Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 943
Forscher bei der Feldarbeit auf der Versuchsfläche des Jena Experiments
Researchers performing field work on experimental plots belonging to the 'Jena Experiment'.

Long-term `Jena Experiment´ celebrates

Europe's largest field laboratory for biodiversity research celebrates anniversary: 15 years of the "Jena Experiment".

DLR-Satelit EUCROPIS soll Tomatenpflanzen züchten
Ein Satellit soll die Tomatensamen als Beiladung mit einer Trägerrakete ins All bringen.

Tomato growth out of this world

A satellite carrying tomato seeds is expected to be launched into space before the end of the year. German researchers will test the growth under conditions found on Mars or the moon.

Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet
Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet.

CO2 emissions from deforestation revisited

Researchers from Karlsruhe have investigated the effects of land-use change on the balance of carbon dioxide. Land restructuring causes more CO2 than anticipated.

Rust-eating microbe found in Twentekanaal

So it exists after all: the microbe that eats both rust and methane. After a long search, Max-Planck researchers in Bremen have found such a multi-talent.

Mixed outcomes of EU neonicotinoid ban

A European study says that the ban of a certain class of insecticides to protect bees causes a lot of ecologic and economic burden.

Getränkeverschlusskappen aus Zuckerrohr von Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak with bio-based packaging

Tetra Pak's aseptic carton packaging, the first of its kind worldwide, are manufactured from 80% bio-based material.

Neue Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Outlining national sustainability

The German Federal Government has approved a "German Strategy for Sustainability". It outlines how the sustainable development goals are to be achieved.

Ameisen auf Fiji züchten in den baumwipfeln Kaffeepflanzen und nutzen die Gewächse als Unterschlupf.

Ants with a talent for gardening

Ants are social insects with many talents. Biologists from Munich found a species of ants on the Fijian Islands that cultivate coffee plants with the aim of later inhabiting them.

Milchsäurebakterien unterm Mikroskop

Skin care using lactic acid bacteria

An extract made from special lactic acid bacteria treats dry, itching and stinging skin in a targeted way. This was revealed by a clinical study carried out by the Organobalance GmbH company from Berlin.

Reispflanze im Wasser

Watching rice plants grow

Researchers from Karlsruhe have developed a system that observes and measures rice while it grows. The measurement technique is designed to accelerate the breeding of resistant plants.

Unkraut, Acker, Biomassenutzung, neues EU-Projekt

Using weeds as a source of bioenergy

Within the framework of the EU-supported 'Sweedhart' project, Fraunhofer researchers are looking for ways of exploiting field weeds.

Im mikroskopischen Fluoreszenzbild lassen sich die Strukturen aus Molekülen erkennen, die zu Testzwecken auf die bioabbaubare Beschichtung gedruckt wurden.

Biodegradable implant coatings

In a first, chemists in Karlsruhe have developed a biodegradable surface coating for implants.

Bioplastics industry grapples with ignorant consumers

EU consumers have minor knowledge on bioplastics but unrealistically high expectations that can not be fulfilled, researchers said at 11th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin.

Strommaste und Windräser

Biofuel cell stores energy

Researchers in Bochum have developed a new 'bio-supercapacitor' that, with the aid of enzymes, not only generates energy, but can also store it.

Bundestag, Plenum, Parlament, Gesetzgeber

Genetic Engineering Act discussed in German Parliament

Certain aspects of the Federal Genetic Engineering Act are to be supplemented to include a ban on cultivating genetically engineered crops. Today the German parliament focused on the draft amendment.

Käseplatte - Mit einem neuen Verfahren wollen Forscher die Angebotspalette erweitern.

For greater variety in the cheese department

According to official statistics, nearly 2.5 million tonnes of cheese were produced in Germany in 2015, of which over half were exports. This makes Germany one of the leading cheese exporters within the European Union.

Running made by biotech

Adidas has presented the world’s first lightweight racing shoe made by recombinantly produced silk fibers.

Driving sustainable economics

How can sustainable economic activity in Germany be encouraged? A German government advisory committee presented recommendations at the Green Economy Conference in Berlin.

Flowers: Gene responsible for short styles discovered

Geneticists from Potsdam have cracked a century-old puzzle: They have discovered a gene in primroses that controls the length of its female reproductive organs.

Bioregions deliver action plan blueprint

While DG Research has delayed its update on the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan until next June, the Central and Eastern Bioregions presented a blueprint that proposes key actions aimed at integrating the goals of the European Commission’s circular economy and the bioeconomy strategies.