting of spider silk proteins and microalgae.

Consumables Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Nail polish made of vegan silk

The synthetic silk biopolymer produced by Amsilk found its way into nail polish: Together with Ocean Pharma the new product will be unveiled at in-cosmetics Global in London.

The genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas enables efficient gene modifications.

Food Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

BASF receives licence for genome editing

BASF acquired the licence for the genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas from Boston’s Broad Institute. Now the company can utilize the tool for its global enterprises.

Numaferm Geschäftsführer Philipp Bürling

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Peptides for everyone

Peptides are multi talents but expensive to produce. The CEO of the Düsseldorf start up Numaferm aims to use a novel biotechnological method in order to provide the protein building blocks in a more cost-efficient way.

An aerial shot of a fragmented Brazilian tropical forest.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Fragmented forests increase CO2 emissions

Tropical forests are being more and more fragmented. Leipzig-based scientists assessed that this increases carbon dioxide emissions by an additional third.

The letter N tracks a molecular process that Dortmund-based researcher have visualized in a living cell.

Pharmaceutical industry Microorganisms Biodiversity

Painting with molecules

Dortmund-based biochemists are able to draw patterns in cells. All that is needed to paint with “molecular ink” is a laser and light sensitive molecules.

Matthijs Groenewolt (BASF), Markus Mechtel (Covestro), and Thomas Heußer (Audi) developed the first bio-based clearcoat for cars.

Automobile unspecific Materials sciences

Bio-based coating for cars

A pan-German collaboration of Audi, BASF, and Covestro developed a new bio-based car coating. Thus reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions during production.

The global March for Science will take place on April 22.

unspecific unspecific unspecific

March for Science reaches Berlin

A global event for the freedom of science taking place on April 22. In Germany demonstrations are planned at 20 sites - from Berlin to Heligoland.

Sugar beets on a field, ready for harvest. The large, sugar-storing beets are clearly visible.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

More sugar in the beet

Where does the sugar in the sugar beet actually come from? Scientists from research and industry looked into this question in order to increase yields from sugar beet.

Emmanuelle Charpentier discovered the genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas and will now head her own Max-Planck research unit.

unspecific Microorganisms Biodiversity

CRISPR discoverer gets own research institute

Emmanuelle Charpentier discovered the revolutionary genome editing tool CRISPR-Cas. Now she will head her own Max-Planck research unit in Berlin.

Scientists at the newly established Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (LAFO) aim to decipher the weather.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Predicting the weather

Extreme weather occurrences are endangering harvest yields worldwide. To enable more precise weather forecasts a new Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (LAFO) will be established.

Gerste, Genomsequenzierung
Malting barley at the time of grain filling

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

The barley genome in HD quality

Aided by new sequencing technologies, Nils Stein and his team of plant geneticists have succeeded in decoding all seven chromosomes of the barley genome far quicker than was originally planned. In the process, they have greatly added to the genome map of this important agricultural crop.

Abut 500 million frogs are eaten each year - where do they all come from?

Food Animals Biodiversity

Where do frog legs come from?

Berlin-based researcher establish new analysis of origin for frog legs. The specific pattern of isotopes within each animal can tell, whether they indeed stem from sustainable farms.

Extreme weather occurences like hailstorms destroy up to 90% of wine yields.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Wineries will have to move due to extreme weather

Global climate change is costing the wine industry billions of dollars each year. An international team of researchers established a “Global Risk Index for Wine Regions”.

The DFG is funding 17 new Priority Programmes with €100 million.

unspecific Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

DFG is funding genome editing and microbiota

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding 17 new Priority Programmes with a total of €100 million. Three of the Life Science projects are focused on bio-based economy.

The "Window on biobased economy" presented more than 20 inventions, spanning building materials and the auto-motor industry.

Automobile unspecific Agriculture sciences

Bio-based and digitalized – Hannover Messe 2017

Industry 4.0 via digitalization spanning robots and bio-based economy – that is the main message of the Hannover Messe 2017.