Pluripotent stem cells from pigs
An international team of researchers has obtained a special variant of pluripotent stem cells from pigs. They hold potential for agriculture and medicine.
An international team of researchers has obtained a special variant of pluripotent stem cells from pigs. They hold potential for agriculture and medicine.
The sustainable production of crops is the focus of a cooperation between agricultural research institutions in Germany and Brazil.
Using artificial intelligence, researchers at TU Munich have improved protein analysis on the basis of mass spectrometry data.
A Franco-German research project is investigating how efficient agriculture could largely do without chemical-synthetic crop protection.
Max Planck Researchers are working to develop sustainable alternatives for each component of the ecologically problematic electricity storage systems.
Researchers at the University of Düsseldorf are developing genetic approaches to accelerate the path to new varieties.
The nano-active substance transporters known from medicine were successfully used for the first time for the treatment of dreaded plant diseases. And on top of it all, they are also made of waste.
Max Planck researchers from Mainz want to use mini-sensors to ensure even temperature in beehives, thus better protecting honey bees from parasites.
Researchers from Aachen and their partners have developed a field robot that detects weeds and removes them with electric shocks.
In a statement on genome editing, the Max Planck Society argues for the targeted use of CRISPR-Cas9 in plant breeding and urges legislative changes.
At the ICCA climate conference in Heidelberg, political and economic actors stressed the need for cooperation between government decision-makers.
Leibniz researchers from Braunschweig have identified a new pathogen from dwarf parsley plants that is responsible for blocking growth.
Oxygen deficiency usually harms plants. However, an international team of plant researchers reports that too much air is even harmful for the development of new leaves and flowers.
Algae are in high demand as food. A German-Chinese research team now wants to develop macroalgae for new applications.
An international study confirms the theory of the origin of bread wheat and opens up new breeding potentials for the crop.
Plant researchers at the Julius Kühn Institute want to breed new varieties to make yellow lupins more resistant and thus more attractive for agriculture.
Researchers from Wismar and Hamburg want to develop the wooden nail further for use in ecological wood construction.
Fraunhofer researchers are developing new biobased adhesives that consist almost entirely of vegetable oils - including resins and hardeners.
The global assessment of the World Biodiversity Council IPBES paints a dramatic picture of the situation of biological diversity on earth and calls for profound change.
Using a simple genetic trick, biochemists at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have induced potatoes to form tubers even at high temperatures.