Analyses & Statistics

Number of search results: 50
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UNEP (2021): Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity, which is crucial for the health of people and the planet, is declining faster than ever before in human history. Meat consumption is the world's biggest destroyer of nature, according to a recent study.

Baumwollmasken am Wäscheständer

Empa (2020): Life cycle assessment of corona masks

We wear masks to protect others and ourselves. Empa researchers asked themselves what the environmental balance of this mass-produced product looks like and examined the environmental impact using the example of cotton and disposable masks by means of life cycle assessment analyses.


Hungernde Kinder in der Drtten Welt
Starving children in the Third World

Welthungerhilfe (2020): Global Hunger Index

One crisis after the other destroys the livelihood of millions of people. Wars, droughts, floods, plagues of locusts and also COVID-19 have dramatic effects on world hunger.

Sardinien auf einer Folie zum Verkauf

University of Queensland (2020): Mikroplastics in seafood

Scientists at the University of Queensland examined a wide variety of seafood for microplastic contamination. The result is alarming.


IÖW (2020): Consumer survey on packaging volume

Plastic waste in the environment is increasingly becoming a burden on ecosystems. The number of plastic packaging used to distribute food, clothing or cosmetics has doubled in two decades.

acatech and Körber-Stiftung (2020): TechnikRadar

Since 2018, the TechnikRadar of acatech and the Körber Stiftung has been asking what Germans think about technology. In its third edition in 2020, the study focuses on the topic "Bioeconomy".

Meta-Analyse von Insektenbeständen

iDiv | UL | MLU (2020): Meta-analysis of insect populations

An analysis of worldwide long-term studies provides insights into the worldwide situation of insects and shows where their protection is most urgent.

Gefüllte Pasta

University of Göttingen (2020): Alternative protein sources in Western diets

In order to make food consumption more sustainable, a research team led by the University of Göttingen has investigated the form in which algae are accepted as part of the diet.

Vegetarische Mahlzeit

PIK (2020): Feeding 10 billion people is possible

This is the result of a study led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The study examined solutions that would enable ten billion people to eat healthy food within the limits of our planet.


Thünen-Institute (2019): Reducing food waste

Since June 2015, the REFOWAS (REduce FOod WASte) project has been investigating reasons for the generation of food waste along the entire value chain and analyzing  environmental impacts and economic aspects.


WWF (2019): Global forest report (Copy)

According to the "Below The Canopy" analysis conducted by the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), the 455 populations studied shrank by an average of 53% between 1970 and 2015.


WWF (2019): Global forest report

According to the "Below The Canopy" analysis conducted by the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), the 455 populations studied shrank by an average of 53% between 1970 and 2015.

Umsatz Bioökonomie 2016

nova-Institut (2019): European Bioeconomy in Figures

New figures show sustainable growth of the European bioeconomy. The 18.6 million people employed in the various sectors of the bioeconomy generate a turnover of 2.3 trillion euro. 

Die 17 UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Bertelsmann Foundation (2019): Sustainable Development Report

In 2015, the international community made a joint commitment to contribute to better economic, ecological and social development by 2030. An interim balance is scheduled for September. 

Kleiderstange mit Kleidung

adelphi (2019): Circular Economy in the Textile Sector

The textile industry is considered to be one of the most environmentally damaging and resource-intensive sectors of the economy. How can this sector be made more sustainable?

Bremsspuren Stopschild

Fraunhofer-UMSICHT (2018): Plastics in the environment

According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT), around 330,000 tons of microplastics are released into the environment every year in Germany alone - a good four kilograms per capita.

FAO-Studie zur Biodiversität (Titelbild)

FAO (2019): The State of the World’s Biodiversity

On 22 February 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published the first report on the State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.


nova-Institut (2019): Sugar Sustainability Study

A new study by the nova-Institut investigates the sustainability of biobased raw materials for the chemical industry, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Getreide Feld

FiBL and IFOAM (2018): The World of Organic Agriculture

The ‘Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL‘ and ‘IFOAM - Organics International‘ presented the latest edition of the study ‘The World of Organic Agriculture‘ at BIOFACH, the world's leading trade fair for organic food.

Mit der Gründung nationaler Infostellen soll weltweit die Nutzung nachhaltiger Kunststoffe vorangetrieben werden.

Research and Markets (2017): Global bioplastics market

With an annual growth rate of 20.85%, the global market for bioplastics will grow from today's US$17 billion to nearly US$44 billion in 2022 over the next five years.