Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
The intelligent feeding software by fodjan can calculate individual feeding rations.

Remote-controlled feeding tools

Digital tools are gaining momentum among farmers. With its smart feeding software for dairy cows the start-up "fodjan" has attracted new investors.

Eco-friendly copper mining can be achieved through bioactive substances that bind selectively to the surface of ore minerals

Mining copper with microbes

So far the processing of copper ores requires the application of toxic chemicals. A new Chilean-German research project aims at an eco-friendly product from marine bacteria.

International researcher working together

SDG-Graduate school kicks off

The German University of Hohenheim and the Ethiopian university Hawassa received 2 million euros in funding to start their SDG graduate school program investigating food security.

Mussel attached to ground via byssal threads

Mussels as blueprint for green chemistry

Mussels could serve as a blueprint for the environmentally friendly production of complex polymers. Max-Planck researchers in Potsdam deciphered the intricate process.

Swarm of deep-sea robots developed for the competition by Fraunhofer IOSB.

Mapping ocean floors in 3D

The muli-million-dollar global XPRIZE competition to explore and map the ocean floors has reached its semi-finals. Still on board is the German team "Arggonauts".

The eastern grey squirrel, originally from North America, is omnipresent in Europe.

Invasive species gaining ground

An international study finds the rates of alien species introduction worldwide are higher than ever. A third of all first introductions were recorded between 1970 and 2014.

Riesenbausteine aus Bioplastik zusehen auf der "Grünen Woche" 2016 in Berlin

Bioplastics: subtle market growth in 2016

According to a market analysis from nova-institute, last year's production capacity for bio-based polymers grew by 4% to 6.6 million tonnes.

weltmesse für Bio-Produkte, Biofach
Die Nachfrage nach Bio-Produkten wächst, wie auch die weltgrößte Fachmesse BIOFACH zeigt.

Calls for more research into organic farming

Organic farming is booming, yet there is still too little applied research being performed in this area, criticise experts. That will soon change.

GO-Bio Förderinitiative -Startups der Bioökonomie auf Kapitalsuche
GLS Crowd is the first crowdfunding platform to be owned by a bank. Sustainability is at the heart of its work.

Bank backs crowdfunding platform

GLS, a bank specialising in sustainable investments, has set up a crowd-investing platform for businesses and projects.

Biotenside werden in Arzneimittel, Kosmetika aber auch im Saatgut eingesetzt.
Biotenside wie Rhamnolipide werden in der Pharma- und Kosmetikindustrie, aber auch als Tierfutterzusatz eingesetzt.

Novel biosurfactants to hit the market

Whether it's cosmetics or washing detergents — surfactants are used extensively in industry. Bio-based rhamnolipids are one of the biggest current trends.

Forscher bei der Feldarbeit auf der Versuchsfläche des Jena Experiments
Researchers performing field work on experimental plots belonging to the 'Jena Experiment'.

Long-term `Jena Experiment´ celebrates

Europe's largest field laboratory for biodiversity research celebrates anniversary: 15 years of the "Jena Experiment".

DLR-Satelit EUCROPIS soll Tomatenpflanzen züchten
Ein Satellit soll die Tomatensamen als Beiladung mit einer Trägerrakete ins All bringen.

Tomato growth out of this world

A satellite carrying tomato seeds is expected to be launched into space before the end of the year. German researchers will test the growth under conditions found on Mars or the moon.

Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet
Holzeinschlag, Rodung und andere Formen veränderter Landnutzung führen zu höheren CO2-Emissionen als bisher vermutet.

CO2 emissions from deforestation revisited

Researchers from Karlsruhe have investigated the effects of land-use change on the balance of carbon dioxide. Land restructuring causes more CO2 than anticipated.

Rust-eating microbe found in Twentekanaal

So it exists after all: the microbe that eats both rust and methane. After a long search, Max-Planck researchers in Bremen have found such a multi-talent.

Mixed outcomes of EU neonicotinoid ban

A European study says that the ban of a certain class of insecticides to protect bees causes a lot of ecologic and economic burden.

Getränkeverschlusskappen aus Zuckerrohr von Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak with bio-based packaging

Tetra Pak's aseptic carton packaging, the first of its kind worldwide, are manufactured from 80% bio-based material.

Neue Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Outlining national sustainability

The German Federal Government has approved a "German Strategy for Sustainability". It outlines how the sustainable development goals are to be achieved.

Ameisen auf Fiji züchten in den baumwipfeln Kaffeepflanzen und nutzen die Gewächse als Unterschlupf.

Ants with a talent for gardening

Ants are social insects with many talents. Biologists from Munich found a species of ants on the Fijian Islands that cultivate coffee plants with the aim of later inhabiting them.

Milchsäurebakterien unterm Mikroskop

Skin care using lactic acid bacteria

An extract made from special lactic acid bacteria treats dry, itching and stinging skin in a targeted way. This was revealed by a clinical study carried out by the Organobalance GmbH company from Berlin.

Reispflanze im Wasser

Watching rice plants grow

Researchers from Karlsruhe have developed a system that observes and measures rice while it grows. The measurement technique is designed to accelerate the breeding of resistant plants.