
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1231
In Bioreaktoren schwimmen lebende Zellen in Nährmedien, die chemisch genau definiert sein müssen.
In a bioreactor, a sea of living cells floats in a culture media that must be precisely chemically defined in order for the cells to function as required.

Pharmaceutical industry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Innovative culture media for cell factories

Xell AG in Bielefeld develops specific culture media for use in cell cultures. Because inside a bioreactor, each cell type requires a distinct working environment, necessitating the use of carefully designed media.

Forscher der TU Kaiserslautern entwickeln Biokraftstoff, der unverdünnt für Dieselmotoren geeignet ist.
Researchers of the University of Kaiserslautern created biofuel that can be used undiluted in diesel engines.

unspecific unspecific Agriculture sciences

Pure biodiesel suitable for engines

Researchers from Kaiserslautern, Bochum, and Rostock modified biodiesel. The new product can now be used for conventional engines without further dilution.

Angler setzen gezielt Fische wieder aus, um den Fischbestand zu erhalten.
Combining theoretical knowledge and practical applications improved educational success for sustainable fishing.

Food Animals Agriculture sciences

Scientists and anglers in the same boat

A participatory ecological experiment involving anglers and scientists has resulted in a more sustainable management of freshwater fisheries ressources.

The Bio-based Industries Consortium announced a new strategy in order to implement a pan-European bio-based economy.

unspecific unspecific Agriculture sciences

Bio-based industries alliance updates strategy

The updated roadmap of the European Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) includes new sectors and focuses on multi-value-chain approaches.

Christopher Zeppenfeld, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von SWARM-Protein

Food Animals Nutritional sciences

Fitness bars made of crickets

SWARM founder Christopher Zeppenfeld and his team are hoping to popularise insect-based snacks with a first fitness bar made from crickets. Their new product is set to open the market to innovative protein alternatives.

Bernhard Feringa during his lecture "The Joy of Discovery" at the 67th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau.

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Lindau: Spotlight on green chemistry

This year's Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting at Lake Constance covers topics such as the future of chemistry, climate change and the trust in scientific data.

Tomaten gibt es in beeindruckender Vielfalt. Viele der erhältlichen Sorten entstanden durch Smart Breeding.
Tomatoes come in an impressive variety of forms and flavours. Many of today’s varieties are the result of ‘smart’ breeding.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Genetic markers for new tomato strain

Different shapes, colours, and aromas - the tomato is a truly diverse plant. The Gatersleben-based company TraitGenetics deciphers new molecular markers within the genetic material of plants – including tomatoes – with the aim of speeding up the breeding of new varieties.  

Zukünftig könnten Tannen und Douglasien die ökonomisch bedeutsamen Fichten in Mitteleuropa ersetzen.
Silver and Douglas fir might replace the economically important spruce in Central Europe in future.

unspecific Plants unspecific

Drought-tolerant fir can replace spruce

Both the Silver and the Douglas fir are more tolerant to drought than the Norway spruce, researchers from Freiburg found out by studying hundreds of trees across the black forest.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Microorganisms transform exhaust fumes into bioplastic

Johannes Gescher investigates the many and varied metabolic capacities of bacteria. With his work he is trying to get microbes to produce bioplastics from the carbon dioxide contained in waste gases.

Collecting bees get disoriented by neonicotinoid-residues in pollen and morning dew. Consequently their mortality rate increases.

Agriculture and forestry Animals Agriculture sciences

Neonics hurt honeybees and wild bees

Pesticides such as neonicotinoids damage bee health and survival. This is only one result of three remarkable field trial studies.

Bayer invests in growing Animal Health sector and the major production site in Kiel with €92 million.

Chemistry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Kiel: Bayer invests millions in animal health site

Bayer aims to further build its Animal Health sector by investing €92 million in its production site in Kiel.

Johannes Kabisch

Chemistry Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

From biomass to hydrocarbons

As part of the project ‘DropIn Biofuels’, Johannes Kabisch and his team of researchers are synthesising microbial hydrocarbons for use in the production of biofuels. The end product is hoped to serve as a potential future replacement for kerosene and diesel, and could thus also contribute to making air traffic more environmentally friendly.

Unser Weizen stammt vom Wilden Emmer ab. Nun haben Pflanzenforscher das Genom des Getreides entschlüsselt.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Wild wheat genome: the roots of domestication

A team including researchers from Gatersleben and Munich has published the genome sequence of Wild Emmer wheat. It is the wild form of nearly all the domesticated wheat in the world.


unspecific unspecific unspecific

Study (2017): Global Wood Pellet Industry and Trade

A study conducted for the International Energy Agency (IEA) provides a comprehensive inventory regarding the wood pellet industry and the markets of more than 30 countries.

German scientist Paul Zabel will grow vegetables in Antarctica in a newly engineered closed grrenhouse using Aeroponics.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

A greenhouse for farming in space

A closed-loop greenhouse using Aeroponics to grow vegetables will be tested in Antarctica by German scientists. The set-up of the test run was recently presented to the public.

A new study illustrates the four-fold increase in production volume on the wood pellet market over the last ten years.

Energy Plants Forestry

Global wood pellet market with dynamic growth

A new study has analysed the wood pellet market in more than thirty countries. The study was published by the German Centre for Biomass Research.

Florian Hammerstein, Original Food

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Compostable coffee capsules

With his fully compostable coffee capsule, the founder of the company Original Food, Florian Hammerstein, once again proves to be a pioneer of sustainable ideas. Above all, the work of the entrepreneur serves as a reminder that things can be done differently.

A model of the zeolithe catalyst that enables faster and less energy-intensive reactions.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

Turning organic waste into fuel

Using zeolite catalysts, Munich-based chemists have managed to reduce temperature and energy requirements to efficiently turn waste into biofuels.

Dübel aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

Construction unspecific


The first plastic dowel revolutionized the possibilities of wall mounting in 1958. About 50 years after its invention, there is another innovation: the dowel turns green", and will now be made of a plastic, that consists of more than 50% of castor oil.

Der Roboter von IBM-Watson war ein Besuchermagnet auf der Hannovermesse. Auch Evonik setzt künftig auf die Hilfe der künstlichen Intelligenz.
Evonik cooperates with IBM to further develop the supercomputer and cognitive assistant "Watson".

Consumables unspecific ICT

Evonik on the path to digitalisation

The specialty chemicals company Evonik aims to invest €100 million in digitalisation. The company will use the artificial intelligence capacities of IBM's supercomputer „Watson“.