Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
Bauarbeiter verlegen ein mannshohes schwarzes Rohr im Boden.
Pipes like this are also mostly made of HDPE today. Now researchers have developed a biodegradable alternative.

Biodegradable alternative to HD polyethylene developed

A special polyester has properties comparable to thermoplastics and is both recyclable and microbially degradable.

Acker-Schmalwand (Arabidopsis thaliana) Versuchspflanzen im Gewächshaus
Researchers used the example of the field thale cress to investigate how plants protect themselves from too much sun.

How plants protect themselves from sun

Plants protect their cells from too much sun with the help of color pigments. The signal for this is given by the sugars from photosynthesis.

An industry survey conducted by BIO Deutschland shows that the heyday of German biotechnology is over.

Biotechnology sector at a low

After two years of record figures, the mood in the German biotechnology industry is worse than ever. This is shown by the annual survey of the industry association BIO Deutschland for 2022.

Das mittlere der drei Fleischstücke besteht aus Pflanzenfasern.
No difference can be seen: However, the middle of the three pieces of meat is made of plant fibers.

Fresh capital for Project Eaden

Berlin-based food tech startup Project Eaden receives another €2 million in a seed round to further develop its fiber technology for producing plant-based meat.

Der heimische Anbau von Sojabohnen könnte die Abhängigkeit von Importen verringern.
Domestic cultivation of soybeans could reduce dependence on imports.

Climate change requires breeding of new soybean varieties

Soy production in Europe could be further increased by breeding new drought- and heat-tolerant varieties.

Hände halten einen Pflanzensetzling
A cucumber plant is grafted onto a pumpkin plant.

Grafting and genome editing for rapid creation of new varieties

Max Planck researchers have presented a combination method that produces plants without traces of the gene scissors.

Algen in Reagenzgläsern
Algae need one thing to grow: sunlight.

Algae as green hydrogen producers

A German-Japanese research team wants to enable algae to produce green hydrogen without photosynthesis even at night.

Oleogele und Backwaren
Oleogels and baked goods

Oleogels as palm oil substitute

Researchers have succeeded in developing a domestic alternative to palm oil from rapeseed oil.

Die Mikrobe des Jahres 2023, Bacillus subtilis, bildet Biofilme mit vielfältigen Strukturen.
The microbe of the year 2023, Bacillus subtilis, forms biofilms with diverse structures.

Bacillus subtilis is Microbe of the Year 2023

Bacillus subtilis is a multi-talent - equally important for human and animal health as well as for industry.

Pflanzenbasierte Fleischalternativen sind beliebt.
The texture of plant-based meat alternatives is sometimes perceived as unpleasant.

Sensory improvement of meat alternatives

Improving the taste and consistency of plant-based meat substitutes is the focus of a new research partnership between Holzminden-based Symrise AG and Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

Plätzchen und Nüsse mit Tannenzweig
Many cookies contain exotic spices such as vanilla and pepper.

Christmas spices from the indoor farm

Exotic spices are key to baking cookies. But instead of coming from India, vanilla and pepper could soon come from domestic indoor farms.

Mann in Laborkittel vor einer Pflanze mit zwei Kohlweißlingen
Yu Okamura observes mating cabbage white butterflies.

How caterpillars deactivate the defense of cabbage plants

Researchers have discovered how the cabbage white butterfly detoxifies toxic mustard oils from its food source.

Sockenhaken aus neuartigen Biomaterial
The compostable sock hooks made from the traceless biomaterial could replace conventional plastic hooks in the future.

Traceless: Test run for plant-based sock hooks

Traceless has developed a pilot product from its innovative biomaterial, which is currently being used in a Hamburg store of the C&A fashion chain.

Fluss mit Algenblüte
Euglenoids are diverse unicellular organisms found primarily in freshwater and are visible in large quantities as algal blooms.

Tapping euglenoids as a new source of raw materials

A worldwide consortium with the participation of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg aims to advance the genome sequencing of eukaryotic unicellular organisms and make it available as a resource for the bioeconomy.

Ein Mann im Pkw und ein Mann vor dem Pkw auf einem Rollenprüfstand
At Coburg University of Applied Sciences, automotive technician Florian Knoch and automotive engineer Steffen Krajewski conduct tests on the chassis dynamometer.

Biodiesel from sewage sludge

A new reforming process generates another source of fuel from biogenic waste.

Eine Forscherin im Laborkittel vor einem Messgerät
First author Chengzhang Xu from the University of Bayreuth is studying the heat resistance of enzymes.

Precise measurement of heat resistance of enzymes

Heat-resistant enzymes could be incorporated into biodegradable plastics to accelerate their decomposition.

Vier Plasmaquellen wurden hintereinander geschaltet und das Schüttgut nimmt einen vorher eingestellten Weg über das Förderband.
Four plasma sources were connected in series and the bulk material takes a predetermined path along the conveyor belt.

Control grain weevil with plasma

With the help of an innovative plasma technology, researchers have paved the way to protect grain from pests and thus make it last longer.

Zwei Männer in Laborkittel und Laborumgebung
Gregor Hagelueken, group leader at the Institute of Structural Biology of the UK Bonn, and Niels Schneberger, PhD student at the Institute of Structural Biology of the UK Bonn, freeze protein crystals.

Better understanding of the natural function of CRISPR

Gene scissors are an important tool in genome editing, but they originated in the battle between bacteria and phages.

Keimlinge sprießen aus dem Boden.
Soil and plants depend on the interaction of and with microbes.

DFG funds microbial and plant research

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is funding 13 new collaborative research centers at universities with a total of 166 million euros - including two on the bioeconomy.

Kücken werden mit hochwertigen Proteinen gefüttert
The chickens seem to like it - the high-protein feed from grassland waste.

Protein feed from on-farm biorefinery

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to make proteins from plants from meadows and pastures usable for the bioeconomy. A protein extract for animal feed has already been obtained.