New funding round of “Bioeconomy International” launched

New funding round of “Bioeconomy International” launched

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research continues to support international cooperation in bioeconomy research. “Bioeconomy International 2025” focuses on alliances with São Paulo/Brazil, Queensland/Australia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Neue Runde bei „Bioökonomie International“ (Symbolbild)
Global research collaborations on the bioeconomy have been funded by the BMBF for years as part of the “Bioeconomy International” funding measure.

The challenges of our time - from climate change and dwindling resources to food security for a growing world population - call for creative solutions. The bioeconomy offers a promising approach here: it uses biological resources and innovative technologies to develop sustainable products and processes. Research funding plays a key role in leveraging the potential of the bioeconomy, not only at national but also at international level. After all, the bioeconomy must be considered globally. This is where “Bioeconomy International” comes in. The 12th funding round is now starting. The submission deadline is November 25, 2024.

“Bioeconomy International” as a cornerstone for the bioeconomy

For over a decade, “Bioeconomy International” has been an important building block for strengthening international cooperation in bioeconomy research. The joint funding of research, development and innovation projects (R&D&I projects) with relevant foreign partners aims to strengthen international cooperation and establish sustainable, active partnerships in the field of research, development and innovation.

The National Bioeconomy Strategy of January 15, 2020 with its guidelines and strategic objectives provides the thematic framework for funding. The project outlines must therefore serve the BMBF's national activities to promote the bioeconomy and make a complementary contribution to achieving the funding policy objectives of the National Bioeconomy Strategy. The benefits for all participating countries should be balanced or fairly distributed. It is expected that the collaborative projects will address at least one other element of the National Bioeconomy Strategy in addition to the “Global Research Cooperation” component.

In addition, the funding guideline also aims to serve the three missions of the Future Strategy for Research and Innovation that are relevant to the bioeconomy: “Enabling resource-efficient and circular economy-based competitive industry and sustainable mobility” and II “Climate protection, climate adaptation, food security and biodiversity conservation” as well as “Intensifying European and international cooperation”.

Four modules with four exciting partners funded

This year, the focus is on cooperation between German researchers and partners in São Paulo/Brazil, Queensland/Australia, Thailand and Vietnam. The funding is divided into four modules according to the four partner countries. In the modules, topics were jointly specified and defined again depending on the partner country. The project outlines submitted are selected together with the funding institution of the respective partner country. It is therefore essential that the outline is submitted to the partner organization in the appropriate format at the same time.

Bioökonomie International 2025

The guidelines for funding international collaborative projects as part of the national bioeconomy strategy “Bioökonomie International (Bioeconomy International) 2025” can be found on the BMBF website (German).

Further information on the priorities and the partner organizations can be found at Project Management Jülich (German).

More information is also available on the Bioeconomy International portal (English).

Project duration up to three years

Universities, non-university research institutions, state and federal institutions with research tasks and commercial companies are eligible to apply. The existence of a permanent establishment or branch (company) or other facility serving the activities of the grant recipient (university, non-university research institution) in Germany is required at the time of payment of a grant. The duration of the projects to be funded is generally up to three years. The BMBF has commissioned Project Management Jülich to handle the funding measure. Contact persons are Veronika Jablonowski and Christian Breuer.

Two-stage application procedure

The application procedure has a two-stage structure. In the first stage, project outlines must be submitted electronically in English to Project Management Jülich via the Bioeconomy International internet portal by November 25, 2024.

Positively evaluated project outlines can then submit a formal funding application via the electronic application system “easy-Online”.