Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 866
The chemical synthesis of natural substances in the laboratory is very time-consuming.

A better toolbox for peptide synthesis

Researchers in Frankfurt have further optimized the process of producing natural substances. Now, entire peptide libraries can be synthesized.


Gurken und Karotten sind mikrobiologisch unbedenklich.
Cucumbers and carrots pose no microbiological risk.

Ready-made salad: a hotbed for germs

Pre-packaged salads and sprouts are often microbially contaminated. This is the result of a recent study by the Max Rubner Institute. Unprocessed products, however, came off well.

Bioplastik auf der Grünen Woche 2019
Bioplastics also need sustainable disposal methods.

EU funds bioplastics research

With a total of 8.4 million euros, the European Union is backing a project coordinated by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences that aims to initiate innovations in bioplastics production. 

Forschern ist es erstmals gelungen, pluripotente Stammzellen ohne Einschränkungen aus Schweinen zu gewinnen.
For the first time, researchers have succeeded in obtaining pluripotent stem cells from pigs.

Pluripotent stem cells from pigs

An international team of researchers has obtained a special variant of pluripotent stem cells from pigs. They hold potential for agriculture and medicine.

Brasilien gehört zu den führenden Sojaproduzenten der Welt. (im Bild: Sojabohnenfeld in Rio Grande do Sul/Brasilien)
Brazil is one of the world's leading soy producers. (Photo: Soybean field in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Agricultural research: New alliance with Brazil

The sustainable production of crops is the focus of a cooperation between agricultural research institutions in Germany and Brazil.

Die Autoren des Prosit-Papers Mathias Wilhelm, Tobias Schmidt und Siegfried Gessulat forschen am Lehrstuhl für Proteomik und Bioanalytik der TU München.
The authors of the paper Mathias Wilhelm, Tobias Schmidt and Siegfried Gessulat conduct research at the Chair of Proteomics and Bioanalytics at the TU Munich.

KI revolutionizes protein analysis

Using artificial intelligence, researchers at TU Munich have improved protein analysis on the basis of mass spectrometry data.

Aphid infestation on a field bean.

Making agricultural systems more ecological

A Franco-German research project is investigating how efficient agriculture could largely do without chemical-synthetic crop protection.

Mit einem Potentiostaten untersuchen Potsdamer Forscher, wie gut die Zellen etwa mit Elektroden oder einem Elektrolyt aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen funktionieren.
Using a potentiostat, researchers from Potsdam are investigating how well the cells function with electrodes or an electrolyte made from renewable resources.

A battery made from renewables

Max Planck Researchers are working to develop sustainable alternatives for each component of the ecologically problematic electricity storage systems.

Der genetische Unterschied zwischen Kartoffelsorten kann größer sein als der zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse. Das spiegelt sich in der hohen Variabilität verschiedener Kartoffelsorten wider.
The genetic difference between potato varieties can be greater than that between humans and chimpanzees. This is reflected in the high variability of different potato varieties.

Tool set for potato growers

Researchers at the University of Düsseldorf are developing genetic approaches to accelerate the path to new varieties.

Nanokapseln könnten bald schon Rebstöcke vor der gefährlichen Pilzkrankheit Esca schützen.
Nanocapsules could soon protect vines from the dangerous fungal disease Esca.

Healing plants with nanocapsules

The nano-active substance transporters known from medicine were successfully used for the first time for the treatment of dreaded plant diseases. And on top of it all, they are also made of waste. 

Bienen können in ihrem Bienenstock durch verschiedene Methoden gegen Parasiten kämpfen.
Bees can fight against parasites in their hive with various methods.

Heat sensors for beehives

Max Planck researchers from Mainz want to use mini-sensors to ensure even temperature in beehives, thus better protecting honey bees from parasites.

Der Feldroboter "ETAROB" erkennt Pflanzen an ihrer Struktur.
The field robot "ETAROB" recognizes plants by their structure.

Field robot helps with weed control

Researchers from Aachen and their partners have developed a field robot that detects weeds and removes them with electric shocks.

CRISPR-Cas9 hat die Genom-Editierung revolutioniert. Ein RNA-Molekül leitet dabei das Enzym Cas9 zur Schnittstelle auf dem DNA-Doppelstrang und ermöglicht so das An- und Abschalten von Genen.
CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized genome editing. An RNA molecule directs the enzyme Cas9 to the interface on the DNA double strand, thus enabling genes to be switched on and off.

Using genome editing for plant breeding

In a statement on genome editing, the Max Planck Society argues for the targeted use of CRISPR-Cas9 in plant breeding and urges legislative changes.

Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze eröffnet die Konferenz ICCA 2019.
Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze opens the ICCA 2019 conference.

Fighting the climate crisis at all levels

At the ICCA climate conference in Heidelberg, political and economic actors stressed the need for cooperation between government decision-makers.

Der neu beschriebene Virus lässt die grünen Stängel der krausen Petersilie gelb werden.
The newly described virus causes the green stems of the curly parsley to turn yellow.

New parsley virus discovered

Leibniz researchers from Braunschweig have identified a new pathogen from dwarf parsley plants that is responsible for blocking growth.

Damit Blattsprosse sich entwickeln können, benötigen ihre Stammzellen eine sauerstoffarme Umgebung.
In order for leaf shoots to develop, their stem cells need an environment low in oxygen.

Plant cells need lack of oxygen

Oxygen deficiency usually harms plants. However, an international team of plant researchers reports that too much air is even harmful for the development of new leaves and flowers.

Algen spielen zunehmend eine Rolle als Lebensmittel, aber die Reinigung des Abwassers aus den Zuchttanks ist wegen des Salzgehalts schwierig.
Algae are playing an increasingly important role as food, but the purification of wastewater from the breeding tanks is difficult due to the high salt content.

Purifying saline wastewater with algae

Algae are in high demand as food. A German-Chinese research team now wants to develop macroalgae for new applications.

Weizenmuster im Vergleich: Urkorn und Kulturkorn aus dem Herbarium der bundeszentralen Ex-situ-Genbank am IPK.
A comparison of wheat patterns: original grain and cultivated grain from the herbarium of the Federal Ex-situ Gene Bank at the IPK.

Genomes of 487 wheat varieties deciphered

An international study confirms the theory of the origin of bread wheat and opens up new breeding potentials for the crop.

Gelbe Lupinen bieten Nahrung für Hummeln. Durch züchterische Verbesserung soll ihr Anbau attraktiver werden.
Yellow lupins provide food for bumble bees. Researchers hope to make the plants more attractive through breeding.

Comeback of the yellow lupin

Plant researchers at the Julius Kühn Institute want to breed new varieties to make yellow lupins more resistant and thus more attractive for agriculture. 

Most nails are made of metal. The counterpart made of wood has not yet been able to establish itself even in ecological construction.

Building with wooden nails

Researchers from Wismar and Hamburg want to develop the wooden nail further for use in ecological wood construction.