Countless microorganisms live in the human intestine and have a lasting influence on our well-being: Intestinal bacteria. They help to utilize important nutrients in our food, suppress pathogens and ensure an intact immune system. A balanced intestinal flora is therefore extremely important for health - and the right diet can help to maintain this balance. Among the best-known health aids are lactic acid bacteria, which are contained in probiotic foods such as yogurt. But lesser-known prebiotic foods have also been shown to have a positive impact on human health.
Control grain weevil with plasma
Grain weevils eat into grain husks, lay their eggs in the grain and can thus destroy entire harvests. The light-shy weevils are mainly found in grain and storage warehouses. When there is a massive infestation of the crop, "heat nests" develop. This increases humidity and thus the risk of fungal spores attacking the grain. Experts estimate that pest infestation of stored grain causes millions of dollars in damage worldwide. So far, there are hardly any ways to control the pests efficiently - certainly not without chemical insecticides.