
Eine Agri-Photovoltaik-Anlage in einer Apfelplantage

In-depth report

Agri-photovoltaics – harvesting energy and crops

Producing food on agricultural land while simultaneously generating electricity – this concept is called agri-photovoltaics. This dossier sheds light on the potential of agri-PV for climate protection and the bioeconomy, and it depicts some approaches that are being researched and tested in Germany.

Vanille Dossier Visual

In-depth report

Achieving Vanilla Flavor through Bioeconomy

Vanillin is arguably the most important flavoring in the world. The bio-based economy can contribute in various ways to the sustainable, reliable and high-quality supply of vanillin. This dossier describes indoor farming methods for vanilla cultivation and highlights biotechnological and chemical approaches on the way to vanilla flavoring. 

vier rote Tomaten an einer grünen Pflanze

Success story

Faster development of new tomato varieties

Plant biotechnologists in Freiburg, in collaboration with Chinese partners, have chemically reprogrammed the microspores of tomato plants. This innovation can significantly accelerate the breeding of new varieties.

Von AlphaFold2 vorhergesagte Protein-3D-Strukturen

In-depth report

Exploring and designing proteins with AI

In recent years, AI technologies have revolutionized protein research and the possibilities for producing tailor-made protein molecules. This dossier highlights how AI-based tools are opening up new avenues for research and innovation. 

Preview Bioökonomie-Ausstellung

Bioeconomy Exhibition

The bioeconomy has rapidly developed in recent years. What has been accomplished in the last five years alone is truly impressive: Many bioeconomy products have become bestsellers. Bio-based start-ups have grown into medium-sized companies. And established, traditional industrial companies are integrating bio-based production steps into their existing structures.

The latest from the bioeconomy

Das adaptive, selbstanpassende Verschattungssystem „Solar Gate“ unterstützt die Klimaregulierung von Gebäuden.

Bio-based sun protection for building facades

Pine cones served researchers from Stuttgart and Freiburg as a model for a new bio-based shading system for building facades that adapts itself to the weather and is energy self-sufficient.

Das biologisch abbaubare Geotextil ist aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und dient als temporärer Filter für die Ufersicherung.

Biodegradable filter for bank protection

In the joint research project ‘Bioshoreline’, researchers have developed filters made of biodegradable geotextiles to protect river banks without negatively impacting ecosystems in the future.

Formo Käsegratain

FORMO: EIB loan for the expansion of alternative cheese production

The Berlin-based food tech start-up Formo is receiving 35 million euros from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the further development of its technology for the microbial production of animal-free dairy products.

Mit Holzschutzmitteln behandeltes Altholz muss derzeit in genehmigten Großkraftwerken verbrannt werden. In H2Wood entstehen daraus Wasserstoff, Carotinoide und Stärke.

Bio-based products from regional wood waste

In the H2Wood – BlackForest project, Fraunhofer researchers and partners produced biohydrogen using bacteria and microalgae and obtained carbon-based by-products such as lignin and starch.


Ronja Breitkopf; wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungsbereich Biomaterialien bei der Industrieforschungseinrichtung INNOVENT e.V. in Jena

‘We use residues to establish sustainability’

The ‘Biomaterials’ research group led by Ronja Breitkopf at the industrial research organisation INNOVENT not only develops its own sustainable products and processes for the bioeconomy, but also supports research partners to advance innovations.

Worldwide strategies

The bioeconomy is gaining ground all over the world. A large number of countries have now adopted bioeconomy strategies - with various focus areas. You can find them in the following overview.

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In the spotlight

Bioeconomy inside

Verschiedene beschichtete Lebensmittelverpackungen.

Protective lacquer

An Italian start-up is utilizing waste from tomato processing to develop an eco-friendly alternative to conventional packaging coatings. A bio-resin is extracted from tomato peels that is free of BPA and biodegradable.

What percentage of tomatoes grown in the EU come from Italy?

Correct! Italy alone contributes nearly 40% of the EU's total tomato production.

No, it is more.

orangefarbener Hocker aus Obstschalen


Orange peel, lemon peel and coffee grounds. What do these elements have in common? They are not necessarily a case for the organic waste bin, but can be reprocessed into practical everyday helpers and beautiful home accessories.

How many tonnes of food waste (edible and non-edible) are produced in Germany every year?

That's wrong. It is almost double the amount.

That is correct.

Steckschaum für Blumenarrangements

Floral foam

Without it, many floral arrangements wouldn't make much of an impression. Floral foam is commonly used in floristry to stabilise cut flowers, grasses, and branches in bouquets, and to provide them with water and nutrients.

How much green waste was generated per capita in Germany in 2022?

That is wrong. This value is from the year 2021.


Probiotischer Allzweckreiniger

All-purpose cleaner

Many cleaning products are based on surfactants derived from crude oil. They have been proven to fulfil their main task of dissolving dirt and grease. Bio-based alternatives do this in a more environmentally friendly way using renewable resources.

For how many Germans does sustainability play an important role when buying cleaning products?

No, sustainability plays a greater role in this segment.

That's right, around a third of Germans pay attention to sustainability when it comes to cleaning products.

Rundes Waschbecken


Stable, heat-resistant, scratch-proof. These are the properties that a washbasin should have. Sanitary ceramics are ideal for manufacturing the basins - but so is a bio-based composite.

How many cubic metres of damaged timber had to be felled in 2022, mainly due to long periods of drought and the spread of the bark beetle?

That is wrong.

Correct. This corresponds to a 59.5% share of logging due to forest damage. In 2012, the figure was still 17.8%.
