
Das adaptive, selbstanpassende Verschattungssystem „Solar Gate“ unterstützt die Klimaregulierung von Gebäuden.

Bio-based sun protection for building facades

Pine cones served researchers from Stuttgart and Freiburg as a model for a new bio-based shading system for building facades that adapts itself to the weather and is energy self-sufficient.

Das biologisch abbaubare Geotextil ist aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und dient als temporärer Filter für die Ufersicherung.

Biodegradable filter for bank protection

In the joint research project ‘Bioshoreline’, researchers have developed filters made of biodegradable geotextiles to protect river banks without negatively impacting ecosystems in the future.

Formo Käsegratain

FORMO: EIB loan for the expansion of alternative cheese production

The Berlin-based food tech start-up Formo is receiving 35 million euros from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the further development of its technology for the microbial production of animal-free dairy products.

Mit Holzschutzmitteln behandeltes Altholz muss derzeit in genehmigten Großkraftwerken verbrannt werden. In H2Wood entstehen daraus Wasserstoff, Carotinoide und Stärke.

Bio-based products from regional wood waste

In the H2Wood – BlackForest project, Fraunhofer researchers and partners produced biohydrogen using bacteria and microalgae and obtained carbon-based by-products such as lignin and starch.

Der Bodenpilz Mortierella alpina in einer Petrischale. M. alpina produziert spezielle Moleküle mit wurmtötender Wirkung, die Malpinine, mit denen er sich vor Fressfeinden schützen kann.

How a soil fungus fights nematodes

Researchers in Jena have been able to clarify how the soil fungus Mortierella alpina naturally protects plants from predators and could thus make agriculture more sustainable.

Success stories


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