Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
Wheat is one of the most important crops.

The environment shapes the protein content in wheat

Do modern wheat varieties have more immunoreactive protein and thus promote coeliac disease? A study shows: The gluten content is the same for new and old varieties, but can increase due to environmental factors.

Santalol can be an alternative to sandalwood oil due to its woody odor profile. Copyright: BASF

Corn-based sandalwood scent

With Santalol, BASF and the flavor manufacturer Isobionics are launching a product that can replace sandalwood oil in cosmetic products. The fragrance is derived from corn starch.

Viele bioaktive Substanzen entstammen natürlichen Quellen – so wie das Antibiotikum Erogorgiaene von der Hornkoralle Antillogorgia elisabethae gebildet wird.
Many bioactive substances originate from natural sources - just as the antibiotic Erogorgiaene is produced by the horn coral Antillogorgia elisabethae. Quelle: TU München

Coral antibiotic from the cell factory

Biotechnologists at the TU Munich have succeeded in producing an antibiotic agent from horn corals using bacteria.

X Quelle: Wissenschaftsjahr

Producing and designing bioplastics yourself

In the Wissenschaftsjahr (Year of Science) competition "Mein(e) Plastik ist bio" ("My plastic is organic"), interested parties produce bio-based plastics themselves using simple means and bring them into shape.

Die Mikroskopaufnahme zeigt die Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (grün) und den Pilz Aspergillus nidulans (fadenförmig), der diese vor dem Antibiotikum des Bakteriums Streptomyces iranensis schützt.
The microscope image shows the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green) and the fungus Aspergillus nidulans (filamentous), which protects them from the antibiotic of the bacterium Streptomyces iranensis.

Fungus protects algae from bacteria

Researchers observe an unusual alliance of purpose between green algae and molds.

Plant protection products do not only attack pests. They also contaminate soil and water.

Bacteria break down herbicides

Microbiologists from Braunschweig can for the first time prove which bacteria are involved in the decomposition of herbicides in so-called mini sewage treatment plants.

Beer is often called "liquid gold". But the brewing residues are also valuable.

Extract nutrients from spent grain

Researchers from Freiberg are developing a process to filter proteins or probiotics from brewing residues and make them usable for the food industry.

Das neue Bewertungstool ist einfach zu bedienen und prüft Verpackungen auf ihre Recyclingfähigkeit.
The new evaluation tool is easy to use and checks packaging for recyclability.

Software evaluates packaging recycling

Whether plastic, paper or tinplate - a program from Henkel determines how easily materials can be recycled.

Forscher haben das Gen identifiziert, das in Apfelbäumen steuert, wann sich die Blüten entwickeln.
Researchers have identified the gene that controls when flowers develop in apple trees.

Making apple trees fit for climate change

Researchers have identified a gene that plants use to control bud dormancy. This could help prevent frost damage to the flower in the future.

The BioEconomy HUB aims to support bioeconomy companies through access to pilot plants and established infrastructures, services and networks.

BioEconomy HUB: Sugar instead of oil

Green chemistry instead of coal and oil: With the construction of the BioEconomy HUB in Leuna, Central Germany wants to promote bioeconomic business ideas and shape structural change in the region.

Monoculture or diversity on the field: agriculture must be made fit for the future.

The future of agriculture in focus

How can agriculture become sustainable? The Federal Cabinet has appointed a commission of experts to find solutions. An interim report should be available in autumn.

So sieht der EU-Pflanzenpassaufkleber aus.
This is what the EU plant passport sticker looks like.

Health passport for plants

A label ensures the traceability of plants, plant parts and seeds within the European Union.

Scientists from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) around Marc Nowaczyk and Volker Hartmann and from the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa around Noam Adir have now closed this so-called green gap.

New biosolar cell closes green gap

By combining a photosynthetic protein complex with a light-collecting protein from cyanobacteria, researchers have succeeded for the first time in converting the green part of light into energy.

In the forest of the future, large, old trees could be a rarity.

Forests of the future: Small trees at an advantage

Climate change has consequences for the future of forests: According to an international study involving Munich researchers, large trees in particular are falling behind.

With digitalization, more and more data is being produced.

Knowledge storage for bioeconomy research

Among the first consortia for the establishment of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NDFI) are also three large associations that are important for bioeconomy research.

Im Modell: Blaues Licht setzt in einem Enzym auf neuartige Weise eine Monooxygenase-Reaktion in Gang. Dieser Aktivierungsprozess war bei Enzymen bisher unbekannt.
In the model: Blue light triggers a monooxygenase reaction in an enzyme in a novel way. This activation process was so far unknown in enzymes.

Blue light activates new enzyme reaction

Biotechnologists from Münster have discovered an enzyme whose oxygen-transferring activity can be switched on by light.

The cultivation of cattail is a climate-friendly alternative to the agricultural and forestry use of moor soils.

Bioeconomy project nominated for EU prize

The German-Dutch project "Bioeconomy-Green Chemistry” of the Ems-Dollart-Region is among the nominees for the European REGIOSTARS Award 2020.


Vanilleschoten beim Trocknen
The flavoring vanillin can also be extracted directly from vanilla beans.

Vanilla aroma from lignin

Through electrolysis, chemists in Mainz have succeeded in producing high-quality vanillin from lignin.


Jasmonsäure bewirkt, dass beschädigte Blätter von Pflanzen für Fraßfeinde unbekömmlich werden.
Jasmonic acid causes damaged leaves of plants to become indigestible to predators.

Bioprocess developed for plant hormone

The plant hormone jasmonic acid is widely used, but the chemical synthesis of the precursor 12-OPDA is expensive. Researchers have now biotechnologically imitated the production process.

So sieht die räumliche Struktur des Enzyms AmbDH3 aus.
This is the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme AmbDH3.

Biocatalyst for new drugs

Researchers from Bayreuth have discovered an enzyme with which important components of complex biologically active connections can be produced precisely.