
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1231
Viele Menschen reagieren allergisch auf Erdbeeren und Tomaten, vor allem wenn sie auch unter einer Birkenpollenallergie leiden.
Many people are allergic to strawberries and tomatoes, especially if they also suffer from birch pollen allergy.

Food Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Strawberry allergy: it' s all about the variety

Munich natural product researchers have investigated and identified allergenic proteins in strawberries and tomatoes: The variety of fruit determines the allergy potential. 

Feinstaub gefährdet nicht nur die Gesundheit der Menschen, sondern auch die Pflanzenwelt, wie Bonner Forscher beweisen.
Particulate matter endangers not only human health, but also plants, as researchers in Bonn have shown.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Biodiversity

Fine dust dries out trees

Not only is fine dust unhealthy for humans, it also affects the vegetation: According to an international study, the particulate matter makes trees more susceptible to drought.

Der von Mosa Meat 2013 vorgestellte erste Burger aus der Petrischale wird für den Marktauftritt vorbereitet.
Mosa Meat created the first cultured hamburger in 2013. After a successful series A financing round, the spin off company from Maastricht University now prepares to bring the burger to market.

Food unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Merck invests in cultured meat

The German pharma company Merck is investing in the development of cultured meat by the Dutch start-up Mosa Meat.

The wool beetle Lagria villosa lives on various economically important crops. The beetles are particularly common on soybeans (pictured) and cause great damage.

Food Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Jumping genes protect beetle eggs

Bacteria protect the eggs of the wool beetle from fungal attack. According to Mainz researchers, the bacteria obtained the mechanism through natural gene transfer - possibly even from marine organisms.

In Synthetic Biology, researchers assemble systems with completely new properties from biological modules.

unspecific unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Bioengineers build intelligent materials

Molecular biologists from Freiburg have constructed intelligent materials from biological modules that can absorb and process information.

Genome Editing-Verfahren wurden vom EuGH als Gentechnik eingestuft
The long-awaited ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union states that plants bred via the genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas are to be regulated according to the strict directive for genetically modified organisms.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Surprise ruling by ECJ

The Court of Justice of the European Union declared that crops bred via the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas are "GMOs" and are to be regulated as such.

Das klimaschädliche Kohlendioxid könnte bald schon als industrieller Rohstoff Karriere machen.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Enzymes turn greenhouse gas into feedstock

Munich biotechnologists have developed a highly efficient method to extract large amounts of the amino acid methionine from climate-damaging CO2.

Ready-to-eat foods like slices of sausage or cheese can contain bacteria such as salmonella.

Food Microorganisms Food technology

Protecting food with plasma

Researchers from Hannover have found a way to make food safer: Cold plasma succeeded in killing bacteria in sausages.

The brown lignin is a waste product of the paper industry. Muhannad Al Aiti, a Dresden-based researcher, is investigating how best to use lignin for the prodcution of sustainable, bio-based carbon fibres.

Automobile Plants Chemistry

New carbon fibres made from lignin

Manufacturing carbon fibres from sustainable resources is expensive – until now. A researcher at TU Dresden develops new and efficient manufacturing processes.

It is virtually impossible to identify inferior breast implants. However, this could soon change.

Pharmaceutical industry Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

Branding breast implants with tomato DNA

Using DNA snippets from tomatoes, researchers hope to identify breast implants in a way that prevents them from being falsified. This will enable them to track down inferior forgeries more quickly. 

Ob Blattkäfer oder Gecko: Ihr Talent auf glatten und steilen Flächen selbst kopfüber Halt zu finden, begeistert Materialforscher seit jeher.
Be it leaf beetles or geckos: Materials researchers have always been fascinated by the talent for finding hold even upside down on smooth and steep surfaces.

unspecific Animals Biotechnology/Systems biology

Adhesives modeled after beetle feet

Bionic scientists at the University of Kiel have designed silicone material surfaces based on the model of a leaf beetle, thus significantly increasing its adhesion to other materials.

Researchers at Hohenheim University have a new remedy against the Varroa mite: the chemical lithium chloride. It seems highly effective and is easy to dispense.

Chemistry unspecific Agriculture sciences

Promising new weapon against bee parasite

Researchers at Hohenheim University found a possible new remedy against the Varroa mite: the chemical lithium chloride. It seems highly effective and is would be easy to dispense.

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a bio-based and biodegradable alternative to microplastics: specially processed cellulose particles from wood or grain. Picture: Macro magnification of a wood chip.

Chemistry Plants Chemistry

Face scrub with wood instead of plastic

Fraunhofer researchers are developing bio-based and biodegradable alternatives to microplastics. They use cellulose particles derived from wood or crops.

Clariant and Global Bioenergies develop a new biobased polymer from renewable resources for cosmetic creams and lotions.

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Cosmetics based on bio-isobutene

Clariant and Global Bioenergies have developed a new polymer from renewable resources for cosmetic creams and lotions.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

More active genes in hybrid high-yield maize

The offspring of two maize inbred lines provides higher yield than the parent plants. According to researchers at Bonn University this effect is caused by increased gene activity.

Evonik and Siemens are starting a joint research project to generate valuable specialty chemicals from CO2 and green electricity. Special bacteria in a fermentation process (picture) transform CO-containing gases into these chemicals.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Turning CO2 and green energy into green chemistry

Evonik and Siemens are developing a new technology that uses bacteria and electricity from renewable resources to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into specialty chemicals.

unspecific unspecific unspecific


In the current 12th Five-Year Plan, the bioindustry is one of the emerging industries in the spotlight. The Plan for the Development of Bioindustry is about sustainable growth, as it also contributes to smart urban development. Tradtionally, biotechnology has been strongly promoted in China.

Chemistry Microorganisms Chemistry

Turning waste water into electricity

At TU Braunschweig, chemist Uwe Schröder is investigating how bacteria can generate electricity from waste water.

A consortium of science and industry wants to develop a bio-based, biocompatible and bioresorbable surgical suture that will be used in a wide variety of medical applications.

Pharmaceutical industry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

New bio-fibers for medicine

In Thuringia, textile researchers are working on bio-based sutures for surgical operations. The new fibres dissolve in the body and are thus safer for the patients.

In the soil, in many places microplastics such as these polyacrylic fibers can be found.

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Microplastic: just as dangerous on dry land

According to a meta-study by Berlin-based researchers, accumulations of microplastics in the soil are a much greater burden on the environment than in the seas.