
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1333
Unser Weizen stammt vom Wilden Emmer ab. Nun haben Pflanzenforscher das Genom des Getreides entschlüsselt.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Wild wheat genome: the roots of domestication

A team including researchers from Gatersleben and Munich has published the genome sequence of Wild Emmer wheat. It is the wild form of nearly all the domesticated wheat in the world.


unspecific unspecific unspecific

Study (2017): Global Wood Pellet Industry and Trade

A study conducted for the International Energy Agency (IEA) provides a comprehensive inventory regarding the wood pellet industry and the markets of more than 30 countries.

German scientist Paul Zabel will grow vegetables in Antarctica in a newly engineered closed grrenhouse using Aeroponics.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

A greenhouse for farming in space

A closed-loop greenhouse using Aeroponics to grow vegetables will be tested in Antarctica by German scientists. The set-up of the test run was recently presented to the public.

A new study illustrates the four-fold increase in production volume on the wood pellet market over the last ten years.

Energy Plants Forestry

Global wood pellet market with dynamic growth

A new study has analysed the wood pellet market in more than thirty countries. The study was published by the German Centre for Biomass Research.

Florian Hammerstein, Original Food

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Compostable coffee capsules

With his fully compostable coffee capsule, the founder of the company Original Food, Florian Hammerstein, once again proves to be a pioneer of sustainable ideas. Above all, the work of the entrepreneur serves as a reminder that things can be done differently.

A model of the zeolithe catalyst that enables faster and less energy-intensive reactions.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Turning organic waste into fuel

Using zeolite catalysts, Munich-based chemists have managed to reduce temperature and energy requirements to efficiently turn waste into biofuels.

Dübel aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

Construction unspecific


The first plastic dowel revolutionized the possibilities of wall mounting in 1958. About 50 years after its invention, there is another innovation: the dowel turns green", and will now be made of a plastic, that consists of more than 50% of castor oil.

Der Roboter von IBM-Watson war ein Besuchermagnet auf der Hannovermesse. Auch Evonik setzt künftig auf die Hilfe der künstlichen Intelligenz.
Evonik cooperates with IBM to further develop the supercomputer and cognitive assistant "Watson".

Consumables unspecific ICT

Evonik on the path to digitalisation

The specialty chemicals company Evonik aims to invest €100 million in digitalisation. The company will use the artificial intelligence capacities of IBM's supercomputer „Watson“.


Chemistry Plants


Straw, in former times hats were made out of it as well as baskets or drinking-straws. It is still used for insulation in house building. Recently it has also been used for cleaning agents.

For the first time researchers were able to visualise and track the ubiquitous energy currency ATP in living plants.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Watching the inner workings of plants

For the first time the distribution and utilisation of the ubiquitous energy currency ATP was visualised in living plants. This may aid future plant breeding schemes.


Chemistry Plants


The times when people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) had to renounce beer are over. Due to specific methods, the gluten protein can be separated out, after the brewing process.


unspecific unspecific unspecific

Study (2017): Production, use, and fate of plastics

About 70 years ago, plastic became a mass product. 8.3 billion tons have been produced since then - the majority of which (79%) are stored on landfill sites or in the environment.

Katalytisches Zentrum der Vanadium-Nitrogenase, die Stickstoff fixieren und Kohlenmonoxid enzymatisch in kurzkettige Kohlenwasserstoffe umwandeln kann.
3D structure of the catalytic centre of the vanadium-dependent nitrogenase, recently decoded by researchers from Freiburg.

unspecific unspecific unspecific

3D structure of a fertilizer producing enzyme

Researchers of the University of Freiburg have deciphered the 3D structure of an enzyme that might be used for the biotechnological production of fertilizers and fuels.

Lupinen beim Trinken zusehen
Time-resolved 3D neutron tomography shows the rise of deuterated water in the root system of a lupine plant.

Agriculture and forestry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Observing water uptake by lupine roots

How is water transported in the soil as well as through roots of plants? Using 3D neutron imaging, a team of researchers have visualized the waters path to the lupine roots.

Researchers in Munich developed new molecular structures that dissolve and recycle themselves.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Smart molecular building blocks

Scientists in Würzburg and Munich have developed innovative molecular building blocks to create smart windows and self-recycling packaging.

Die Bauarbeiten zum neuen Hörsaal- und Forschungsgebäude auf dem Campus Straubing laufen bereits.
A new building for the Campus Straubing that will provide space for laboratories, a lecture hall and much more is being built.

unspecific unspecific Biodiversity

TU Munich with new bioeconomy campus

The Technical University in Munich is expanding its Straubing site: The new campus will focus on industrial biotechnology and bioeconomy.


Agriculture and forestry Plants

Coffee cup

Coffee grounds are not noxious, but they do produce a lot of waste. The founder of the Berlin start-up company Kafform combined this so-called waste with biopolymers and formed a cup from it.

The Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre, launched by the European Commission, will be a central knowledge hub regarding bioeconomy.

unspecific unspecific unspecific

EC launches Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre

The European Commission has launched a Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre that provides scientific data and background information to facilitate informed policy decisions.

Dunkle Wolken überm Weizenfeld
Researchers have been simulating the effects of climate change on agriculture.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

The Future of European agriculture

What will be the consequences of climate change on agriculture and nutrition in Europe? Simulation models created by climate researchers in Potsdam are looking to the future.


Chemistry Plants


Waste that accumulates during food production is usually thrown away. This is also true for rice husks. German sportswear manufacturer Puma uses this waste material  for their eco-friendly trainers `Re-Suede´.