
Anzahl der Suchergebnisse: 1248

Chemistry Fungi Biotechnology/Systems biology

Biogas from mushrooms

Thomas Helle, Managing Director of Tübingen-based Novis GmbH, is developing a biogas plant using mushroom compost as part of the EU project "Smartmushroom".

DLR researcher Paul Zabel spent a year in Antarctica, testing the farming of vegetables in the EDEN-ISS greenhouse.

Food Plants Agriculture sciences

Farming vegetables in perpetual ice

After a year of growing vegetables in Antarctica, Paul Zabel has returned to Germany. The results are mostly positive - in total, more than 270 kilograms of vegetables were harvested.

Picture of two cell clones (in green), each of which originated from a single cambium stem cell and contributed to both the wood (xylem) and the bast (phloem).

Agriculture and forestry Plants Forestry

Stem cells produce wood and bast

According to researchers from Heidelberg, so-called bifacial stem cells alternate between producing wood and bast cells.

Viele Meter unter der Erde befindet sich ein riesiges Wasserreservoir, das für Menschen überlebenswichtig ist: das Grundwasser.
Many metres underground there is a huge reservoir of water that is vital for human survival: groundwater.

unspecific unspecific Environmental technology

Delayed climate impact on groundwater

The influence of climate change on groundwater is insidious. The slow reaction time could prove to be an ecological time bomb, as an international team of researchers discovered.

Getreidefeld mit Frauenspiegel und anderen Ackerwildkräutern Getreidefeld mit Wildkräutern | © Michael Welling
Grain field with corn bellflower and other wild herbs

Agriculture and forestry Plants Agriculture sciences

Clear advantage for organic farming

A recent study by the Thünen Institute shows: Organic agriculture scores significantly better than conventional agriculture in terms of resource conservation, soil fertility and biodiversity.

Die Polymere werden aus Bakterien isoliert und anschließend chemisch modifiziert.
The polymers are isolated from bacteria and then chemically modified.

Chemistry Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Smooth running with biobased lubricants

Partners from research and industry are developing environmentally friendly lubricants based on biopolymers.

Flasche mit Flüssigwaschmittel

Consumables Microorganisms


At the beginning of the 20th century, the "first automatic detergent" went on sale. It promised clean laundry after only 30 minutes at 95°C. Before that, the laundry had to be soaked, laboriously kneaded, rubbed, rinsed and wrung.

Um herauszufinden, warum sich die Jagdspinne Cupiennius salei so gut an senkrechten Oberflächen halten kann, untersucht das interdisziplinäre Forschungsteam winzige Hafthaare auf den Spinnenbeinen.
In order to find out why the Cupiennius salei hunting spider can stick so well to vertical surfaces, the interdisciplinary research team is investigating tiny adhesive hairs on the spider legs.

Chemistry Animals Materials sciences

How spiders cling to the ceiling

Using modern X-ray technology, researchers have determined the adhesive structure of spider legs. The parallel fiber structure could serve as a model for new materials.

Viele Bienenarten sind vom Aussterben bedroht.
Many bee species are threatened with extinction.

Agriculture and forestry Animals Agriculture sciences

Bee protection with DNA chip

The most important bee species are still partially present in Europe. The EU project SmartBees ends with this good news and leaves beekeepers with tools for bee protection.

Das neu entdeckte Molekül könnte langfristig etablierte Herbizide ersetzen.
The newly discovered molecule could replace established herbicides in the long term.

Chemistry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Weed killer from sugar molecule

In cyanobacteria, researchers at the University of Tübingen have discovered a molecule that is harmless to humans and that has the potential to replace the controversial glyphosate.

Humane Milch-Oligosaccharide bilden die wichtigsten Produkte der Firma Jennewein Biotechnologie.
Human milk oligosaccharides are the most important products of Jennewein Biotechnologie.

Food Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Healthy baby food for China

Jennewein, a biotech company specializing in human milk sugar, is researching milk products in cooperation with the Chinese market leader for dairy goods.

Kollagenhüllen für Wurst könnten mittels Enzymen dünner und günstiger hergestellt werden.
Enzymes could be used to produce thinner and cheaper collagen casings for sausages.

Food Microorganisms Biotechnology/Systems biology

Better sausage skins with enzymes

Enzymes are designed to modernize processes. A German team of researchers has now succeeded in doing the same in the production of sausage skins.

„Banabooms“ sollen aus Bananen hergestellt werden, die zu reif sind, um noch verkauft zu werden.
"Banabooms" are to be made from bananas that are too ripe to be sold.

Food Plants Food technology

Breakfast cereals from unsold foods

Students of the University of Hohenheim have won a European competition against food waste with their alternative breakfast cereals called "Banaboom". 

Gewinner des Gründerwettbewerbs Plan B Sebastian Wittmann vom freisicht (rechts im Bild)! v.l.n.r.: Armin Kienberger (Werksleiter Bischof und Klein), StS Roland Weigert, Moderator des Abends: Dominik Glöbl
Winner of the PlanB business start-up competition "Plan B" Sebastian Wittmann vom freisicht (right). From left to right: Armin Kienberger (Plant Manager Bischof and Klein), StS Roland Weigert, presenter Dominik Glöbl

unspecific unspecific Bioökonomie mitgestalten

Designer wooden eyewear win PlanB award

With its solid wood glasses, the start-up freisicht has won the Bavarian start-up competition PlanB. For the third time, the event awarded business ideas for the bio-based economy.

Mit Hilfe selbst gebildeter organischer Substanzen kann Weizen sich besser gegen Hitze- oder Überflutungsstress schützen.
With the help of self-generated organic substances, wheat can better protect itself against heat or flooding stress.

Agriculture and forestry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Making use of the plant's defences

A new research consortium plans to investigate the natural defences of wheat in order to protect the plant against diseases and pests.

In Mooren konkurriert eine seltene Bakterienart mit Archaeen und bremst so den Methanausstoß der Feuchtgebiete.
In moors, a rare bacterial species competes with archaea and slows down methane emissions from the bogs.

unspecific Microorganisms Biodiversity

Bog bacteria curb methane emission

A rare bacterial species competes with methane-forming archaea and thus slows down global warming, a study by researchers from Braunschweig and Vienna shows.

Eierschalen bestehen aus porösem Calciumcarbonat, das sich sehr gut für elektrochemische Speicher eignet.
Egg shells consist of porous calcium carbonate, which is very suitable for electrochemical storage.

Energy Waste Energy technologies

Electrodes from eggshells

The energy stores of tomorrow could be made from eggshells: An international team of researchers is showing for the first time how powdered shell waste can act as electrodes.

Mit Hilfe selbst gebildeter organischer Substanzen kann Weizen sich besser gegen Hitze- oder Überflutungsstress schützen.
With the help of self-generated organic substances, wheat can better protect itself against heat or flooding stress.

Agriculture and forestry Microorganisms Agriculture sciences

Making use of the plant's defences

A new research consortium plans to investigate the natural defences of wheat in order to protect the plant against diseases and pests.

Evonik has doubled its risk capital for innovations.

Chemistry unspecific Chemistry

Evonik doubles venture capital

Evonik has increased its venture capital fund by €150 million. This time, the specialty chemicals group is targeting start-ups with market-ready innovations - not excluding later takeovers.

At around 220 kilograms per capita, more packaging waste is produced in Germany than in other European countries.

Chemistry Waste Environmental technology

Making packaging recyclable

Software developed by Henkel for the recyclability of packaging has passed the critical practical test by Fraunhofer researchers.