
Mikroskopaufnahme von methanogenen Archaeen, unserem Biokatalysator

Primordial microbes hold the key to sustainable energy storage

The Munich-based power-to-gas company Electrochaea has developed an innovative process in which microorganisms convert surplus electricity into climate-neutral methane.

Photovoltaikanlagen im Vordergrund, rechts die Äste eines Baumes. Im Hintergrund ein gelbes Rapsfeld und eine Industrie mit qualmenden Schornsteinen.

Rhenish mining district as a bioeconomy region: at the heart of structural change

In the collaborative project "Bioeconomy – Understanding. Connecting. Supporting," a team led by RWTH Aachen is investigating the conditions under which the structural change in the Rhenish mining district can succeed in transforming it into a model bioeconomy region.

vier rote Tomaten an einer grünen Pflanze

Faster development of new tomato varieties

Plant biotechnologists in Freiburg, in collaboration with Chinese partners, have chemically reprogrammed the microspores of tomato plants. This innovation can significantly accelerate the breeding of new varieties.

Eine Biene sitzt an einer weißen Blüte mit gelben Staubblättern

Kartoffelblüte mit Biene

RNA-based insecticides become competitive

In an SME innovation project, the SenseUp team has found a method to reduce the production costs of RNA molecules for crop protection by more than a factor of 1000.

Trauben an einem Rebstock, mit Schäden an Blättern und Früchten

Schäden durch falschen Mehltau an Sauvignon blanc

Twice as effective towards more resistant grape varieties

In the SelWineQ project, viticulture researchers are looking for genetic markers in grape varieties in order to predict the quality of future wine by analysing leaves and to speed up breeding.

Forscher am Mikroskop

Funding Initiatives at a glance

For research funding, the National Bioeconomy Strategy of 2020 defines six modular building blocks that cover the various aspects of the bioeconomy.

In this overview you will find more information on the relevant funding measures of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in each module.


Click here for the funding initiatives

All funding measures at a glance

As part of the "National Bioeconomy Research Strategy", a total of six federal ministries are supporting the development of a bio-based economy in Germany. There are also numerous funding measures at European level that are relevant to the bio-economy. In addition, the federal states offer research funding.

Our database provides an overview of all bioeconomy-relevant R&D calls in Germany and the European Commission.

This service is only available in German.

Click here for the funding measures


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