Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 943

Tomatoes made into bio-factories for pharmaceuticals

Healthy nutrients are found in many fruits and vegetables, but vast quantities must be consumed to achieve an efficient dose of the natural compounds because they are often low-concentrated in plants.

Rund 700 Gäste aus 82 Nationen nahmen am ersten Weltgipfel der Bioökonomie in Berlin teil.

Global agenda for sustainable bioeconomy adopted

At the Global Bioeconomy Summit in Berlin, about 700 participants from 82 nations set themselves the goal of increasing the involvement of the bioeconomy in sustainable development and the battle against climate change.

An Pilotanlagen wie dieser im Fraunhofer-Forschungszentrum CBP in Leuna hat das EU-Konsortium die Herstellung von Plattformchemikalien aus Biomasse erprobt.

Green chemistry from wood and oil

Bioplastics may be biobased, but they are not necessarily environmentally friendly. In addition, the basic chemical building blocks for bioplastic production are still mostly produced from the starchy fruits of agricultural crops.