Eyes on epigenetic inheritance

Many plants and animals have adapted to their environment during evolution. The gradual change of the genetic make-up took place over generations. The gradual change of the genetic material took place over generations. But climate change is becoming a problem for many organisms because it is progressing too rapidly. As part of an international study, researchers at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have now investigated how strongly epigenetic processes influence the adaptability of organisms to the environment.

Growing vegetables with recycled wastewater

Water is a precious resource and often causes conflicts of use. This is because this resource, which is vital for humans, animals and plants, is coming under increasing pressure from climate change, urbanization and pollution. According to experts, agriculture alone accounts for 70% of global water consumption. Not only in warm regions such as Spain, but also in Germany, drought and heat are already causing bottlenecks in irrigation and thus yield losses. Alternative solutions are needed to avoid conflicts of use.

Omnivores for plant residues

Plant residues are ideal raw materials for biobased alternatives to products of the petroleum industry: They do not compete with the cultivation of food and animal feed and promise additional added value to the plant products already produced. In practice, there is often a difficulty: the microorganisms used in biotechnology usually cope with only one of the two varieties of sugars, which are found in vegetable residues.

Establishing grass as a raw material source

Whether in urban parks or in the private garden: huge amounts of green waste are produced every year when mowing the lawn. Until now, the freshly mowed grass either ends up in the compost or is disposed of at high cost. Under the title "GreenToGreen", a research consortium now wants to establish grass as a raw material source. The project will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research over the next three years with 280,000 euros as part of the "BioBall" measure.

The pandemic as an opportunity for the bioeconomy

The day on which Germany has consumed its share of the world's available resources has been advancing for years. While the Earth Overshoot Day in 2000 was still on 23 September, this year Germany is already living on credit from 3 May. The day is calculated annually by the Global Footprint Network and illustrates the share of countries in global resources. This year, the cutoff date is, of course, only a forecast and is based on the previous year. Due to the corona pandemic, there is currently a lack of data for a reliable calculation.

Lipids limit the plants' suction power

Plants need water to grow. The supply of liquid is provided by the roots. How much water is absorbed is determined by a hydraulic system that works similar to machines. A negative pressure ensures that plants suck the water out of the soil. The suction power is based on the negative pressure in the plant supply channels, which is created by the evaporation of water on the cell walls of the leaves. But the pressure in this network is usually limited to minus 100 bar for plants. Until now it was unclear why this is so.

Natural plant substance from microbes

Nature offers a wide range of active ingredients that play an increasingly important role in medicine, the pharmaceutical and food industries. Natural substances that are not very popular are gradually coming into the spotlight. Ferulic acid is one of these candidates. It is contained in many plants such as rice, dill or roseroot and has health promoting ingredients as well as flavours which are relevant for the production of aromas such as vanillin and the typical wheat beer taste.