South Korea

South Korea

In 2006, South Korea was one of the first countries in Asia to focus on bioeconomy by adopting its "Bio-Vision 2016", outlining clear targets for biotechnology and bioeconomy development.

The "Blue-Bio 2016 Plan" defines how domestic marine resources should be protected, managed and used. South Korea also has a "Green Growth Strategy" and a "National Basic Energy Plan" which, in addition to a clear commitment to nuclear energy, also supports the promotion of bioenergy. It was developed by various ministries of the South Korean government with a view to promoting the country's competitiveness. The main economic goal is to become one of the leading seven nations in biotechnology by 2018 and one of the top five biochemistry locations by 2020.

In addition to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the political strategies will also create new jobs. In order to achieve their objectives, money is to be invested in research and development, technology transfers are promoted and the agricultural sector will be modernised.