
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1231
The British start-up OPTIfarm aims to boost the productivity of poultry farms by digitally monitoring feed, water, and temperature. Essen-based Evonik now holds shares in OPTIfarm.

Food Animals Agriculture sciences

Evonik invests in digital poultry farm

Essen-based specialty chemicals company Evonik invests in British start-up OPTIfarm, which aims to improve poultry production via digitalisation.

During the panel discussion, policy officials and climate experts from Ghana, Colombia and Germany shared the stage to discuss the progress regarding the SDGs.

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Successful sustainable development

In early November, international experts from Ghana, Colombia and Germany gathered in Berlin to discuss the state of the implementation of the sustainable development goals.

Innovation made easy

Ideas contest "New Products for the Bioeconomy" Published by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Berlin; October 2018 Produktion: bioö / BIOCOM AG The brochure illustrates how creative ideas can be turned into innovative, biobased products for the bioeconomy – with support of the BMBF as part of the "New products for the bioeconomy" ideas competion. Download PDF

The taste of fermented foods such as cheese, yoghurt, beer or soy sauce is very popular with consumers. Munich-based biochemists have now developed a process that identifies the respective flavour molecules.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

New method identifies taste molecules

Certain protein fragments give cheese, beer, soy and the likes their characteristic taste. Munich biochemists have developed a new method to identify these fragments.

Differing domestic regulations regarding products derived from precision biotechnology will affect international trade relations and put the EU at a disadvantage.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Restricting GMOs affects global trading

Scientific advisors and a WTO-committee are urging European legislators to revise their verdict regarding GMOs to reflect current scientific knowledge and protect EU trade relations.

Researchers introduced the metabolic pathway of astaxanthin into the model plant tobacco. Subsequently they used horizontal gene transfer between the model plant and the tree tobacco, resulting in an orange-colored tree tobacco plant (left)

Chemistry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Transforming plants into bio-factories

Molecular plant physiologists in Golm managed to engineer the chloroplast DNA of the tobacco plant. Via horizontal gene transfer they were able to produce the carotenoid astaxanthin.

Researcher at the University Mannheim and BRAIN AG develop new 3D skin models in order to provide better tests for cosmetics. Picture: 3D spheroids aged 7 days; red: basal cell layer; green: differentiated epidermal layer.

Chemistry unspecific Biotechnology/Systems biology

3D skin models to reduce allergens

Researchers at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and BRAIN AG develop new three-dimensional skin models. These allow for more realistic screenings for health care and cosmetics.

Project partners from all over Germany have developed new, more efficient rapeseed lines.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

More variety for rapeseed fields

Rapeseed is an important oilseed, however, it is genetically impoverished. Thus, 14 project partners from industry and science have developed rapeseed lines with additional features.

Kunst-und Designstudenten sind aufgerufen, ihre Visionen der Bioökonomie von Morgen zu entwerfen.
Students are invited to submit their artistic visions of the future of bioeconomy in an art competition for the global bioeconomy summit taking place in April in Berlin.

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Visions in bioeconomy

Students from all over the globe are invited to present new ideas for a biobased economy as part of an art competition. The winners will be exhibited at the global summit in Berlin.

Potentilla reptans (Kriechendes Fingerkraut) in der Simulation mit dichtwachsenden Nachbarn.
Plants can choose the best strategy to receive sufficient light – depending on the surrounding growth. Here: The plant Potentilla reptans is growing under simulated sparse vegetation.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Knowing when and where to grow

Plants have several strategies to receive sufficient light. Now, Biologists from Tübingen University demonstrate that plants can choose between alternative responses to competition.

Fraunhofer researchers develop paintings and varnishes based on potato starch.

Construction Plants Biotechnology/Systems biology

More than mash: paints from potatoes

Fraunhofer researcher from Potsdam and Stuttgart develop new paints and varnishes based on potato starch. A special chemical process is optimising the starch for this application.

The thal cress protects itself against small insects with sharp and hardened hairs. The very tips of these trichomes are incrusted with calcium phosphate for increased stability and strength.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Teething plants

According to Bonner botanists many more plants than previously thought use calcium phosphate, a component of teeth and bones, to strengthen their defensive hairs and thorns.

Diese Computermäuse bestehen aus Polymilchsäure
A new computer mouse developed by Hannover researchers is made of 83% renewable raw materials based on sugar cane.

Consumables unspecific Chemistry

Computer mouse made of sugar cane

Yoghurt cups and water bottles made from polylactic acid are en vogue. Material scientists in Hannover have developed a computer mouse housing material based on sugar cane.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Biodiversity

Genome of European Beech deciphered

Researchers at the Senckenberg research institute decoded the genome of the European Beech. The new genetic information will allow for targeted breeding of stress tolerant trees.

The new EU Novel Food Regulation, in effect since January 2018, now allows insects or insect-based products as food across Europe. Particularly in Germany, however, the public opinion is still very sceptical when it comes to eating insects.

Food Animals Nutritional sciences

EU paves way for insect-derived food

Since January 2018, insect-derived food can be commercialised according to the rules of the new Novel Food Legislation.

Getreide Feld

unspecific Plants Agriculture sciences

FiBL and IFOAM (2018): The World of Organic Agriculture

The ‘Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL‘ and ‘IFOAM - Organics International‘ presented the latest edition of the study ‘The World of Organic Agriculture‘ at BIOFACH, the world's leading trade fair for organic food.

Blick auf den Planeten Erde

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Global Footprint Network (2017): Earth Overshoot Day

The Earth Overshoot Day is the date on which humanity’s resource consumption for the year exceeds Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources that year.

Researchers found that the sheer number of different species in an ecosystem doesn't reveal much about the health of the system.

unspecific unspecific Biodiversity

More is not always better

Researchers in Oldenburg found that the health of an ecosystem is not directly related to how many species inhabit it.

Dodder, a parasitic vine, not only feeds off his host plants, but also transfers warning signals from one host plant to another.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Dodder does more than feed off plants

Dodder, a parasitic vine, transfers warning signals from one host-plant to another if one of them is attacked by herbivores.

Das internationale Forscherteam um Wolf Frommer will Reis gegen die gefährliche Weißblättrigkeit resistent machen.

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Gates foundation invests millions in rice project

Rice blight is a plant disease causing severe harvest losses in Asia. A consortium led by German researchers is now funded with US$6 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.