
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Researchers at DFKI have been working on enabling robots to find their way around a farm autonomously. The technology could be used for spot farming.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Future lab for agriculture: Small fields and smart helpers

The ‘Future Lab Agriculture’ project presents initial results on the concept of spot farming, highlighting both the potential and current obstacles to its use.

Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Automobile unspecific Agriculture sciences

Research alliance with Queensland: first projects launched

The first projects with Queensland have been launched as part of the ‘Bioeconomy International’ research cooperation programme.

Nitrogen is an important nutrient for food crops such as wheat, and is supplied in the form of fertiliser.

Food Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Securing food supplies with new wheat varieties

New wheat varieties utilise nitrogen better and can deliver higher yields under current climatic conditions. This is the conclusion of an international study conducted in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich.

Constanze Schultz (rechts) vom Leibniz-IPHT und Dr. Thomas Wichard von der Universität Jena untersuchen das Wachstum der Grünalge Ulva mit Raman-Spektroskopie.
Constanze Schultz (right) from Leibniz IPHT and Dr Thomas Wichard from the University of Jena investigate the growth of the green alga Ulva using Raman spectroscopy.

Chemistry Microorganisms Chemistry

Symbiosis of a green alga investigated

Using Raman spectroscopy, researchers in Jena have succeeded in analysing the interaction between the green alga Ulva and its bacterial community in real time without disturbing the sensitive interaction.

The adhesives specialist Henkel is already testing the first prototypes of new bio-based adhesive compounds that can be removed again.

Chemistry Plants Chemistry

New synthesis components for de-adhesive bio-adhesives

Researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock have joined forces with adhesives specialist Henkel to develop new bio-based adhesives that can be removed again.

Verschiedene Reissorten
Rice, one of the most common staple foods, is naturally high in carbohydrates and low in protein.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Plant breeding research

High-protein rice varieties cultivated

Max Planck researchers in Potsdam have worked with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to breed rice varieties with a high protein content. Among other things, the CRISPR-Cas gene scissors were used.

Organobalance Mikroorganismen-Stammbank
A secret treasure trove of different bacterial strains and yeasts: the master-strain-collection of Organobalance

Food Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Gentle germ removal

The biotech company Organobalance found lactic acid bacteria in its archive that are able to gently disinfect hands and other surfaces. The microbes are now being refined for use in cleaning and care cosmetics.

Helmut Hillebrand leitet seit Januar das neue Helmholtz-Zentrum für Funktionelle Marine Biodiversität.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biodiversity

Conserving ocean biodiversity

The marine biologist Helmut Hillebrand has always been fascinated by biodiversity. As the head of the new Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, the Oldenburg-based expert is developing tools that will help to improve predictions about changes in ocean biodiversity.


Construction Plants Agriculture sciences

CEPI (2016): Roadmap Bioeconomy

The European paper industry has unveiled a major investment agenda to drive towards its 2050 vision of a low-carbon, resource-efficient bioeconomy.

Martin Miersch, Sojaexperte von Taifun

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Standing up for the soya bean

Martin Miersch wishes to drive soya cultivation in Germany forward. The agricultural engineer spends his time at Taifun, the organic tofu manufacturer, looking for the ideal bean for his tofu.

Getränkeverschlusskappen aus Zuckerrohr von Tetra Pak

Food Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Tetra Pak with bio-based packaging

Tetra Pak's aseptic carton packaging, the first of its kind worldwide, are manufactured from 80% bio-based material.

Energy Plants Agriculture sciences

Mixed outcomes of EU neonicotinoid ban

A European study says that the ban of a certain class of insecticides to protect bees causes a lot of ecologic and economic burden.

Neue Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

unspecific unspecific unspecific

Outlining national sustainability

The German Federal Government has approved a "German Strategy for Sustainability". It outlines how the sustainable development goals are to be achieved.

EIO-Bericht zu Öko-Innovationen

unspecific unspecific Environmental technology

EIO (2017): Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Uptake and Circular Economy Transition

The Eco-Innovation Observatory (EIO) is an EU-funded initiative be on the lookout for new eco-innovations and identify trends in this area.

German Bioeconomy Council

unspecific unspecific unspecific

Worldwide strategies

The bioeconomy is gaining ground all over the world. A large number of countries have now adopted bioeconomy strategies - with various focus areas. You can find them in the following overview.

DLR-Satelit EUCROPIS soll Tomatenpflanzen züchten
Ein Satellit soll die Tomatensamen als Beiladung mit einer Trägerrakete ins All bringen.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Tomato growth out of this world

A satellite carrying tomato seeds is expected to be launched into space before the end of the year. German researchers will test the growth under conditions found on Mars or the moon.

Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet
Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet.

Energy Plants Agriculture sciences

CO2 emissions from deforestation revisited

Researchers from Karlsruhe have investigated the effects of land-use change on the balance of carbon dioxide. Land restructuring causes more CO2 than anticipated.

vier rote Tomaten an einer grünen Pflanze
The Tomaitech project is developing a way to achieve new tomato varieties more quickly.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Plant breeding research

Faster development of new tomato varieties

Plant biotechnologists in Freiburg, in collaboration with Chinese partners, have chemically reprogrammed the microspores of tomato plants. This innovation can significantly accelerate the breeding of new varieties.

Die Geschäftsstelle der VolkswagenStiftung in Hannover-Döhren.
The office of the Volkswagen Foundation in Hanover-Döhren.

Chemistry Waste Biotechnology/Systems biology

Volkswagen Foundation promotes innovations in the bioeconomy

The Volkswagen Foundation is supporting six projects with around 7.8 million euros that are developing innovative approaches for the utilisation of biogenic and recyclable waste materials in the sense of a circular economy - including five projects on bioeconomy.

Sunflowers are important oil plants that are also used to produce cooking oil for frying and baking.

Chemistry Waste Chemistry

Bio-based chemicals from used cooking oil

Researchers at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock have developed a catalyst that can synthesise amines – which are important for the chemical industry – from used cooking oil in a single step.