Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 926
Zweistufiges Bioreaktor-System, in dem mit Proteinen und dem Vitamin B9 angereicherte Hefe produziert wird.
Two-stage bioreactor system in which yeast enriched with proteins and vitamin B9 is produced.

Folic acid from the bioreactor

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have used CO₂ and green electricity to produce valuable proteins and vitamins that can be used to make meat substitutes.

Feldversuch der Universität Hohenheim
In the NOcsPs joint project, state-of-the-art technologies were utilised alongside organic cultivation principles.

Cultivation system without chemical crop protection shows its potential

Good yields and product quality can also be achieved in plant cultivation without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides. This is shown by field trials conducted by the NOcsPS research consortium.

Vorbereitung eines Verdunstungsbeetes
The planting of six evaporation beds on the former site of Berlin-Tegel Airport took place in August 2024.

Building sponge cities with plant islands

On the former site of Tegel Airport, researchers are testing which plant mix is best suited for so-called evaporation beds and thus for the realisation of sponge cities.

Das Bild zeigt ein BASF-Mitarbeiter auf einem Testfeld für Weizen in Rheinland-Pfalz.
BASF employees on a test field for wheat in Rhineland-Palatinate

Climate-friendly arable farming: BASF reports on worldwide field trials

BASF is testing solutions for ‘climate-optimised’ agricultural production with practitioners in field trials around the world. The goal of reducing the carbon footprint by 30% has been achieved in some cases, the company reports.

Schweinefleisch aus dem Bioreaktor: Wie nah kommt es seinem natürlichen Vorbild?
Pork from the bioreactor

Producing meat with stem cells from umbilical cord blood

A research consortium has succeeded in producing laboratory meat from stem cells obtained painlessly from the umbilical cord blood of piglets.

Mikroskopische Aufnahme mit verschiedenen Holzarten und deren automatischer Erkennung
Microscopic image with different types of wood and their automatic recognition

Detecting wood species in fibre materials with AI

Together with the Thünen Institute, Fraunhofer researchers are developing AI-based software for the microscopic identification of wood species. The aim is to ensure that timber products originate from legal trade.

Bioreaktor von FORMO
In this bioreactor, FORMO uses microorganisms to produce bioidentical milk proteins.

Berlin-based foodtech Formo raises 61 million US dollars

Retailer REWE is one of the new investors in Berlin start-up Formo: the company, which specializes in animal-free cheese alternatives, has raised fresh capital as part of a Series B financing round.

Verschiedene Kartoffelsorten in Verkaufsboxen
There are more than 5,000 potato varieties worldwide.

Alliance for potato breeding research

The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) and the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) are pooling their expertise in potato research in order to increase the genetic resources of this important food crop.

Das 380 Watt-Solarmodul entstand als »Bio-Modul-Prototyp« innerhalb des Projekts »E2 – E-Quadrat. Erneuerbare Energien aus Erneuerbaren Rohstoffen«.
The 380 watt solar module was created as a “bio-module prototype” as part of the project “E2 - E-Quadrat. Renewable energies from renewable raw materials”.

Solar modules based on wood and sugar cane

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a solar module in which individual components are made from renewable raw materials and can be recycled at the end of their service life.

Weitere Einzelheiten  Stechende Binse (Juncus acutus)
Rushes grow in moist and wet locations and could therefore also be suitable for cultivation in renaturalized moors.

Utilizing rushes as a raw material

In the newly launched I-Robi project, researchers at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts want to develop new harvesting and utilization concepts for rushes and demonstrate the potential of this renewable raw material for industry.

Pilotanlage in Dänemark
The production process for climate-neutral methane is already being tested at this pilot plant in Denmark.

Electrochaea: Important step towards industrial biomethane production

The Munich-based power-to-gas company Electrochaea has successfully brought its technology for microbial biomethane production to industrial scale with EU funding from the EIC Accelerator.

Neue Runde bei „Bioökonomie International“ (Symbolbild)
Global research collaborations on the bioeconomy have been funded by the BMBF for years as part of the “Bioeconomy International” funding measure.

New funding round of “Bioeconomy International” launched

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research continues to support international cooperation in bioeconomy research. “Bioeconomy International 2025” focuses on alliances with São Paulo/Brazil, Queensland/Australia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Hülsenfrüchte wie Erbsen, Bohne und Soja anbauen
Pulses such as lentils and beans are a source of alternative proteins for new healthy foods.

Investments in the market for alternative proteins on the rise

German companies that produce meat and dairy alternatives based on plants, fermentation and cell cultures were able to raise a total of EUR 74 million in the first half of 2024, more than twice as much capital as in the whole of 2023.

Clariants Vorzeigeanlage zur sunliquid®-Zellulose-Ethanol-Produktion in Podari, Rumänien
Clariant's straw-based cellulosic ethanol production plant in Podari, Romania, was shut down in December 2023. There is now a new operator.

Corden BioChem takes over operations of former Clariant biorefinery

Last year, Clariant announced the closure of its commercial biorefinery in Podari, Romania. The contract manufacturer Corden BioChem will now take over operations and convert the plant.

Blick ins hydroponische Gewächshaus im niedersächsischen Landkreis Gifhorn
Growing tomatoes in a hydroponic greenhouse in the district of Gifhorn in Lower Saxony

First real laboratory for sustainable vegetable cultivation

The newly developed HypoWave system for hydroponic vegetable cultivation with recycled wastewater is now being used in a large-scale trial on a farm in the district of Gifhorn.

Die Balken aus Riesenchinaschilf haben ihre Festigkeit im Labor unter Beweis gestellt. Die Belastungstests waren sogar etwas besser als die von Konstruktionsvollholz.
The beams made of giant chinese reed have proven their strength in the laboratory.

Load-bearing beam made from Chinese reed

Researchers at the University of Siegen have succeeded in producing a beam construction made of Miscanthus grass that is more resilient than conventional beams made of solid wood.

Kieselalgen oder Grünalgen sind als Partikel für Biotinten geeignet
With the new ink system based on the microalgae Odontella aurita and Tetraselmis striata, complex 3D microstructures can be produced with high quality and precision.

Microalgae ink for 3D laser printing

An international research team led by Heidelberg University has succeeded for the first time in obtaining biocompatible materials from microalgae for high-resolution 3D laser printing.

Detailaufnahme eines Bauteils aus Naturfaser-SMCs (Zuginnenverkleidung). Gut sichtbar sind neben dem Faserverlauf die geometrischen Freiheitsgrade, die das Material erlaubt.
Close-up of a component made from natural fiber SMCs. The geometric degrees of freedom that the material allows are clearly visible in addition to the fiber flow.

Hemp can replace glass fibers in composite materials

Researchers from Zittau provide proof that hemp fibers can be a real alternative to glass fibers in composite materials.

Industrial biotechnology is making a decisive contribution to the transition from a petroleum-based to a bio-based industry.

Making greater use of the innovation potential of industrial biotechnology

In a position paper, the industry association BIO Deutschland calls for measures to accelerate the implementation of bioeconomic activities in the industry. Market entry for bio-based products must also be made easier.

Unternehmen werden zunehmend auch nach ihrem sozial-ökologischen Verhalten bewertet.

G20 Science Academies: Communiqué for a sustainable economy

In the run-up to the meeting of the G20 countries in Brazil in September, the G20 science academies, including Lepoldina, defined measures for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals - also for the bioeconomy.