
Vanille Dossier Visual

In-depth report

Achieving Vanilla Flavor through Bioeconomy

Vanillin is arguably the most important flavoring in the world. The bio-based economy can contribute in various ways to the sustainable, reliable and high-quality supply of vanillin. This dossier describes indoor farming methods for vanilla cultivation and highlights biotechnological and chemical approaches on the way to vanilla flavoring. 

Von AlphaFold2 vorhergesagte Protein-3D-Strukturen

In-depth report

Exploring and designing proteins with AI

In recent years, AI technologies have revolutionized protein research and the possibilities for producing tailor-made protein molecules. This dossier highlights how AI-based tools are opening up new avenues for research and innovation. 

Rinder auf der Wiese

Success story

Methane-reducing feed additives for livestock

As part of the ClimateCow project, researchers in Munich are developing a new type of feed additive for cattle in order to reduce the animals' methane emissions.

Vegane Fleischersatzprodukte

Studies and statistics

IIASA (2023): Feeding climate and biodiversity goals with novel plant-based meat alternatives

Replacing 50% of meat and dairy products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land use related greenhouse gas emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forest and natural land, according to a recent study.

Preview Bioökonomie-Ausstellung

Bioeconomy Exhibition

The bioeconomy has rapidly developed in recent years. What has been accomplished in the last five years alone is truly impressive: Many bioeconomy products have become bestsellers. Bio-based start-ups have grown into medium-sized companies. And established, traditional industrial companies are integrating bio-based production steps into their existing structures.

The latest from the bioeconomy

Die „Flora Incognita“-App hat neue Künstliche Intelligenz erhalten

Deriving climate consequences with data from plant app

With the help of a newly developed algorithm, Leipzig researchers can use data from the plant identification app Flora Incognita to determine the effects of climate change on the plant world.

Permakultur ist eine nachhaltige Form der Landwirtschaft. Mit dem Wechselspiel aus Hügelbeeten, Teichen und Gehölzen bietet sie in diesem Beispiel neben Lebensmitteln auch viele Ökosystemdienstleistungen und Lebensraum für Tiere und Pflanzen

Permaculture: Better soils, more biodiversity

Permaculture has the potential to combine agriculture, environmental protection and nature conservation. This is the conclusion of a study involving the Technical University of Kaiserslautern-Landau.

Kolonien des Meeresbakteriums Marinobacter alginolytica. So wie die Federn des Pfaus leuchtende Farben aufweisen, sind diese Farben auf geordnete Strukturen zurückzuführen, die einen photonischen Kristall bilden und Interferenzeffekte verursachen.

Sustainable colours with iridescent bacteria

A research team from the Jena Cluster of Excellence ‘Balance of the Microverse’ has decoded the mechanism that enables some bacterial strains to reflect light and form colours in a similar way to butterfly wings.

"Stuttgart in Zukunft: Für den Bildband "Zukunftsbilder 2045" haben Reinventing Society und das Wire Collective eine Vision für den Stuttgarter Marktplatz entworfen."

"Stuttgart in Zukunft: Für den Bildband "Zukunftsbilder 2045" haben Reinventing Society und das Wire Collective eine Vision für den Stuttgarter Marktplatz entworfen."

Stuttgart sets its own bioeconomy strategy

The state capital of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, is the first city in Germany to present a municipal bioeconomy strategy with 22 specific measures to drive forward the transition to a bio-based future.


Luisa Gronenberg, : VP Technology Integration & Strain Development bei der Insempra GmbH in Martinsried

"Our robust yeast can process a wide range of waste streams"

Luisa Gronenberg and her team from the Munich start-up Insempra are developing an innovative bioprocess to produce polyester and polyamides from residual and waste materials. The team is receiving millions in funding from SPRIND.

Lena Hochrein

Yeasts: developing cell factory alternatives

The Potsdam junior research group TAILOR, led by Lena Hochrein, aims to optimize baker's yeast and other yeasts so that they can be used in a variety of ways as a cell factory for the bioeconomy.

Worldwide strategies

The bioeconomy is gaining ground all over the world. A large number of countries have now adopted bioeconomy strategies - with various focus areas. You can find them in the following overview.

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In the spotlight

Bioeconomy inside

Probiotischer Allzweckreiniger

All-purpose cleaner

Many cleaning products are based on surfactants derived from crude oil. They have been proven to fulfil their main task of dissolving dirt and grease. Bio-based alternatives do this in a more environmentally friendly way using renewable resources.

For how many Germans does sustainability play an important role when buying cleaning products?

No, sustainability plays a greater role in this segment.

That's right, around a third of Germans pay attention to sustainability when it comes to cleaning products.

Rundes Waschbecken


Stable, heat-resistant, scratch-proof. These are the properties that a washbasin should have. Sanitary ceramics are ideal for manufacturing the basins - but so is a bio-based composite.

How many cubic metres of damaged timber had to be felled in 2022, mainly due to long periods of drought and the spread of the bark beetle?

That is wrong.

Correct. This corresponds to a 59.5% share of logging due to forest damage. In 2012, the figure was still 17.8%.

Verschiedene Gemüsesorten und Milchprodukte in einer Kiste mit Isoliermaterial

Food packaging

Maize is first and foremost a foodstuff. Many of its plant components that are not edible are also suitable for the production of environmentally friendly products. For example, for products that bring other foods fresh to the consumer. 

In 1960, maize was grown on 6,000 hectares in Germany. How big was the area in 2023?

That's wrong.

That's correct. In 2012, the figure was as high as 526 thousand hectares.


Phone case

Most users know that the production of smartphones places a heavy burden on the environment. But protective covers made of plastic can also be harmful to humans and nature. Manufacturers use plant-based plastic alternatives to develop more sustainable products.

How many smartphones are sold in Germany each year?

This is wrong, but roughly equivalent to the number of smartphone users in Germany.


Verschließbare Dönertüte aus Papier

Kebab bag

Kebabs to go are usually wrapped in aluminium foil. An award-winning innovative paper packaging offers a more sustainable solution.

How much packaging waste is generated statistically per capita and year in Germany?

No, its about double.

Correct. This is the per capita consumption of the year 2020.