Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 943
Grünanlagen mit Rasenflächen und Bäumen tun Stadtbewohnern gut – warum das so ist, haben Forscher nun auf neuronaler Ebene untersucht.
Researchers have measured why green spaces are good for us at the neuronal level.

City dwellers profit from green spaces

Lawns and trees are good for people living in the city - neuroscientists from Heidelberg and Karlsruhe have measured how spending time in green spaces affects the well-being of volunteers.

Dresdner Radiochemiker konnten zeigen, dass spezielle Mikroorganismen (rosa) im Salzgestein radioaktive Schwermetalle in unlösliche Uranylphosphat-Minerale (grün) umwandeln.
Dresden radiochemists were able to show that special microorganisms (pink) in salt rock convert radioactive heavy metals into insoluble uranyl phosphate minerals (green).

Microbes make nuclear waste repositories safer

Extremely halophilic archaea have a natural mechanism to mineralize dissolved radioactive ions and prevent leaching.

Die Große Wolfsfliege (Dasypogon diadema), ist eine giftige Raubfliege, die auch in Hessen vorkommt und spezialisiert Hautflügler jagt.
The robber fly (Dasypogon diadema) is a poisonous predatory fly that also occurs in Hesse and specializes in hunting hymenoptera.

Targeted pesticides from fly toxins

A German research cooperation has analyzed the toxins of a species of the robber fly and found an underestimated potential for agriculture and pharmaceutical research.

Die Bestimmung des Einflusses von Schadstoffen auf das Pflanzenwachstum erfolgt im Gefäßversuch.
The influence of pollutants on plant growth is determined in an experiment.

Putting biobased fertilizer to the test

Together with European partners, researchers from the Julius Kühn Institute are investigating how far feedstocks for biobased fertilizers are contaminated with pollutants.

Das Immunsystem des wilden Tabaks Nicotiana benthamiana erfordert einen anderen Proteinkomplex als das der Modellpflanze Ackerschmalwand.
The immune system of wild tobacco Nicotiana benthamiana requires a different protein complex than that of the model plant thale cress.

Tobacco defends itself differently

Plant researchers at the University of Halle-Wittenberg have compared the immune response of tobacco with thale cress and discovered surprising differences.

Innerhalb von wenigen Wochen erreichen die Larven ihr ausgewachsenes Gewicht, das für die Futtermittelgewinnung von Interesse ist.
Within a few weeks, the larvae reach their adult weight.

Larvae: the protein suppliers of the future

The soldier fly could help solve not one, but two problems of sustainable farming. Using the insect as feed could eliminate organic waste while also reducing the need for imported soya and fish meal.

Atlantiklachs in einer norwegischen Aquakultur – hier könnte künftig das Algenöl Fischöl ersetzen.
Atlantic salmon in a Norwegian aquaculture – where algae oil could replace fish oil in future.

Algae produce Omega-3 fats for salmon

The joint venture of Evonik and DSM, Veramaris, has commissioned an industrial plant for the production of algae oil in the United States.

Das Bild zeigt ein Wimperntierchen mit grün eingefärbter DNA. Nur die drei hellen Punkte in der Mitte sind die Zellkerne des Wirtes. Alles übrige Grün geht zurück auf DNA des Bakteriums Kentron, das das Wimperntierchen besiedelt.
The picture shows a ciliate with green DNA. Only the three bright dots in the center are the cell nuclei of the host. All the remaining green is due to the DNA of the bacterium kentron, which colonizes the ciliate.

Upcycling by bacterial symbiont

Bremen microbiologists have researched bacteria in ciliates that live in close symbiosis with their host and perform unusual metabolic functions.

Enzyme der Alge Ulva bauen den Mehrfachzucker Ulvan ab.
An enzyme mix of a marine bacterium degrades the multiple sugar Ulvan from the sea lettuce.

Using algae sugar as a resource

Microbiologists have discovered how the highly complex multiple sugar Ulvan from sea lettuce is broken down into its components by a dozen enzymes.

Fahrer- und Beifahrertür sowie der Heckflügel des „Bioconcept-Cars“ sind aus einem Naturfasermix hergestellt.
The driver and passenger doors as well as the rear wing of the "Bioconcept-Car" are made of a mix of natural fibers.

Porsches built with natural fibres

Plastic reinforced with plant fibres will in future be used for lightweight construction in Porsche series production vehicles. Fraunhofer researchers have developed the material.

Using colored balls and pipe cleaners, Oliver Lieleg and doctoral student Ceren Kimna demonstrate how DNA pieces can combine nanoparticles with each other.

Triple meds from artificial DNA

Bioengineers at the TU Munich have used artificial DNA to produce a hydrogel that can release several active substances in a specific order.

The founders of Artificial Ecosystems (from left to right): Martin Hamp, Björn Stichler and Dr. Tobias Graf have developed a moss façade.

Green walls for better air

A student start-up constructs maintenance-free moss facades. With the idea, they won the Rhineland-Palatinate ideas competition.

Die Verschmelzung zweier Gametangien hat den Jochpilzen ihren Namen gegeben. Der Balken im Bild misst 0,1 Millimeter.
The fusion of two gametangias gave the zygomycota its name. The scale bar in the picture is 0.1 millimetres.

Fungus surfactants for medicine

Pharmacists at the University of Jena have discovered highly effective surface-active peptides called malpinins in the secondary natural substances of a soil fungus.

Einige der Anbauversuche fanden auf dem JKI-Versuchsfeld in Quedlinburg statt.
Some of the cultivation trials took place on the JKI trial field in Quedlinburg.

Modern wheat varieties are strong performers

Even with less fertilizer and pesticide use, high-performance wheat varieties outperform their ancestors from before the intensification of agriculture.

Die wachsende Nachfrage nach Fisch und Meeresfrüchten gefährdet die weltweiten Bestände, viele Meere sind überfischt.
The growing demand for fish and seafood is threatening global populations; many oceans are overfished.

Better larval feed for aquafarms

Partners from research and industry want to improve the survival of larvae and thus help protect wild fish populations.

The makers of Bee Paper hope that it will soon replace cling film

McDonald's wraps burgers in grass paper

For ten days, the fast food chain McDonald's is testing sustainable packaging for their burgers. They are served in grass paper from the Swabian start-up Apomore.

Die neue Studie bewertet das Potenzial Künstlicher Intelligenz mit Blick auf die Umwelt.
The new study evaluates the potential of Artificial Intelligence with regard to the environment.

AI for more sustainability

The Institute for Innovation and Technology has investigated the opportunities and risks of self-learning algorithms for the environment.

The chemical synthesis of natural substances in the laboratory is very time-consuming.

A better toolbox for peptide synthesis

Researchers in Frankfurt have further optimized the process of producing natural substances. Now, entire peptide libraries can be synthesized.


Gurken und Karotten sind mikrobiologisch unbedenklich.
Cucumbers and carrots pose no microbiological risk.

Ready-made salad: a hotbed for germs

Pre-packaged salads and sprouts are often microbially contaminated. This is the result of a recent study by the Max Rubner Institute. Unprocessed products, however, came off well.

Bioplastik auf der Grünen Woche 2019
Bioplastics also need sustainable disposal methods.

EU funds bioplastics research

With a total of 8.4 million euros, the European Union is backing a project coordinated by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences that aims to initiate innovations in bioplastics production.