Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 963
Forscher wollen gesunde und schmackhafte Kost für Menschen über 50 entwickeln.
According to experts, a shift in diet towards more fruit and vegetables would significantly improve agriculture's carbon footprint.

Food transition creates trillions in profit

A global report involving researchers from Potsdam shows how the global economy would benefit from an agricultural and food transition and underlines the urgent need to revise the political framework.

Start-up Vyld - Ines Schiller und Melanie Schichan entwickelt Tampons aus Meeresalgen
Ines Schiller and Melanie Schichan develop tampons from seaweed.

Vyld: Fresh capital for the world's first algae tampon

The Berlin start-up Vyld has raised millions from investors as part of an early-stage financing round, thereby securing the further development of its seaweed products.

Führungsmannschaft von Infinite Roots (v.l.n.r.): Anne-Cathrine Hutz, Philip Tigges, Mazen Rizk und Thibault Godard
Cathy Preißer, Philip Tigges, Mazen Rizk and Thibault Godard (from left) are part of the Infinite Roots management team

Infinite Roots: Fresh capital for mushroom mycelium technology

The Hamburg-based biotech company Infinite Roots - formerly Mushlabs - has secured 58 million US dollars in a Series B financing round for the development and production of new meat substitutes based on mushroom mycelium.

Wie viele Körner eine Weizenähre ausbildet, hängt von ihrer Blütenfruchtbarkeit ab.
Wheat suffers from drought stress. However, the symptoms are usually only visible when it is too late.

Detecting stressed wheat with MRI and PET

Under the leadership of the University of Magdeburg, a European research consortium wants to combine two medical imaging techniques for the first time and make them usable for agriculture.

Bio-Gemüse vom heimischen Acker erwarten Besucher der Grünen Woche bei der Sonderschau des BMEL in Halle 23.a.
By-products from the European agricultural and food industry can be converted into valuable products.

Residual biomass as a resource

A new EU project involving researchers from Ruhr University Bochum is focusing on the development of unused biomass resources in Europe.

The content of the new course ranges from natural sciences and technology to politics, management and economic contexts.

First degree course in agrifood economics

A new English-language Master's degree course that combines agricultural science, economics and politics will start at the Technical University of Munich in the winter semester 2024/2025 and is the only one of its kind in Europe.

In einem ersten Schritt im Herstellungsprozess der Baumaterialien werden die Fasern der Hopfenreben mechanisch getrennt. Durch weitere chemische Aufbereitung stellt HopfON Panels her, die als akustische Dämmstoffe dienen
In a first step in the production process of the building materials, the fibers of the hop bines are mechanically separated. Through further chemical processing, HopfON produces panels that serve as acoustic insulation materials.

Recyclable building materials made from hops

Regional hop harvest residues are the raw material used by a founding team at the Technical University of Munich to develop sustainable building materials. Acoustic panels made from hops are to be launched on the market this year.

Töpfe mit Reispflanzen verschiedener Größe.
The genome-edited rice plants can fend off the RYMV virus, while the control plants cannot.

Virus-resistant rice plants for Africa

A Franco-German research team has used genome editing to produce rice plants that are resistant to the Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV).

Strohballen auf dem Feld
According to the 2020 resource database, cereal straw was one of the top biomasses in Germany.

DBFZ portal on biomass resources expanded

The resource database of the German Biomass Research Center now provides a complete overview of all biogenic residual and waste materials available in Germany and the EU.

Ackerbau-intensive landwirtschaft
Industrial agriculture and climate change have damaged Europe's soils.

Soil Atlas 2024: Fertile soils are becoming scarcer

Soils are a key resource for the bioeconomy. However, climate change and industrial agriculture have damaged around 60% of soils in Europe, as the recently published Soil Atlas 2024 reveals.

Paludikultur - Rohkolenanbau in wiedervernässtem Moor
Cultivation of raw cattail in rewetted moorland.

Paludiculture creates biodiversity

Paludiculture in rewetted fens not only promotes biodiversity, but also provides a new habitat for endangered animal and plant species. This is shown by a study by the University of Greifswald.

Die Mikrobe des Jahres 2024, das Kabelbakterium Candidatus Elektronema, 10.000fach vergrößert, bildet „Kabelsalat“.
The microbe of the year 2024, the cable bacterium Candidatus Elektronema, magnified 10,000 times, forms "cable salad".

Cable bacterium is microbe of the year 2024

The microbe Electronema is a current-conducting bacteria. They promote the breakdown of pollutants and reduce the formation of greenhouse gases in seas and lakes.

Symmetrische Struktur mit farblich hervorgehobenen Bereichen
The figure shows the structure of the Fe-nitrogenase complex in an electron density map with an overall resolution of 2.35 Å.

Understanding the enzymatic binding of carbon dioxide

Researchers have elucidated the structure of the enzyme complex iron nitrogenase in order to better utilize its function.

Forschende der Hochschule Aalen verfolgen das Ziel, ressourcenschonende Batterien aus Holzabfällen herzustellen.
Researchers at Aalen University are pursuing the goal of producing resource-saving batteries from wood waste.

Batteries made from wood waste

For the development of resource-saving sodium-ion batteries based on lignin and hemicellulose, researchers at Aalen University are receiving around one million euros from the Carl Zeiss Foundation.

Portrait Caroline Gutjahr Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Caroline Gutjahr wants to find out exactly how the coexistence of plants and root fungi works.

ERC: millions in funding for Potsdam symbiosis researcher

Max Planck researcher Caroline Gutjahr from Potsdam has been awarded one of the coveted Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council (ERC) for her research into the coexistence of plants and symbiotic fungi in soil.

NRW gets Bioeconomy Council

The state government has decided to set up a Bioeconomy Council to drive forward the expansion of a bio-based and sustainable economy in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 15-member advisory body will begin its work in January 2024.

Tobias Erb
Tobias Erb assembles metabolic pathways and uses them in natural and artificial cells.

Leibniz Prize for Marburg bioengineer

Molecular biologist Tobias Erb receives the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation, endowed with 2.5 million euros, for his pioneering work in the field of synthetic biology.

In Beton gemischt können die Bakterien Risse durch produzierten Kalk wieder schließen.
When mixed into concrete, the bacteria can close cracks by producing lime.

Repairing cracks in concrete with bacteria

Researchers at Munich University of Applied Sciences have developed a process that for the first time enables the efficient cultivation of lime-producing bacteria and thus the commercial use of "self-healing concrete".

Clariants Vorzeigeanlage zur sunliquid®-Zellulose-Ethanol-Produktion in Podari, Rumänien
Clariant's cellulosic ethanol production plant in Podari, Romania, is closed.

Clariant: End of commercial biorefinery in Romania

The Swiss specialty chemicals company Clariant is discontinuing the loss-making production of cellulosic ethanol from straw at its plant in Romania, which was only opened in 2022. Corresponding activities in Straubing, Munich and Planegg will also be shut down.

Drei Bundesminister auf dem Bioökonomieforum 2023
Three members of the Federal Government spoke at the Bioeconomy Forum: Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (BMBF), Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (BMWK) and Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (BMEL).

Bioeconomy Forum shines with political celebrities

Three federal ministers were present at the Bioeconomy Forum in Berlin. In front of more than 200 participants, they emphasized the potential of a sustainable, bio-based economy and made it clear what is important now.